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📦 Zero-config web application packager in Deno
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import { basename, dirname, Document, DOMParser, Element, join,} from "./deps.ts";import { decoder, encoder, getLocalDependencyPaths, md5, qs } from "./util.ts";import { bundleByEsbuild, bundleBySwc } from "./bundle_util.ts";import type { File } from "./types.ts";
type GenerateAssetsOptions = { watchPaths?: boolean; bundler?: "swc" | "esbuild";};
/** * Generates assets from the given entrypoint path (html). * Also returns watch paths when `watchPaths` option is true. */export async function generateAssets( path: string, opts: GenerateAssetsOptions = {},): Promise<[AsyncGenerator<File, void, void>, string[]]> { const timeStarted =; const html = decoder.decode(await Deno.readFile(path)); const base = dirname(path); const filename = basename(path);
if (!filename.endsWith(".html")) { throw new Error(`Entrypoint needs to be an html file: ${path}`); }
const pageName = filename.replace(/\.html$/, "");
if (!pageName) { throw new Error(`Bad entrypoint name: ${path}`); }
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html")!; const assets = [...extractReferencedAssets(doc)];
const generator = (async function* () { for (const a of assets) { yield await a.createFileObject(pageName, base, { bundler: opts.bundler }); }
yield Object.assign( new Blob([encoder.encode(doc.body.parentElement!.outerHTML)]), { name: filename }, ); const timeEnded =; console.log(`Built in ${timeEnded - timeStarted}ms`); })();
const watchPaths = opts.watchPaths ? (await Promise.all( => a.getWatchPaths(base)))).flat() : [];
return [generator, [path, ...watchPaths]];}
export async function* watchAndGenAssets( path: string, opts: GenerateAssetsOptions = {},): AsyncGenerator<File, void, void> { let [assets, watchPaths] = await generateAssets(path, { watchPaths: true, ...opts, });
while (true) { for await (const file of assets) { yield file; } const watcher = Deno.watchFs(watchPaths); for await (const e of watcher) { console.log("Changed: " + e.paths.join("")); break; // watcher.close(); } console.log("Rebuilding"); [assets, watchPaths] = await generateAssets(path, { watchPaths: true, ...opts, }); }}
type CreateFileObjectOptions = { bundler?: "swc" | "esbuild";};
type Asset = { getWatchPaths(base: string): Promise<string[]>; createFileObject( pageName: string, base: string, opts: CreateFileObjectOptions, ): Promise<File>;};
class CssAsset implements Asset { static create(link: Element): CssAsset | null { const href = link.getAttribute("href"); if (link.getAttribute("rel") === "stylesheet" && href) { return new CssAsset(href, link); } return null; }
#el: Element; #href: string; #dest?: string; constructor(href: string, link: Element) { this.#el = link; this.#href = href; }
getWatchPaths(base: string): Promise<string[]> { return Promise.resolve([join(base, this.#href)]); }
async createFileObject(pageName: string, base: string): Promise<File> { const data = await Deno.readFile(join(base, this.#href)); this.#dest = `${pageName}.${md5(data)}.css`; this.#el.setAttribute("href", this.#dest); return Object.assign(new Blob([data]), { name: this.#dest }); }}
class ScriptAsset implements Asset { static create(script: Element): ScriptAsset | null { const src = script.getAttribute("src"); if (src) { return new ScriptAsset(src, script); } return null; }
#src: string; #dest?: string; #el: Element;
constructor(src: string, script: Element) { this.#src = src; this.#el = script; }
async getWatchPaths(base: string): Promise<string[]> { return await getLocalDependencyPaths(join(base, this.#src)); }
async createFileObject( pageName: string, base: string, { bundler }: CreateFileObjectOptions, ): Promise<File> { const path = join(base, this.#src); const data = bundler === "swc" ? await bundleBySwc(path) : await bundleByEsbuild(path); // TODO(kt3k): Maybe align this asset naming to parcel. // Note: parcel uses a shorter name. this.#dest = `${pageName}.${md5(data)}.js`; this.#el.setAttribute("src", this.#dest); return Object.assign(new Blob([data]), { name: this.#dest }); }}
export function* extractReferencedAssets( doc: Document,): Generator<Asset, void, void> { yield* extractReferencedScripts(doc); yield* extractReferencedStyleSheets(doc);}
function* extractReferencedScripts( doc: Document,): Generator<Asset, void, void> { for (const s of qs(doc, "script")) { const asset = ScriptAsset.create(s); if (asset) yield asset; }}
function* extractReferencedStyleSheets( doc: Document,): Generator<Asset, void, void> { for (const link of qs(doc, "link")) { const asset = CssAsset.create(link); if (asset) yield asset; }}