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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
import gotoDefinition, { getTypeInformation, isTypeSpecifier,} from "../core/schema/gotoDefinition.ts";import { build } from "../core/schema/builder.ts";import { createJsonRpcConnection, CreateJsonRpcLogConfig } from "./json-rpc.ts";import { ColRow } from "../core/parser/recursive-descent-parser.ts";import { Location } from "../core/parser/location.ts";import { Schema } from "../core/schema/model.ts";import findAllReferences from "../core/schema/findAllReferences.ts";import * as lsp from "./lsp.ts";import { createProjectManager } from "./project.ts";import { getSemanticTokens, toDeltaSemanticTokens, tokenModifiers, tokenTypes, toLspRepresentation,} from "./semantic-token-provider.ts";import { getCompletionItems } from "./completion.ts";import { createOpenProtoManager } from "./open-proto-manager.ts";
export interface RunConfig { reader: Deno.Reader; writer: Deno.Writer; logConfig?: CreateJsonRpcLogConfig;}export interface Server { finish(): void;}
export function run(config: RunConfig): Server { const openProtoManager = createOpenProtoManager(); const projectManager = createProjectManager(openProtoManager); const connection = createJsonRpcConnection({ reader: config.reader, writer: config.writer, logConfig: config.logConfig, notificationHandlers: { ["initialized"]() {}, ["textDocument/didOpen"]({ textDocument }) { updateProto(textDocument.uri, textDocument.text); }, ["textDocument/didChange"]({ textDocument, contentChanges }) { updateProto(textDocument.uri, contentChanges[0].text); }, ["textDocument/didClose"]({ textDocument }) { openProtoManager.delete(textDocument.uri); }, ["exit"]() { throw new Error("Implement this"); }, }, requestHandlers: { ["initialize"](params: lsp.InitializeParams): lsp.InitializeResult { for (const folder of params.workspaceFolders || []) { projectManager.addProjectPath(folder.uri); } // Find .pollapo paths in workspace folders const result: lsp.InitializeResult = { capabilities: { // @TODO: Add support for incremental sync textDocumentSync: lsp.TextDocumentSyncKind.Full, completionProvider: { resolveProvider: true, completionItem: { labelDetailsSupport: true, }, }, referencesProvider: true, definitionProvider: true, hoverProvider: true, semanticTokensProvider: { legend: { tokenModifiers, tokenTypes }, full: true, range: false, }, workspace: { workspaceFolders: { // @TODO: Add support for workspaceFolders supported: false, }, }, }, serverInfo: { name: "Pbkit language server for Protocol Buffers", version: "0.0.1", }, }; return result; }, async ["textDocument/definition"]( params: lsp.DefinitionParams, ): Promise<lsp.DefinitionResponse> { const { textDocument, position } = params; const file = textDocument.uri; const schema = await buildFileSchema(file); if (!schema) return null; const colRow = positionToColRow(position); const location = gotoDefinition(schema, file, colRow); return location ? locationToLspLocation(location) : null; }, async ["textDocument/references"]( params: lsp.ReferenceParams, ): Promise<lsp.ReferenceResponse> { const { textDocument, position } = params; const file = textDocument.uri; const schema = await buildProjectSchema(file); if (!schema) return null; const colRow = positionToColRow(position); const locations = findAllReferences(schema, file, colRow); return; }, async ["textDocument/hover"]( params: lsp.HoverParams, ): Promise<lsp.HoverResponse> { const { textDocument, position } = params; const file = textDocument.uri; const colRow = positionToColRow(position); const parseResult = openProtoManager.getParseResult(file); if (!parseResult) return null; if (!isTypeSpecifier(parseResult, colRow)) return null; const schema = await buildFileSchema(file); if (!schema) return null; const value = getTypeInformation(schema, file, colRow); if (!value) return null; return { contents: { kind: "markdown", value } }; }, async ["textDocument/semanticTokens/full"]( params: lsp.SematicTokenParams, ): Promise<lsp.SemanticTokens | null> { const { textDocument } = params; const parseResult = openProtoManager.getParseResult(textDocument.uri); if (!parseResult) return null; const semanticTokens = getSemanticTokens(parseResult); const data = toLspRepresentation(toDeltaSemanticTokens(semanticTokens)); return { data }; }, async ["textDocument/completion"]( params: lsp.CompletionParams, ): Promise<lsp.CompletionList> { const { textDocument, position } = params; const file = textDocument.uri; const colRow = positionToColRow(position); const schema = await buildFileSchema(file); if (!schema) return { isIncomplete: true, items: [] }; const items = getCompletionItems(schema, file, colRow); return { isIncomplete: false, items }; }, async ["completionItem/resolve"](params) { return params; }, }, }); return { finish: connection.finish }; async function buildFileSchema(file: string): Promise<Schema | null> { try { const projectPath = projectManager.getProjectPath(file); const loader = await projectManager.getProjectLoader(projectPath); return await build({ loader, files: [file] }); } catch { return null; } } async function buildProjectSchema(file: string): Promise<Schema | null> { try { const projectPath = projectManager.getProjectPath(file); const loader = await projectManager.getProjectLoader(projectPath); const files = await projectManager.getProjectProtoFiles(file); return await build({ loader, files }); } catch { return null; } } async function updateProto( absolutePath: string, data: string, ): Promise<void> { openProtoManager.upsert(absolutePath, data); const projectPath = projectManager.getProjectPath(absolutePath); if (!projectPath) return; const loader = await projectManager.getProjectLoader(projectPath); loader.update({ absolutePath, data }); }}
function locationToLspLocation(location: Location): lsp.Location { return { uri: location.filePath, range: { start: colRowToPosition(location.start), end: colRowToPosition(location.end), }, };}
function positionToColRow(position: lsp.Position): ColRow { return { col: position.character, row: position.line, };}function colRowToPosition(colRow: ColRow): lsp.Position { return { character: colRow.col, line: colRow.row, };}