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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** * A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno. * * oak works well on both Deno CLI and Deno deploy, and is inspired by * [koa]( It works well with both the Deno CLI and * [Deno Deploy]( * * ### Example server * * A minimal router server which responds with content on `/`. With Deno CLI * this will listen on port 8080 and on Deploy, this will simply serve requests * received on the application. * * ```ts * import { Application, Router } from ""; * * const router = new Router(); * router.get("/", (ctx) => { * ctx.response.body = `<!DOCTYPE html> * <html> * <head><title>Hello oak!</title><head> * <body> * <h1>Hello oak!</h1> * </body> * </html> * `; * }); * * const app = new Application(); * app.use(router.routes()); * app.use(router.allowedMethods()); * * app.listen({ port: 8080 }); * ``` * * @module */
export { Application } from "./application.ts";export type { ApplicationOptions, ListenOptions, ListenOptionsBase, ListenOptionsTls, State,} from "./application.ts";export type { BodyBytes, BodyContentTypes, BodyForm, BodyFormData, BodyJson, BodyOptions, BodyOptionsContentTypes, BodyReader, BodyStream, BodyText, BodyType, BodyUndefined,} from "./body.ts";export { Context, type ContextSendOptions } from "./context.ts";export * as helpers from "./helpers.ts";export * as etag from "./etag.ts";export { HttpServer as HttpServerNative } from "./http_server_native.ts";export { type NativeRequest } from "./http_server_native_request.ts";export { proxy } from "./middleware/proxy.ts";export type { ProxyOptions } from "./middleware/proxy.ts";export { compose as composeMiddleware } from "./middleware.ts";export type { Middleware, MiddlewareObject, MiddlewareOrMiddlewareObject, Next,} from "./middleware.ts";export { FormDataReader } from "./multipart.ts";export type { FormDataBody, FormDataFile, FormDataReadOptions,} from "./multipart.ts";export { ifRange, MultiPartStream, parseRange } from "./range.ts";export type { ByteRange } from "./range.ts";export { Request } from "./request.ts";export { REDIRECT_BACK, Response } from "./response.ts";export { Router } from "./router.ts";export type { Route, RouteParams, RouterAllowedMethodsOptions, RouterContext, RouterMiddleware, RouterOptions, RouterParamMiddleware,} from "./router.ts";export { send } from "./send.ts";export type { SendOptions } from "./send.ts";/** Utilities for making testing oak servers easier. */export * as testing from "./testing.ts";export type { ErrorStatus, HTTPMethods, RedirectStatus, ServerConstructor,} from "./types.d.ts";export { isErrorStatus, isRedirectStatus } from "./util.ts";
// Re-exported from `std/http`export { createHttpError, errors as httpErrors, HttpError, isHttpError, SecureCookieMap as Cookies, type SecureCookieMapGetOptions as CookiesGetOptions, type SecureCookieMapSetDeleteOptions as CookiesSetDeleteOptions, ServerSentEvent, type ServerSentEventInit, type ServerSentEventTarget, Status, STATUS_TEXT,} from "./deps.ts";