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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --allow-run// Copyright 2018-2022 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** * This is the build script for building the oak framework into a Node.js * compatible npm package. * * @module */
import { build, emptyDir } from "";import { copy } from "";
async function start() { await emptyDir("./npm"); await copy("fixtures", "npm/esm/fixtures", { overwrite: true }); await copy("fixtures", "npm/script/fixtures", { overwrite: true });
await build({ entryPoints: ["./mod.ts"], outDir: "./npm", mappings: { "./http_server_native.ts": "./http_server_node.ts", }, shims: { blob: true, crypto: true, deno: true, undici: true, custom: [{ package: { name: "stream/web", }, globalNames: ["ReadableStream", "TransformStream"], }, { module: "./node_shims.ts", globalNames: ["ErrorEvent"], }], }, test: true, typeCheck: false, compilerOptions: { importHelpers: true, target: "ES2021", lib: ["esnext", "dom", "dom.iterable"], }, package: { name: "@oakserver/oak", version: Deno.args[0], description: "A middleware framework for handling HTTP requests", license: "MIT", engines: { node: ">=16.5.0 <19", }, repository: { type: "git", url: "git+", }, bugs: { url: "", }, dependencies: { "tslib": "~2.3.1", }, devDependencies: { "@types/node": "^17", }, }, });
await Deno.copyFile("LICENSE", "npm/LICENSE"); await Deno.copyFile("", "npm/");}