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PostgreSQL driver for Deno
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/*! * Substantial parts adapted from * which is licensed as follows: * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2019 Brian Carlson * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */
import { bold, BufReader, BufWriter, joinPath, yellow } from "../deps.ts";import { DeferredStack } from "../utils/deferred.ts";import { getSocketName, readUInt32BE } from "../utils/utils.ts";import { PacketWriter } from "./packet.ts";import { Message, Notice, parseBackendKeyMessage, parseCommandCompleteMessage, parseNoticeMessage, parseRowDataMessage, parseRowDescriptionMessage,} from "./message.ts";import { Query, QueryArrayResult, QueryObjectResult, QueryResult, ResultType,} from "../query/query.ts";import { ClientConfiguration } from "./connection_params.ts";import * as scram from "./scram.ts";import { ConnectionError, ConnectionParamsError, PostgresError,} from "../client/error.ts";import { AUTHENTICATION_TYPE, ERROR_MESSAGE, INCOMING_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGES, INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES, INCOMING_TLS_MESSAGES,} from "./message_code.ts";import { hashMd5Password } from "./auth.ts";
// Work around unstable limitationtype ConnectOptions = | { hostname: string; port: number; transport: "tcp" } | { path: string; transport: "unix" };
function assertSuccessfulStartup(msg: Message) { switch (msg.type) { case ERROR_MESSAGE: throw new PostgresError(parseNoticeMessage(msg)); }}
function assertSuccessfulAuthentication(auth_message: Message) { if (auth_message.type === ERROR_MESSAGE) { throw new PostgresError(parseNoticeMessage(auth_message)); }
if ( auth_message.type !== INCOMING_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGES.AUTHENTICATION ) { throw new Error(`Unexpected auth response: ${auth_message.type}.`); }
const responseCode = auth_message.reader.readInt32(); if (responseCode !== 0) { throw new Error(`Unexpected auth response code: ${responseCode}.`); }}
function logNotice(notice: Notice) { console.error(`${bold(yellow(notice.severity))}: ${notice.message}`);}
const decoder = new TextDecoder();const encoder = new TextEncoder();
// TODO// - Refactor properties to not be lazily initialized// or to handle their undefined valueexport class Connection { #bufReader!: BufReader; #bufWriter!: BufWriter; #conn!: Deno.Conn; connected = false; #connection_params: ClientConfiguration; #message_header = new Uint8Array(5); #onDisconnection: () => Promise<void>; #packetWriter = new PacketWriter(); #pid?: number; #queryLock: DeferredStack<undefined> = new DeferredStack( 1, [undefined], ); // TODO // Find out what the secret key is for #secretKey?: number; #tls?: boolean; #transport?: "tcp" | "socket";
get pid() { return this.#pid; }
/** Indicates if the connection is carried over TLS */ get tls() { return this.#tls; }
/** Indicates the connection protocol used */ get transport() { return this.#transport; }
constructor( connection_params: ClientConfiguration, disconnection_callback: () => Promise<void>, ) { this.#connection_params = connection_params; this.#onDisconnection = disconnection_callback; }
/** * Read single message sent by backend */ async #readMessage(): Promise<Message> { // Clear buffer before reading the message type this.#message_header.fill(0); await this.#bufReader.readFull(this.#message_header); const type = decoder.decode(this.#message_header.slice(0, 1)); // TODO // Investigate if the ascii terminator is the best way to check for a broken // session if (type === "\x00") { // This error means that the database terminated the session without notifying // the library // TODO // This will be removed once we move to async handling of messages by the frontend // However, unnotified disconnection will remain a possibility, that will likely // be handled in another place throw new ConnectionError("The session was terminated unexpectedly"); } const length = readUInt32BE(this.#message_header, 1) - 4; const body = new Uint8Array(length); await this.#bufReader.readFull(body);
return new Message(type, length, body); }
async #serverAcceptsTLS(): Promise<boolean> { const writer = this.#packetWriter; writer.clear(); writer .addInt32(8) .addInt32(80877103) .join();
await this.#bufWriter.write(writer.flush()); await this.#bufWriter.flush();
const response = new Uint8Array(1); await;
switch (String.fromCharCode(response[0])) { case INCOMING_TLS_MESSAGES.ACCEPTS_TLS: return true; case INCOMING_TLS_MESSAGES.NO_ACCEPTS_TLS: return false; default: throw new Error( `Could not check if server accepts SSL connections, server responded with: ${response}`, ); } }
async #sendStartupMessage(): Promise<Message> { const writer = this.#packetWriter; writer.clear(); // protocol version - 3.0, written as writer.addInt16(3).addInt16(0); const connParams = this.#connection_params; // TODO: recognize other parameters writer.addCString("user").addCString(connParams.user); writer.addCString("database").addCString(connParams.database); writer.addCString("application_name").addCString( connParams.applicationName, );
// eplicitly set utf-8 encoding writer.addCString("client_encoding").addCString("'utf-8'"); // terminator after all parameters were writter writer.addCString("");
const bodyBuffer = writer.flush(); const bodyLength = bodyBuffer.length + 4;
const finalBuffer = writer .addInt32(bodyLength) .add(bodyBuffer) .join();
await this.#bufWriter.write(finalBuffer); await this.#bufWriter.flush();
return await this.#readMessage(); }
async #openConnection(options: ConnectOptions) { // @ts-ignore This will throw in runtime if the options passed to it are socket related and deno is running // on stable this.#conn = await Deno.connect(options); this.#bufWriter = new BufWriter(this.#conn); this.#bufReader = new BufReader(this.#conn); }
async #openSocketConnection(path: string, port: number) { if ( === "windows") { throw new Error( "Socket connection is only available on UNIX systems", ); } const socket = await Deno.stat(path);
if (socket.isFile) { await this.#openConnection({ path, transport: "unix" }); } else { const socket_guess = joinPath(path, getSocketName(port)); try { await this.#openConnection({ path: socket_guess, transport: "unix", }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { throw new ConnectionError( `Could not open socket in path "${socket_guess}"`, ); } throw e; } } }
async #openTlsConnection( connection: Deno.Conn, options: { hostname: string; caCerts: string[] }, ) { // TODO // Remove unstable check on 1.17.0 if ("startTls" in Deno) { // @ts-ignore This API should be available on unstable this.#conn = await Deno.startTls(connection, options); this.#bufWriter = new BufWriter(this.#conn); this.#bufReader = new BufReader(this.#conn); } else { throw new Error( "You need to execute Deno with the `--unstable` argument in order to stablish a TLS connection", ); } }
#resetConnectionMetadata() { this.connected = false; this.#packetWriter = new PacketWriter(); this.#pid = undefined; this.#queryLock = new DeferredStack( 1, [undefined], ); this.#secretKey = undefined; this.#tls = undefined; this.#transport = undefined; }
#closeConnection() { try { this.#conn.close(); } catch (_e) { // Swallow if the connection had errored or been closed beforehand } finally { this.#resetConnectionMetadata(); } }
async #startup() { this.#closeConnection();
const { hostname, host_type, port, tls: { enabled: tls_enabled, enforce: tls_enforced, caCertificates, }, } = this.#connection_params;
if (host_type === "socket") { await this.#openSocketConnection(hostname, port); this.#tls = undefined; this.#transport = "socket"; } else { // A BufWriter needs to be available in order to check if the server accepts TLS connections await this.#openConnection({ hostname, port, transport: "tcp" }); this.#tls = false; this.#transport = "tcp";
if (tls_enabled) { // If TLS is disabled, we don't even try to connect. const accepts_tls = await this.#serverAcceptsTLS() .catch((e) => { // Make sure to close the connection if the TLS validation throws this.#closeConnection(); throw e; });
// if (accepts_tls) { try { await this.#openTlsConnection(this.#conn, { hostname, caCerts: caCertificates, }); this.#tls = true; } catch (e) { if (!tls_enforced) { console.error( bold(yellow("TLS connection failed with message: ")) + e.message + "\n" + bold("Defaulting to non-encrypted connection"), ); await this.#openConnection({ hostname, port, transport: "tcp" }); this.#tls = false; } else { throw e; } } } else if (tls_enforced) { // Make sure to close the connection before erroring this.#closeConnection(); throw new Error( "The server isn't accepting TLS connections. Change the client configuration so TLS configuration isn't required to connect", ); } } }
try { let startup_response; try { startup_response = await this.#sendStartupMessage(); } catch (e) { // Make sure to close the connection before erroring or reseting this.#closeConnection(); if (e instanceof Deno.errors.InvalidData && tls_enabled) { if (tls_enforced) { throw new Error( "The certificate used to secure the TLS connection is invalid.", ); } else { console.error( bold(yellow("TLS connection failed with message: ")) + e.message + "\n" + bold("Defaulting to non-encrypted connection"), ); await this.#openConnection({ hostname, port, transport: "tcp" }); this.#tls = false; this.#transport = "tcp"; startup_response = await this.#sendStartupMessage(); } } else { throw e; } } assertSuccessfulStartup(startup_response); await this.#authenticate(startup_response);
// Handle connection status // Process connection initialization messages until connection returns ready let message = await this.#readMessage(); while (message.type !== INCOMING_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGES.READY) { switch (message.type) { // Connection error (wrong database or user) case ERROR_MESSAGE: await this.#processErrorUnsafe(message, false); break; case INCOMING_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGES.BACKEND_KEY: { const { pid, secret_key } = parseBackendKeyMessage(message); this.#pid = pid; this.#secretKey = secret_key; break; } case INCOMING_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGES.PARAMETER_STATUS: break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown response for startup: ${message.type}`); }
message = await this.#readMessage(); }
this.connected = true; } catch (e) { this.#closeConnection(); throw e; } }
/** * Calling startup on a connection twice will create a new session and overwrite the previous one * * @param is_reconnection This indicates whether the startup should behave as if there was * a connection previously established, or if it should attempt to create a connection first * * */ async startup(is_reconnection: boolean) { if (is_reconnection && this.#connection_params.connection.attempts === 0) { throw new Error( "The client has been disconnected from the database. Enable reconnection in the client to attempt reconnection after failure", ); }
let reconnection_attempts = 0; const max_reconnections = this.#connection_params.connection.attempts;
let error: Error | undefined; // If no connection has been established and the reconnection attempts are // set to zero, attempt to connect at least once if (!is_reconnection && this.#connection_params.connection.attempts === 0) { try { await this.#startup(); } catch (e) { error = e; } } else { // If the reconnection attempts are set to zero the client won't attempt to // reconnect, but it won't error either, this "no reconnections" behavior // should be handled wherever the reconnection is requested while (reconnection_attempts < max_reconnections) { try { await this.#startup(); break; } catch (e) { // TODO // Eventually distinguish between connection errors and normal errors reconnection_attempts++; if (reconnection_attempts === max_reconnections) { error = e; } } } }
if (error) { await this.end(); throw error; } }
/** * Will attempt to authenticate with the database using the provided * password credentials */ async #authenticate(authentication_request: Message) { const authentication_type = authentication_request.reader.readInt32();
let authentication_result: Message; switch (authentication_type) { case AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.NO_AUTHENTICATION: authentication_result = authentication_request; break; case AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.CLEAR_TEXT: authentication_result = await this.#authenticateWithClearPassword(); break; case AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.MD5: { const salt = authentication_request.reader.readBytes(4); authentication_result = await this.#authenticateWithMd5(salt); break; } case AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.SCM: throw new Error( "Database server expected SCM authentication, which is not supported at the moment", ); case AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.GSS_STARTUP: throw new Error( "Database server expected GSS authentication, which is not supported at the moment", ); case AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.GSS_CONTINUE: throw new Error( "Database server expected GSS authentication, which is not supported at the moment", ); case AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.SSPI: throw new Error( "Database server expected SSPI authentication, which is not supported at the moment", ); case AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.SASL_STARTUP: authentication_result = await this.#authenticateWithSasl(); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown auth message code ${authentication_type}`); }
await assertSuccessfulAuthentication(authentication_result); }
async #authenticateWithClearPassword(): Promise<Message> { this.#packetWriter.clear(); const password = this.#connection_params.password || ""; const buffer = this.#packetWriter.addCString(password).flush(0x70);
await this.#bufWriter.write(buffer); await this.#bufWriter.flush();
return this.#readMessage(); }
async #authenticateWithMd5(salt: Uint8Array): Promise<Message> { this.#packetWriter.clear();
if (!this.#connection_params.password) { throw new ConnectionParamsError( "Attempting MD5 authentication with unset password", ); }
const password = await hashMd5Password( this.#connection_params.password, this.#connection_params.user, salt, ); const buffer = this.#packetWriter.addCString(password).flush(0x70);
await this.#bufWriter.write(buffer); await this.#bufWriter.flush();
return this.#readMessage(); }
/** * */ async #authenticateWithSasl(): Promise<Message> { if (!this.#connection_params.password) { throw new ConnectionParamsError( "Attempting SASL auth with unset password", ); }
const client = new scram.Client( this.#connection_params.user, this.#connection_params.password, ); const utf8 = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
// SASLInitialResponse const clientFirstMessage = client.composeChallenge(); this.#packetWriter.clear(); this.#packetWriter.addCString("SCRAM-SHA-256"); this.#packetWriter.addInt32(clientFirstMessage.length); this.#packetWriter.addString(clientFirstMessage); this.#bufWriter.write(this.#packetWriter.flush(0x70)); this.#bufWriter.flush();
const maybe_sasl_continue = await this.#readMessage(); switch (maybe_sasl_continue.type) { case INCOMING_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGES.AUTHENTICATION: { const authentication_type = maybe_sasl_continue.reader.readInt32(); if (authentication_type !== AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.SASL_CONTINUE) { throw new Error( `Unexpected authentication type in SASL negotiation: ${authentication_type}`, ); } break; } case ERROR_MESSAGE: throw new PostgresError(parseNoticeMessage(maybe_sasl_continue)); default: throw new Error( `Unexpected message in SASL negotiation: ${maybe_sasl_continue.type}`, ); } const sasl_continue = utf8.decode( maybe_sasl_continue.reader.readAllBytes(), ); await client.receiveChallenge(sasl_continue);
this.#packetWriter.clear(); this.#packetWriter.addString(await client.composeResponse()); this.#bufWriter.write(this.#packetWriter.flush(0x70)); this.#bufWriter.flush();
const maybe_sasl_final = await this.#readMessage(); switch (maybe_sasl_final.type) { case INCOMING_AUTHENTICATION_MESSAGES.AUTHENTICATION: { const authentication_type = maybe_sasl_final.reader.readInt32(); if (authentication_type !== AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.SASL_FINAL) { throw new Error( `Unexpected authentication type in SASL finalization: ${authentication_type}`, ); } break; } case ERROR_MESSAGE: throw new PostgresError(parseNoticeMessage(maybe_sasl_final)); default: throw new Error( `Unexpected message in SASL finalization: ${maybe_sasl_continue.type}`, ); } const sasl_final = utf8.decode( maybe_sasl_final.reader.readAllBytes(), ); await client.receiveResponse(sasl_final);
// Return authentication result return this.#readMessage(); }
async #simpleQuery( query: Query<ResultType.ARRAY>, ): Promise<QueryArrayResult>; async #simpleQuery( query: Query<ResultType.OBJECT>, ): Promise<QueryObjectResult>; async #simpleQuery( query: Query<ResultType>, ): Promise<QueryResult> { this.#packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.#packetWriter.addCString(query.text).flush(0x51);
await this.#bufWriter.write(buffer); await this.#bufWriter.flush();
let result; if (query.result_type === ResultType.ARRAY) { result = new QueryArrayResult(query); } else { result = new QueryObjectResult(query); }
let error: Error | undefined; let current_message = await this.#readMessage();
// Process messages until ready signal is sent // Delay error handling until after the ready signal is sent while (current_message.type !== INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.READY) { switch (current_message.type) { case ERROR_MESSAGE: error = new PostgresError(parseNoticeMessage(current_message)); break; case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.COMMAND_COMPLETE: { result.handleCommandComplete( parseCommandCompleteMessage(current_message), ); break; } case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.DATA_ROW: { const row_data = parseRowDataMessage(current_message); try { result.insertRow(row_data); } catch (e) { error = e; } break; } case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.EMPTY_QUERY: break; case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.NOTICE_WARNING: { const notice = parseNoticeMessage(current_message); logNotice(notice); result.warnings.push(notice); break; } case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.PARAMETER_STATUS: break; case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.READY: break; case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.ROW_DESCRIPTION: { result.loadColumnDescriptions( parseRowDescriptionMessage(current_message), ); break; } default: throw new Error( `Unexpected simple query message: ${current_message.type}`, ); }
current_message = await this.#readMessage(); }
if (error) throw error;
return result; }
async #appendQueryToMessage<T extends ResultType>(query: Query<T>) { this.#packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.#packetWriter .addCString("") // TODO: handle named queries ( .addCString(query.text) .addInt16(0) .flush(0x50); await this.#bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async #appendArgumentsToMessage<T extends ResultType>( query: Query<T>, ) { this.#packetWriter.clear();
const hasBinaryArgs = query.args.some((arg) => arg instanceof Uint8Array);
// bind statement this.#packetWriter.clear(); this.#packetWriter .addCString("") // TODO: unnamed portal .addCString(""); // TODO: unnamed prepared statement
if (hasBinaryArgs) { this.#packetWriter.addInt16(query.args.length);
query.args.forEach((arg) => { this.#packetWriter.addInt16(arg instanceof Uint8Array ? 1 : 0); }); } else { this.#packetWriter.addInt16(0); }
query.args.forEach((arg) => { if (arg === null || typeof arg === "undefined") { this.#packetWriter.addInt32(-1); } else if (arg instanceof Uint8Array) { this.#packetWriter.addInt32(arg.length); this.#packetWriter.add(arg); } else { const byteLength = encoder.encode(arg).length; this.#packetWriter.addInt32(byteLength); this.#packetWriter.addString(arg); } });
this.#packetWriter.addInt16(0); const buffer = this.#packetWriter.flush(0x42); await this.#bufWriter.write(buffer); }
/** * This function appends the query type (in this case prepared statement) * to the message */ async #appendDescribeToMessage() { this.#packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.#packetWriter.addCString("P").flush(0x44); await this.#bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async #appendExecuteToMessage() { this.#packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.#packetWriter .addCString("") // unnamed portal .addInt32(0) .flush(0x45); await this.#bufWriter.write(buffer); }
async #appendSyncToMessage() { this.#packetWriter.clear();
const buffer = this.#packetWriter.flush(0x53); await this.#bufWriter.write(buffer); }
// TODO // Rename process function to a more meaningful name and move out of class async #processErrorUnsafe( msg: Message, recoverable = true, ) { const error = new PostgresError(parseNoticeMessage(msg)); if (recoverable) { let maybe_ready_message = await this.#readMessage(); while (maybe_ready_message.type !== INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.READY) { maybe_ready_message = await this.#readMessage(); } } throw error; }
/** * */ async #preparedQuery<T extends ResultType>( query: Query<T>, ): Promise<QueryResult> { // The parse messages declares the statement, query arguments and the cursor used in the transaction // The database will respond with a parse response await this.#appendQueryToMessage(query); await this.#appendArgumentsToMessage(query); // The describe message will specify the query type and the cursor in which the current query will be running // The database will respond with a bind response await this.#appendDescribeToMessage(); // The execute response contains the portal in which the query will be run and how many rows should it return await this.#appendExecuteToMessage(); await this.#appendSyncToMessage(); // send all messages to backend await this.#bufWriter.flush();
let result; if (query.result_type === ResultType.ARRAY) { result = new QueryArrayResult(query); } else { result = new QueryObjectResult(query); }
let error: Error | undefined; let current_message = await this.#readMessage();
while (current_message.type !== INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.READY) { switch (current_message.type) { case ERROR_MESSAGE: { error = new PostgresError(parseNoticeMessage(current_message)); break; } case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.BIND_COMPLETE: break; case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.COMMAND_COMPLETE: { result.handleCommandComplete( parseCommandCompleteMessage(current_message), ); break; } case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.DATA_ROW: { const row_data = parseRowDataMessage(current_message); try { result.insertRow(row_data); } catch (e) { error = e; } break; } case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.NO_DATA: break; case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.NOTICE_WARNING: { const notice = parseNoticeMessage(current_message); logNotice(notice); result.warnings.push(notice); break; } case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.PARAMETER_STATUS: break; case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.PARSE_COMPLETE: // TODO: add to already parsed queries if // query has name, so it's not parsed again break; case INCOMING_QUERY_MESSAGES.ROW_DESCRIPTION: { result.loadColumnDescriptions( parseRowDescriptionMessage(current_message), ); break; } default: throw new Error( `Unexpected prepared query message: ${current_message.type}`, ); }
current_message = await this.#readMessage(); }
if (error) throw error;
return result; }
async query( query: Query<ResultType.ARRAY>, ): Promise<QueryArrayResult>; async query( query: Query<ResultType.OBJECT>, ): Promise<QueryObjectResult>; async query( query: Query<ResultType>, ): Promise<QueryResult> { if (!this.connected) { await this.startup(true); }
await this.#queryLock.pop(); try { if (query.args.length === 0) { return await this.#simpleQuery(query); } else { return await this.#preparedQuery(query); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ConnectionError) { await this.end(); } throw e; } finally { this.#queryLock.push(undefined); } }
async end(): Promise<void> { if (this.connected) { const terminationMessage = new Uint8Array([0x58, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04]); await this.#bufWriter.write(terminationMessage); try { await this.#bufWriter.flush(); } catch (_e) { // This steps can fail if the underlying connection was closed ungracefully } finally { this.#closeConnection(); this.#onDisconnection(); } } }}