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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { IValue, _IIndex, _ISelection, _IType, _Transaction, _Explainer, _ExprExplanation, _ISchema, Parameter } from './interfaces-private.ts';import { DataType, QueryError, CastError, nil, ISchema, IType, ArgDefDetails } from './interfaces.ts';import hash from '';import { Types, ArrayType, isNumeric } from './datatypes/index.ts';import { buildCall } from './parser/function-call.ts';import { nullIsh, executionCtx } from './utils.ts';import { QName } from '';import { buildCtx } from './parser/context.ts';

export class Evaluator<T = any> implements IValue<T> {
readonly isConstantLiteral: boolean; readonly usedColumns = new Set<IValue>(); readonly forceNotConstant?: boolean;
get index(): _IIndex | nil { return this.origin?.getIndex(this); }
get isConstant(): boolean { return !this.usedColumns.size && !this.forceNotConstant; }
get isConstantReal(): boolean { return typeof this.val !== 'function'; }
origin: _ISelection | nil;
get isAny(): boolean { return this.opts?.isAny ?? false; }
constructor(readonly type: _IType<T> , readonly id: string | nil , readonly hash: string , dependencies: IValue | IValue[] | nil , public val: nil | Object | number | string | Date | ((raw: any, transaction: _Transaction | nil) => any) , private opts?: { isAny?: boolean; isColumnOf?: _ISelection; forceNotConstant?: boolean; unpure?: boolean; }) { this.isConstantLiteral = typeof val !== 'function'; if (opts?.forceNotConstant) { this.forceNotConstant = true; }
// fetch columns to depend on let depArray: IValue[] | undefined = undefined; let hasNotConstant = false; if (dependencies) { if (!Array.isArray(dependencies)) { depArray = [dependencies]; this.usedColumns = dependencies.usedColumns as Set<IValue>; hasNotConstant = !dependencies.isConstant; this.origin = dependencies.origin; } else { this.usedColumns = new Set(); for (const d of dependencies) { if (d.origin) { if (this.origin && d.origin && this.origin !== d.origin) { throw new Error('You cannot evaluate an expression which is coming from multiple origins'); } this.origin = d.origin; } if (!d.isConstant) { hasNotConstant = true; } for (const u of d.usedColumns) { this.usedColumns.add(u); } } } }
if (opts?.isColumnOf) { this.usedColumns.add(this); this.origin = opts.isColumnOf; delete opts.isColumnOf; } if (hasNotConstant && !this.usedColumns.size) { this.forceNotConstant = true; }
if (!this.usedColumns.size // no used columns && !this.origin && !this.opts?.unpure && !this.forceNotConstant && !depArray?.some(x => !x.isConstantReal) // all real constant dependencies ) { // no dependency => this is a real constant => evaluate it. if (typeof this.val === 'function') { this.val = this.val(null, null); } } }
setType(type: _IType) { if (this.type === type) { return this; } return new Evaluator<T>(type , , this.hash , this , this.val , this.opts ); }

setConversion(converter: (val: T, t: _Transaction | nil) => any , hashConv: (hash: string) => any) { return new Evaluator<T>(this.type , , hash(hashConv(this.hash)) , this , (raw, t) => { let got = this.get(raw, t); if (nullIsh(got)) { return null; } if (!this.isAny) { return converter(got, t); } if (!Array.isArray(got)) { throw new QueryError('Unexpected use of ANY()'); } return (got as any[]).map(x => converter(x, t)); } , this.opts ); }
setOrigin(origin: _ISelection): IValue<T> { const ret = this.clone(); ret.origin = origin; return ret; }
clone(): Evaluator<T> { return new Evaluator<T>( this.type , , this.hash , this , this.val , this.opts ); }
map<TNew>(mapper: (val: T) => TNew, newType?: _IType<TNew>): IValue<TNew> { if (this.isAny) { throw new QueryError('Unexpected use of ANY()'); } const ret = new Evaluator<TNew>( (newType ?? this.type) as _IType , , this.hash , this , (raw, t) => { const got = this.get(raw, t); if (nullIsh(got)) { return null; } return mapper(got); } , this.opts ); ret.origin = this.origin; return ret; }
setWrapper<TNew>(newOrigin: _ISelection, unwrap: (val: T) => TNew, newType?: _IType<TNew>): IValue<TNew> { if (this.isAny) { throw new QueryError('Unexpected use of ANY()'); } const ret = new Evaluator<TNew>( (newType ?? this.type) as _IType , , this.hash , this , (raw, t) => { const got = unwrap(raw) if (nullIsh(got)) { return null; } return this.get(got, t); } , this.opts ); ret.origin = newOrigin; return ret; }
setId(newId: string): IValue { if ( === newId) { return this; } return new Evaluator<T>( this.type , newId , this.hash , this , this.val , this.opts ); }
get(): T; get(raw: any, t: _Transaction | nil): T; get(raw?: any, t?: _Transaction): T { if ((nullIsh(raw) || !t) && !this.isConstant) { throw new Error('Cannot be evaluated as constant'); } if (typeof this.val !== 'function') { return this.val as any; } return this.val(raw, t) }
canCast(to: _IType<T>): boolean { return !!this.type.canCast(to); }
cast<T = any>(to: _IType<T>): IValue<T> { return this.type.cast(this, to); }
convertImplicit<T = any>(to: _IType<T>): IValue<T> { return this.type.convertImplicit(this, to); }

explain(e: _Explainer): _ExprExplanation { if (!this.origin) { return { constant: true, } } return { on: e.idFor(this.origin), col: ?? '<complex expression>', }; }}
// export class ArrayEvaluator<T> implements IValue {
// constructor(// readonly type: _IType<T>// , readonly id: string// , readonly sql: string// , readonly hash: string// , readonly selection: _ISelection// , public val: T | ((raw: any) => T)) {// }
// get index() {// return this.selection?.getIndex(this);// }
// get isConstant(): boolean {// return typeof this.val !== 'function';// }
// get(raw: any): T {// if (typeof this.val !== 'function') {// return this.val;// }// return (this.val as ((raw: any) => T))(raw);// }
// asConstant(perform = true) {// if (!perform || typeof this.val !== 'function') {// return this;// }// return new Evaluator(this.type// , , this.sql// , this.hash// , this.selection// , this.get(null));// }

// setId(newId: string): IValue {// if ( === newId) {// return this;// }// return new Evaluator<T>(// this.type// , newId// , this.sql// , this.hash// , this.selection// , this.val// );// }
// canCast(to: DataType | _IType<T>): boolean {// return this.type.canCast(to);// }
// cast<T = any>(to: DataType | _IType<T>): IValue<T> {// return this.type.cast(this, to);// }// }

export const Value = { null(ofType?: _IType): IValue { return new Evaluator(ofType ?? Types.null, null, 'null', null, null, undefined); }, text(value: string, length: number | nil = null): IValue { return new Evaluator( Types.text(length) , null , value , null , value); }, number(value: number, type = Types.float): IValue { return new Evaluator( type , null , value.toString(10) , null , value); }, function(value: string | QName, args: IValue[]): IValue { return buildCall(value, args); }, bool(value: boolean): IValue { const str = value ? 'true' : 'false'; return new Evaluator( Types.bool , null , str , null , value); }, /** @deprecated Use with care */ constant(_type: _IType, value: any): IValue { const type = nullIsh(value) ? Types.null : _type; return new Evaluator( type , null , (null as any) , null , value); }, /** @deprecated Use with care */ converter(type: _IType, to: _IType): (val: any, t: _Transaction | nil) => any { let last: any = null; const evaluator = new Evaluator( type , null , (null as any) , null , () => last , { forceNotConstant: true }) .cast(to); return (val: any, t) => { if (nullIsh(val)) { return null; } last = val; const ret = evaluator.get(val, t); last = null; return ret; }; }, in(value: IValue, array: IValue, inclusive: boolean): IValue { if (!value) { throw new Error('Argument null'); } if (array.type.primary !== DataType.list && array.type) { array = Value.list([array]); } const of = (array.type as ArrayType).of; return new Evaluator( Types.bool , null , hash({ val: value.hash, in: array.hash }) , [value, array] , (raw, t) => { const rawValue = value.get(raw, t); const rawArray = array.get(raw, t); if (!Array.isArray(rawArray)) { return false; } const has = rawArray.some(x => of.equals(rawValue, x)); return inclusive ? has : !has; }); }, isNull(leftValue: IValue, expectNull: boolean): IValue { return new Evaluator( Types.bool , null , hash({ isNull: leftValue.hash, expectNull }) , leftValue , (raw, t) => { const left = leftValue.get(raw, t); // check that result is null (will never return NULL) const ret = nullIsh(left); return expectNull ? ret : !ret; }) }, isTrue(leftValue: IValue, expectTrue: boolean): IValue { leftValue = leftValue.cast(Types.bool); return new Evaluator( Types.bool , null , hash({ isTrue: leftValue.hash, expectTrue }) , leftValue , expectTrue ? ((raw, t) => { const left = leftValue.get(raw, t); return left === true; // never returns null }) : ((raw, t) => { const left = leftValue.get(raw, t); return !(left === true); // never returns null })); }, isFalse(leftValue: IValue, expectFalse: boolean): IValue { leftValue = leftValue.cast(Types.bool); return new Evaluator( Types.bool , null , hash({ isFalse: leftValue.hash, expectFalse }) , leftValue , expectFalse ? ((raw, t) => { const left = leftValue.get(raw, t); return left === false; // never returns null }) : ((raw, t) => { const left = leftValue.get(raw, t); return !(left === false); // never returns null })); }, negate(value: IValue): IValue { if (value.type === Types.bool) { return (value as Evaluator) .setConversion(x => !x, x => ({ not: x })); } if (!isNumeric(value.type)) { throw new QueryError('Can only apply "-" unary operator to numeric types'); } return (value as Evaluator) .setConversion(x => -x, x => ({ neg: x })); }, array(values: IValue[]): IValue { return arrayOrList(values, false); }, list(values: IValue[]): IValue { return arrayOrList(values, true); }} as const;

function arrayOrList(values: IValue[], list: boolean) { const type = values.reduce((t, v) => { if (v.canCast(t)) { return t; } if (!t.canCast(v.type)) { throw new CastError(t.primary, v.type.primary); } return v.type; }, Types.null); // const sel = values.find(x => !!x.selection)?.selection; const converted = => x.cast(type)); return new Evaluator( list ? type.asList() : type.asArray() , null , hash( => x.hash)) , converted , (raw, t) => { const arr = => x.get(raw, t)); return arr; });}

export function buildParameterList(statementName: string | null, args: ArgDefDetails[]) { return<Parameter>(({ type, name }, i) => { const value = new Evaluator( type as _IType , name , hash({ param: name }) , null , () => { const { parametersValues } = executionCtx(); if (!parametersValues || parametersValues.length <= i) { throw new QueryError(`bind message supplies ${parametersValues?.length ?? 0} parameters, but prepared statement "${statementName}" requires ${args.length}`, '08P01'); } return parametersValues[i]; }, { forceNotConstant: true, }); return { value, index: i }; })}