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A command line tool which dumps events stored in Nostr relays, in JSON-Lines format (also known as NDJSON).


Install Deno and run:

deno install --allow-net "jsr:@jiftechnify/nosdump"

With pre-built binaries (easy)

Download pre-built binaries from the releases page.



Dump all events stored in the relay wss:// to a file:

nosdump wss:// > dump.jsonl

Dump all text events (kind:1) and reaction events (kind:7):

nosdump -k 1,7 wss:// > dump.jsonl

Dump all your events:

nosdump -a <your pubkey> wss:// > dump.jsonl

Dump all reply events to you:

nosdump -k 1 -p <your pubkey> wss:// > dump.jsonl

Dump all events published in the past 24 hours:

nosdump -s 24h wss:// > dump.jsonl

Various input formats

You can use following formats to refer events:

  • Hex event ID
  • NIP-19 identifier for event (note1... / nevent1...)
  • nostr: URI for event (nostr:note1... / nostr:nevent1...)
# They are all valid!
nosdump -i c824e1184d4f3660097d8299632ac723f5bfaea1eb569867f4924f2f0713a321 wss://
nosdump -i note1eqjwzxzdfumxqztas2vkx2k8y06mlt4padtfsel5jf8j7pcn5vsssd2g8m wss://
nosdump -i nevent1qqsvsf8prpx57dnqp97c9xtr9trj8adl46s7k45cvl6fyne0quf6xggq2q33g wss://
nosdump -i nostr:note1eqjwzxzdfumxqztas2vkx2k8y06mlt4padtfsel5jf8j7pcn5vsssd2g8m wss://
nosdump -i nostr:nevent1qqsvsf8prpx57dnqp97c9xtr9trj8adl46s7k45cvl6fyne0quf6xggq2q33g wss://

# Even in e-tag qeury!
nosdump -e nostr:note1eqjwzxzdfumxqztas2vkx2k8y06mlt4padtfsel5jf8j7pcn5vsssd2g8m wss://

You can use following formats to refer pubkeys:

  • Hex pubkey
  • NIP-19 identifier for pubkey (npub1... / nprofile1...)
  • nostr: URI for pubkey (nostr:npub1.../ nostr:nprofile1...)
# They are all valid!
nosdump -a d1d1747115d16751a97c239f46ec1703292c3b7e9988b9ebdd4ec4705b15ed44 wss://
nosdump -a npub168ghgug469n4r2tuyw05dmqhqv5jcwm7nxytn67afmz8qkc4a4zqsu2dlc wss://
nosdump -a nprofile1qqsdr5t5wy2aze63497z886xastsx2fv8dlfnz9ea0w5a3rstv2763qgyw5f5 wss://
nosdump -a nostr:npub168ghgug469n4r2tuyw05dmqhqv5jcwm7nxytn67afmz8qkc4a4zqsu2dlc wss://
nosdump -a nostr:nprofile1qqsdr5t5wy2aze63497z886xastsx2fv8dlfnz9ea0w5a3rstv2763qgyw5f5 wss://

# Even in p-tag query!
nosdump -p nostr:npub168ghgug469n4r2tuyw05dmqhqv5jcwm7nxytn67afmz8qkc4a4zqsu2dlc wss://

You can use following formats to specify timestamps:

  • Unixtime in seconds
  • ISO 8601 datetime string (e.g. 2023-07-19T23:06:16)
    • If you don’t specify a timezone explicitly, it will be interpreted as local time.
  • Relative time represented by a duration string (e.g. 6h, means 6 hours ago)
# Unixtime in seconds
nosdump -s 1689768000 -u 1689778800 wss://

# Datetime string (UTC)
nosdump -s 2023-07-19T12:00:00Z -u 2023-07-19T15:00:00Z wss://

# Datetime string (local time)
nosdump -s 2023-07-19T12:00:00 -u 2023-07-19T15:00:00 wss://

# Relative time: since an hour ago, until 30 minutes ago
nosdump -s 1h -u 30m wss://

Read a filter from stdin

nosdump parses stdin as a Nostr filter by default, so the following command works as expected:

echo '{ "kinds": [1, 7] }' | nosdump wss:// > dump.jsonl

If -R (--stdin-req) flag is specified, nosdump parses stdin as a REQ message instead and extract the first filter from it.

This feature makes nosdump interoperable with nostreq:

nostreq --kinds 1,7 | nosdump -R wss:// > dump.jsonl


If a filter read from stdin and a filter specified by command line options have the same property, the latter takes precedence of the former.


Usage:   nosdump [options...] <relay-URLs...>
Version: 0.5.0                               


  A tool to dump events stored in Nostr relays


  -h, --help     - Show this help.                                                               
  -V, --version  - Show the version number for this program.                                     
  -n, --dry-run  - Just print parsed options instead of running actual dumping.  (Default: false)

Filter options:

  -i, --ids      <ids>        - Comma separated list of target event ids.                                      
  -a, --authors  <authors>    - Comma separated list of target author's pubkeys.                               
  -k, --kinds    <kinds>      - Comma separated list of target event kinds.                                    
  -t, --tag      <tag-spec>   - Tag query specifier. Syntax: <tag name>:<comma separated tag values>. You can  
                                specify multiple --tag options.                                                
  -S, --search   <query>      - Search query. Note that if you use this filter against relays which don't      
                                support NIP-50, no event will be fetched.                                      
  -s, --since    <time-spec>  - Fetch only events newer than the timestamp if specified.                       
  -u, --until    <time-spec>  - Fetch only events older than the timestamp if specified.                       
  -e, --e        <event-ids>  - Shorthand for --tag e:<event-ids>                                              
  -p, --p        <pubkeys>    - Shorthand for --tag p:<pubkeys>                                                

Fetch options:

  --skip-verification  - Skip event signature verification.  (Default: false)

Input options:

  -R, --stdin-req  - Read stdin as a Nostr REQ message and extract the first filter from it.  (Default: false)


  completions  - Generate shell completions.                           
  upgrade      - Upgrade nosdump executable to latest or given version.