Terminal Progress
Includes Deno configuration
Current version released
2 years ago
NextRJ Terminal Progress
A full customisable terminal progress bar.
1. Usage flow
// 1. import
import { Options, TerminalProgress } from "https://deno.land/x/nextrj_terminal_progress@$VERSION/mod.ts"
// 2. define init options
const options: Options = { start, end, auto, clear, title, template, extra, percentPrecision }
// 3. instance
const progress = new TerminalProgress(options)
// 4. start
// 5. control how step to the fixed number
// 6. manual end progress if set `options.auto=false` explicitly
2. Template
2.1. Inner keys
Key | Remark |
value |
Current value |
end |
Max value |
percent |
Percent like 60% |
duration |
Timer progress HH:mm |
title |
Custom title |
c |
Color functions object |
Use "${Key}"
format to define the template string. Such as:
const options: Options = {
template: "${c.green(duration)} ${percent} ${title}", // output like "01:15 60% terminal-progress-manual.pdf"
make duration text has green color.
2.2. Custom extra keys
const options: Options = {
extra: {
url: "http://www.example.com",
fn: (a: number, b: number) => `${a}/${b}`
template: "${fn(value, end)} ${url}", // output like "10/100 http://www.example.com"
are inner keys,url
are extra keys.
3. Examples
3.1. Example 1: A simple timer-progress
const progress = new TerminalProgress({ start: 0, end: 10, template: "${percent}" })
progress.stepToEnd(1, 0.01)
- Every 1 milliseconds step 0.01 until to 10.
- Output
3.2. Example 2: Manual control the step
import { delay } from "https://deno.land/std@0.224.0/async/mod.ts"
const progress = new TerminalProgress({
start: 0,
end: 100,
template: "${duration} ${value}/${end} ${percent}",
percentPrecision: 0,
// should use real business rule to control the step instead of use "for await ..." code here
for await (const [index, _] of Array.from({ length: 101 }).entries()) {
await delay(100)
progress.to(index) // step to
- Output like
"00:00 0/123 0%"
to"01:10 123/123 100%"
3.3. Example 3: Emulate download file progress
// import some extra functions
import { format as formatBytes } from "https://deno.land/std@0.224.0/fmt/bytes.ts"
import { truncateFilename } from "https://deno.land/x/nextrj_utils@$VERSION/string.ts"
// assume the file size about 130 MB
const fileSize = 124.45 * 1024 * 1024
// instance
const progress = new TerminalProgress({
start: 0,
end: fileSize,
percentPrecision: 0, // percent=50%
extra: {
// use it to format the file size to a human readable style
step: (value: number, end: number) => `${formatBytes(value).padStart(9)}/${formatBytes(end)}`,
// use it to truncate the very long title to the max column width
shorten: (title: string) => truncateFilename(title, 36),
// example: "00:12 60% 78.6 MB/130 MB terminal-progress-manualllll...l.pdf"
template: "${c.yellow(duration + percent.padStart(5) + step(value, end))} ${shorten(title)}",
title: `terminal-progress-manual${"l".repeat(1000)}.pdf`, // very long title
// emulate from 0%~100% (should reference the guide of "Example 2" to manual control the step)
progress.stepToEnd(100, parseInt(`${fileSize / 150}`))
- Output like
"00:12 60% 78.6 MB/130 MB terminal-progress-manualllll...l.pdf"