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:sauropod: A small lib to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
import { calculateExtraMetrics, calculateStdDeviation, getInThresholdRange, getPaddedIndicator, stripColor,} from "./common.ts";import type { BenchmarkResult, BenchmarkRunResult } from "./deps.ts";import type { BenchIndicator, Thresholds } from "./types.ts";
/** Defines how the generated markdown should look like. */export interface prettyBenchmarkDownOptions { /** Defines a `# title` for the markdown */ title?: string; /** Defines a section right after the `title`. When a `function` is provided, it receives the run's results */ description?: string | ((results: BenchmarkRunResult) => string); /** Defines a section at the end of the markdown. When a `function` is provided, it receives the run's results */ afterTables?: string | ((results: BenchmarkRunResult) => string); /** Defines `groups`, into which the benchmarks will be groupped. * Any benchmark result, that wasn't added into any group will be collected into one table called `Ungroupped`. * One benchmark can be in multiple groups. */ groups?: GroupDefinition[]; /** Defines the columns of the markdown tables. */ columns?: ColumnDefinition[];}
/** Defines one column of the markdown table. */export interface ColumnDefinition { /** Defines the title of the column */ title: string; /** Defines which property of the `BenchmarkResult` should be displayed, if no `formatter` is defined. * * *Note*: custom `propertyKey`-s can be used, but values has to be manually mapped onto each `BenchmarkResult`. */ propertyKey?: string; /** Defines how the column should be aligned. Defaults to `center` */ align?: "left" | "center" | "right"; /** Calls `number.toFixed(x)` with this value, when defined and the cell value is a `number`. * * Also used on `formatter` output values. */ toFixed?: number; /** Allows to calculate custom cell values based on the `BenchmarkResult`, and its own `ColumnDefinition`. * * The value will be `-` for falsy values, and `*` when no `propertyKey` and `formatter` was provided * * Its favoured above `propertyKey`, when both is defined.*/ formatter?: (result: BenchmarkResult, columnDef: ColumnDefinition) => string;}
/** Defines a group in the markdown. */export interface GroupDefinition { /** Collects the benchmarks into the group, which `name` mathes the `RegExp` */ include: RegExp; /** Defines the name of the group, which will be a `## Title` in the markdown */ name: string; /** Defines the columns of the markdown table in the specific group. Overrides root and default column options. */ columns?: ColumnDefinition[]; /** Defines a section right after the `group title`. When a `function` is provided, it receives the run's results * for the benchmarks in the group, the group's definition and the overall benchmark results. */ description?: | string | (( groupResults: BenchmarkResult[], group: GroupDefinition, runResults: BenchmarkRunResult, ) => string); /** Defines a section at the end of the `group`. When a `function` is provided, it receives the run's results * for the benchmarks in the group, the group's definition and the overall benchmark results. */ afterTable?: | string | (( groupResults: BenchmarkResult[], group: GroupDefinition, runResults: BenchmarkRunResult, ) => string);}
/** Returns a function that expects a `BenchmarkRunResult`, which than prints * the results in a nicely formatted `markdown`, based on the provided `options`. * * Without `options`, one markdown table will be generated, containing all the bench results. * * Typical basic usage: * * ```ts * // add benches, then * runBenchmarks().then(prettyBenchmarkDown(console.log)); * // or write to file * runBenchmarks().then(prettyBenchmarkDown((markdown: string) => { Deno.writeTextFileSync("./", markdown); }); * ``` * . */export function prettyBenchmarkDown( /** Defines the output function which will be called with the generated string markdown output.*/ outputFn: (out: string) => void, /** Defines how the output should look like */ options?: prettyBenchmarkDownOptions,) { return (result: BenchmarkRunResult) => _prettyBenchmarkDown(result, outputFn, options);}
function _prettyBenchmarkDown( runResult: BenchmarkRunResult, outputFn: (out: string) => void, options?: prettyBenchmarkDownOptions,) { let markdown = "";
if (options?.title) { markdown += `# ${options.title}\n\n`; }
markdown += stringOrFunction(options?.description, runResult) + "\n";
if (options?.groups && options.groups.length > 0) { const grouppedResults: { [key: string]: GroupDefinition & { items: BenchmarkResult[] }; } = {}; const unmatched: GroupDefinition & { items: BenchmarkResult[] } = { name: "Ungrouped benches", items: [], // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any } as any;
runResult.results.forEach((r) => { let matched = false; options.groups?.forEach((g, i) => { if ( { const groupProp = `${}_${i}`;
if (!grouppedResults[groupProp]) { grouppedResults[groupProp] = { ...g, items: [] }; }
matched = true; } });
if (!matched) { if ( !unmatched.items.some((i: BenchmarkResult) => === && i.totalMs === r.totalMs ) ) { // if isnt already added, add to unmatched group unmatched.items.push(r); } } });
grouppedResults[`${}_${options.groups.length}`] = unmatched;
const optionsGroup = [...options.groups]; if (unmatched.items.length > 0) { optionsGroup.push(unmatched); }
optionsGroup.forEach((g, i) => { // to keep order works from options. markdown += `## ${}\n\n`;
const resultGroup = grouppedResults[`${}_${i}`];
markdown += stringOrFunction( g.description, resultGroup?.items || [], g, runResult, );
if (resultGroup) { markdown += headerRow(options, g); resultGroup.items.forEach((r: BenchmarkResult) => { markdown += tableRow(r, options, g); }); } else { markdown += "> No benchmarks in this group.\n"; }
markdown += "\n";
markdown += stringOrFunction( g.afterTable, resultGroup?.items || [], g, runResult, ) + "\n"; }); } else { markdown += headerRow(options); runResult.results.forEach((r) => { markdown += tableRow(r, options); }); markdown += "\n"; }
markdown += stringOrFunction(options?.afterTables, runResult) + "\n";
return runResult;}
const defaultColumnsArray: ColumnDefinition[] = [ { title: "Name", propertyKey: "name", align: "left" }, { title: "Runs", propertyKey: "runsCount", align: "right" }, { title: "Total (ms)", propertyKey: "totalMs", align: "right", toFixed: 3 }, { title: "Average (ms)", propertyKey: "measuredRunsAvgMs", align: "right", toFixed: 3, },];
/** Defines the default `ColumnDefinitions`, which are `Name`, `Runs`, `Total (ms)` and `Average (ms)` */export function defaultColumns( columns?: ("name" | "runsCount" | "totalMs" | "measuredRunsAvgMs")[],): ColumnDefinition[] { if (columns) { return [...defaultColumnsArray].filter((dc) => (columns as string[]).indexOf(dc.propertyKey!) !== -1 ); } else { return [...defaultColumnsArray]; }}
/** Defines a column which contains the indicators for the benchmarks, where provided. * * *Note*: colors are stripped from the indicators in markdown */export function indicatorColumn( indicators: BenchIndicator[],): ColumnDefinition { return { title: "", formatter: (result: BenchmarkResult, cd: ColumnDefinition) => { return stripColor(getPaddedIndicator(, 0, indicators)); }, };}
/** Defines a threshold result column, which shows into which range the benchmark fell. Shows `-` when no `Threshold` was provided for the given benchmark. */export function thresholdResultColumn(thresholds: Thresholds) { return { title: "", formatter: (result: BenchmarkResult, cd: ColumnDefinition) => { const inRange = getInThresholdRange(, result.measuredRunsAvgMs, thresholds, );
return ["-", "✅", "🔶", "🔴"][inRange || 0]; }, };}
/** Defines a threshold result column, which shows the threshold ranges for the benchmark. Shows `-` when no `Threshold` was provided for the given benchmark. * * If `indicateResult` is set, it shows in the same cell into which range the benchmark fell.*/export function thresholdsColumn( thresholds: Thresholds, indicateResult?: boolean,) { return { title: "Thresholds", align: "right", formatter: (result: BenchmarkResult, cd: ColumnDefinition) => { let value = "<small>"; const inRange = getInThresholdRange(, result.measuredRunsAvgMs, thresholds, ); const th = thresholds && thresholds[];
if (!th) { return "-"; }
const indicator = " 🠴"; const placeholder = " ";
value += `<= ${}` + (indicateResult ? (inRange === 1 ? indicator : placeholder) : "") + "<br>"; value += `<= ${th.yellow} 🔶` + (indicateResult ? (inRange === 2 ? indicator : placeholder) : "") + "<br>"; value += ` > ${th.yellow} 🔴` + (indicateResult ? (inRange === 3 ? indicator : placeholder) : "");
value += "</small>";
return value; }, };}
/** Defines **multiple** columns, which contain extra calculated values, like `max`, `min`, `mean`, `median`, `stdDeviation`. * * Can be used like: * ```ts * columns: [...extraMetricsColumns()] * ``` * . */export function extraMetricsColumns( options?: { /** Defines which metrics it should include */ metrics?: ("max" | "min" | "mean" | "median" | "stdDeviation")[]; /** If set, `-` will be placed into cells, where the benchmark was only run once. */ ignoreSingleRuns?: boolean; },): ColumnDefinition[] { const columns: ColumnDefinition[] = [];
const selected = options?.metrics || ["min", "max", "mean", "median", "stdDeviation"];
selected.forEach((s) => { if (s === "stdDeviation") { columns.push({ title: "Std deviation", align: "right", toFixed: 3, formatter: (result: BenchmarkResult, cd: ColumnDefinition) => { if (options?.ignoreSingleRuns && result.runsCount === 1) { return "-"; }
const calced = calculateStdDeviation(result); return `${calced}`; }, }); } else { columns.push({ title: s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1), // capitalise align: "right", toFixed: 3, formatter: (result: BenchmarkResult, cd: ColumnDefinition) => { if (options?.ignoreSingleRuns && result.runsCount === 1) { return "-"; }
const calced = calculateExtraMetrics(result); return `${calced[s]}`; }, }); } });
return columns;}
function stringOrFunction( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any value?: ((...params: any[]) => string) | string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ...params: any[]) { if (!value) { return ""; }
if (typeof value === "function") { return `${value(...params)}\n`; } else { return `${value}\n`; }}
function headerRow( options?: prettyBenchmarkDownOptions, group?: GroupDefinition,) { let titles = "|"; let alignments = "|";
const columns: ColumnDefinition[] = group?.columns || options?.columns || defaultColumns();
columns.forEach((c) => { titles += `${c.title}|`; alignments += `${alignment(c.align)}|`; });
return `${titles}\n${alignments}\n`;}
function tableRow( result: BenchmarkResult, options?: prettyBenchmarkDownOptions, group?: GroupDefinition,) { let values = `|`;
const columns: ColumnDefinition[] = group?.columns || options?.columns || defaultColumns();
columns.forEach((c) => { let value = null; if (typeof c.formatter === "function") { value = `${c.formatter(result, c)}`; } else { if (!c.propertyKey) { value = "*"; // this means no formatter function and no propertyKey was defined. } else { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const vc = (result as any)[c.propertyKey]; value = typeof vc !== "undefined" ? vc : "-"; } }
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && !isNaN(c.toFixed!)) { value = parseFloat(value).toFixed(c.toFixed); }
values += `${value}|`; });
return `${values}\n`;}
function alignment(mode?: "left" | "center" | "right") { if (mode === "right") { return "--:"; } if (!mode || mode === "center") { return ":-:"; } if (mode === "left") { return ":--"; }}