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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
import { stringify } from "";import * as path from "";import { ensureDir } from "";import { wait as spinner } from "";import wait from "../../core/runtime/async/wait.ts";import { getDefaultGhConfigPath } from "./index.ts";
// oauthClientId = "178c6fc778ccc68e1d6a";const oauthClientSecret = "34ddeff2b558a23d38fba8a6de74f086ede1cc0b";const scopes = ["repo", "read:org", "gist"];const grantType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code";
function getDeviceInitUrl(host: string) { return `https://${host}/login/device/code`;}function getTokenUrl(host: string) { return `https://${host}/login/oauth/access_token`;}
export interface RequestCodeResult { deviceCode: string; expiresIn: number; interval: number; userCode: string; verificationUri: string;}export async function requestCode(): Promise<RequestCodeResult> { const res = await fetch(getDeviceInitUrl(""), { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: new URLSearchParams({ client_id: oauthClientId, scope: scopes.join(" "), }), }); const resText = await res.text(); const parsedRes = new URLSearchParams(resText); return { deviceCode: parsedRes.get("device_code") ?? "", expiresIn: Number(parsedRes.get("expires_in")), interval: Number(parsedRes.get("interval")), userCode: parsedRes.get("user_code") ?? "", verificationUri: parsedRes.get("verification_uri") ?? "", };}
export async function validateToken(token: string): Promise<void> { const res = await fetch("", { headers: { Authorization: `token ${token}`, }, }); if (!res.ok) { if (res.status === 401) throw new PollapoUnauthorizedError(); throw new Error( `Unexpected HTTP request failure with response ${res.status}`, ); }}
export class PollapoUnauthorizedError extends Error { constructor() { super("Unauthorized Github API token."); }}
interface PollTokenResponse { accessToken: string; tokenType: string; scope: string;}export async function pollToken( code: RequestCodeResult,): Promise<PollTokenResponse> { const { interval } = code; const startDate = new Date(); const expireDate = new Date(startDate); expireDate.setSeconds( startDate.getSeconds() + code.expiresIn, ); const loading = spinner("Wait for authorization complete...").start(); while (true) { await wait(interval * 1000); try { const res = await fetch(getTokenUrl(""), { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: new URLSearchParams({ client_id: oauthClientId, device_code: code.deviceCode, grant_type: grantType, }), }); const resText = await res.text(); const parsedRes = new URLSearchParams(resText); const resError = parsedRes.get("error"); if (resError) { throw new Error(resError); } loading.stop(); return { accessToken: parsedRes.get("access_token") ?? "", tokenType: parsedRes.get("token_type") ?? "", scope: parsedRes.get("scope") ?? "", }; } catch (err) { if (err.message !== "authorization_pending") { loading.stop(); throw err; } } }}
export async function writeGhHosts( token: string, hostsFilePath = getDefaultGhConfigPath("hosts.yml"),) { const hostsData = { "": { "oauth_token": token, "git_protocol": "ssh", }, }; await ensureDir(path.dirname(hostsFilePath)); await Deno.writeTextFile(hostsFilePath, stringify(hostsData));}