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nosdump shield

A command line tool which dumps events stored in Nostr relays, in JSON-Lines format (also known as NDJSON).


Install Deno and run:

deno install --allow-net


Usage:   nosdump [options...] <relay-URLs...>
Version: 0.2.0                               


  A Tool to dump events stored in Nostr relays


  -h, --help     - Show this help.                            
  -V, --version  - Show the version number for this program.
  -n, --dry-run  - Just print parsed options instead of running actual dumping.

Filter options:

  --ids      <ids>       - Comma separated list of target event ids.                                      
  --authors  <authors>   - Comma separated list of target author's pubkeys.                               
  --kinds    <kinds>     - Comma separated list of target event kinds.                                    
  --tag      <tag-spec>  - Tag query specifier. Syntax: <tag name>:<comma separated tag values>. You can  
                           specify multiple --tag options.                                                
  --search   <query>     - Search query. Note that if you use this filter against relays which don't      
                           support NIP-50, no event will be fetched.                                      
  --since    <unixtime>  - If specified, it fetches only events newer than the timestamp.                 
  --until    <unixtime>  - If specified, it fetches only events older than the timestamp.                 

Fetch options:

  --skip-verification  - If enabled, it skips event signature verification.  


To dump all events stored in the relay wss:// to a file:

nosdump wss:// > dump.jsonl

To dump all text events (kind:1) and reaction events (kind:7):

nosdump --kinds 1,7 wss:// > dump.jsonl

To dump all your events:

nosdump --authors <your pubkey (hex)> wss:// > dump.jsonl

To dump all reply events to you:

nosdump --kinds 1 --tag p:<your pubkey (hex)> wss:// > dump.jsonl