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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { dirname, join, relative } from "../path.ts";import { GenRuntimeConfig } from "./index.ts";
export interface AddImport { (from: string, item: string, as?: string): string;}export interface AddInternalImport { (here: string, from: string, item: string, as?: string): string;}
export interface ImportBuffer { addInternalImport: AddInternalImport; addImport: AddImport; addRuntimeImport: AddInternalImport; getCode(): string;}
export type CreateImportBufferFn = typeof createImportBuffer;
export interface CreateImportBufferConfig { reservedNames?: string[]; runtime?: GenRuntimeConfig;}export function createImportBuffer( config: CreateImportBufferConfig,): ImportBuffer { type Froms = { [from: string]: Items }; type Items = { [as: string]: string }; type ConflictTable = { [as: string]: ConflictCountTable }; type ConflictCountTable = { [fromAndItem: string]: number }; const froms: Froms = {}; const conflictTable: ConflictTable = {}; const reservedNames = config.reservedNames ?? []; const runtime = config.runtime ?? { packageName: "@pbkit/runtime" }; for (const reservedName of reservedNames) { conflictTable[reservedName] = { "": 0 }; } const importBuffer: ImportBuffer = { addInternalImport(here, from, item, as) { const _from = relative(dirname(here), from); const __from = (_from[0] !== ".") ? `./${_from}` : _from; return importBuffer.addImport(__from, item, as); }, addImport(from, item, as) { const _as = as ?? item; const fromAndItem = `${from},${item}`; const items = froms[from] = froms[from] ?? {}; const conflictCountTable = conflictTable[_as] = conflictTable[_as] ?? {}; let conflictCount: number; if (fromAndItem in conflictCountTable) { conflictCount = conflictCountTable[fromAndItem]; } else { conflictCount = Object.keys(conflictCountTable).length; conflictCountTable[fromAndItem] = conflictCount; } const __as = conflictCount ? `${_as}_${conflictCount}` : _as; items[__as] = item; return __as; }, addRuntimeImport(here, from, item, as) { if (runtime.packageName == null) { const _from = join(runtime.outDir, from); return importBuffer.addInternalImport(here, _from, item, as); } else { const _from = join(runtime.packageName, from); return importBuffer.addImport(_from, item, as); } }, getCode() { return Object.entries(froms).map(([from, items]) => { const itemsCode = Object.entries(items).map(([as, item]) => { if (as === item) return ` ${item},\n`; return ` ${item} as ${as},\n`; }).join(""); return `import {\n${itemsCode}} from "${from}";\n`; }).join(""); }, }; return importBuffer;}