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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { parse as parseYaml } from "";import { build, BuildConfig } from "../../core/schema/builder.ts";import { Schema } from "../../core/schema/model.ts";import { replaceTsFileExtensionInImportStatementFromReader } from "../../misc/compat/tsc.ts";import { CodeEntry } from "../index.ts";import { join } from "../path.ts";import genMessages, { Field, getWellKnownTypeMapping } from "./messages.ts";import genServices from "./services.ts";import { createImportBuffer as createImportBufferFn, CreateImportBufferFn, ImportBuffer,} from "./import-buffer.ts";import { createIndexBuffer, IndexBuffer } from "./index-buffer.ts";
export type GenConfig = Omit<BundleConfig, "units"> & { messages?: GenMessagesConfig; services?: GenServicesConfig;};export default function gen( schema: Schema, config: GenConfig = {},): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { const { messages, services } = config; const units = [{ schema, messages, services }]; return replaceExts( filterDuplicates(genAll({ ...config, units })), config.extInImport, );}
export interface BundleConfig { units: GenUnit[]; customTypeMapping?: CustomTypeMapping; runtime?: GenRuntimeConfig; indexFilename?: string; extInImport?: string;}export interface GenUnit { schema: Schema; messages?: GenMessagesConfig; services?: GenServicesConfig;}export function bundle(config: BundleConfig): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { return replaceExts(filterDuplicates(genAll(config)), config.extInImport);}
type GenAllConfig = Omit<BundleConfig, "extInImport">;async function* genAll(config: GenAllConfig): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { const { units, customTypeMapping, runtime, indexFilename } = config; const _runtime = runtime ?? { packageName: "@pbkit/runtime" }; if (_runtime.packageName == null && !_runtime.outDir.startsWith("../")) { for await (const [filePath, data] of _runtime.iterRuntimeFiles()) { yield [join(_runtime.outDir, filePath), data]; } } const createImportBuffer: CreateImportBufferFn = (config) => ( createImportBufferFn({ ...config, runtime: _runtime }) ); const indexBuffer = createIndexBuffer({ indexFilename }); for await (const unit of units) { yield* genBuildUnit( unit, createImportBuffer, indexBuffer, customTypeMapping, ); } yield* indexBuffer;}
async function* genBuildUnit( unit: GenUnit, createImportBuffer: CreateImportBufferFn, indexBuffer: IndexBuffer, _customTypeMapping?: CustomTypeMapping,): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { const { schema } = unit; const messages = unit.messages ?? { outDir: "messages" }; const services = ?? { outDir: "services" }; const customTypeMapping: CustomTypeMapping = { ...getWellKnownTypeMapping({ messages }), ..._customTypeMapping, }; yield* genMessages(schema, { createImportBuffer, indexBuffer, customTypeMapping, messages, }); yield* genServices(schema, { createImportBuffer, indexBuffer, messages, services, });}
async function* filterDuplicates( codes: AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry>,): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { const filter = new Set<string>(); for await (const [filePath, data] of codes) { if (filter.has(filePath)) continue; filter.add(filePath); yield [filePath, data]; }}
async function* replaceExts( codes: AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry>, extInImport: string = ".ts",): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { const ext = extInImport.trim(); const replaceExt = replaceTsFileExtensionInImportStatementFromReader; for await (const [filePath, data] of codes) { yield [filePath, ext !== ".ts" ? await replaceExt(data, ext) : data]; }}
export interface BundleConfigYaml { ["out-dir"]?: string; ["index-filename"]?: string; ["ext-in-import"]?: string; ["runtime-dir"]?: string; ["runtime-package"]?: string; ["units"]?: { ["proto-paths"]?: string[]; ["entry-paths"]?: string[]; ["proto-files"]?: string[]; ["messages-dir"]?: string; ["services-dir"]?: string; }[];}export interface GetBuildConfigFn { ( protoPaths: string[], entryPaths: string[], protoFiles: string[], ): Promise<BuildConfig>;}export async function yamlToBundleConfig( yaml: BundleConfigYaml, getBuildConfig: GetBuildConfigFn, iterRuntimeFiles: () => AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry>,): Promise<BundleConfig> { return { indexFilename: yaml["index-filename"], extInImport: yaml["ext-in-import"], runtime: yaml["runtime-package"] ? { packageName: yaml["runtime-package"].trim() } : { iterRuntimeFiles, outDir: (yaml["runtime-dir"] ?? "runtime").trim() }, units: await Promise.all((yaml["units"] ?? []).map(async (unit) => { const schema = await build( await getBuildConfig( unit["proto-paths"] ?? [], unit["entry-paths"] ?? [], unit["proto-files"] ?? [], ), ); return { schema, messages: { outDir: (unit["messages-dir"] ?? "messages").trim() }, services: { outDir: (unit["services-dir"] ?? "services").trim() }, }; })), };}
export async function yamlTextToBundleConfig( configYamlText: string, getBuildConfig: GetBuildConfigFn, iterRuntimeFiles: () => AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry>,): Promise<[string, BundleConfig]> { const yaml = parseYaml(configYamlText) as BundleConfigYaml; const outDir = yaml["out-dir"] ?? "out"; return [ outDir, await yamlToBundleConfig( yaml, getBuildConfig, iterRuntimeFiles, ), ];}
export interface CustomTypeMapping { [typePath: string]: { tsType: string; getWireValueToTsValueCode: GetFieldCodeFn; getTsValueToWireValueCode: GetFieldCodeFn; getTsValueToJsonValueCode: GetFieldCodeFn; getJsonValueToTsValueCode: GetFieldCodeFn; };}export interface GetFieldCodeFnConfig { filePath: string; importBuffer: ImportBuffer; field: Field;}export interface GetFieldCodeFn { (config: GetFieldCodeFnConfig): string | undefined;}export type GenRuntimeConfig = { iterRuntimeFiles: () => AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry>; outDir: string; packageName?: undefined;} | { iterRuntimeFiles?: undefined; outDir?: undefined; packageName: string;};export interface GenMessagesConfig { outDir: string;}export interface GenServicesConfig { outDir: string;}