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:sauropod: A small lib to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
import { Colorer } from "./colorer.ts";import { BenchmarkResult, ProgressState } from "./deps.ts";import { getPaddedIndicator, getTimeColor } from "./common.ts";import { getTimePadSize, num, padEndVisible, usingHrTime } from "./utils.ts";
import type { BenchmarkRunProgress, BenchmarkRunResult } from "./deps.ts";import type { BenchIndicator, Thresholds } from "./types.ts";
const headerPadding = "▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒";const c: Colorer = new Colorer();
/** Defines how the resulting output should look like. */export interface prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions { /** If provided, the results will be colored accordingly */ thresholds?: Thresholds; /** If provided, the indicators will be placed before the specific benches */ indicators?: BenchIndicator[]; /** Adds the returned string at the end of each finished benchmark row */ rowExtras?: ( result: BenchmarkResult, options: prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions, ) => string; /** Strips all default colors from the output. * * *Note*: it doesnt strip the colors that come through user defined `thresholds` and `indicators` */ nocolor?: boolean; /** Overrides the default output function, which is `console.log`. */ outputFn?: (log: string) => unknown;}
/** Returns a function that expects `BenchmarkRunProgress` object, which than prints * the benchmarking progress in a nicely formatted way, based on the provided `options`. * * Typical basic usage: * * ```ts * // add benches, then * runBenchmarks({silent: true}, prettyBenchmarkProgress()); * ``` * . */export function prettyBenchmarkProgress( /** Defines how the output should look like */ options?: prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions,) { if (options?.nocolor) c.setColorEnabled(false);
return (progress: BenchmarkRunProgress) => _prettyBenchmarkProgress(progress, options);}
function _prettyBenchmarkProgress( progress: BenchmarkRunProgress, options?: prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions,) { const up1Line = "\x1B[1A"; const out = typeof options?.outputFn === "function" ? options.outputFn : console.log;
// Started benching if (progress.state === ProgressState.BenchmarkingStart) { const line = startBenchingLine(progress, options); out(line); return; }
// Starting bench run if (progress.state === ProgressState.BenchStart) { const line = startingBenchmarkLine(progress, options); out(`${line}\t`); return; }
// Multiple run bench partial result if (progress.state === ProgressState.BenchPartialResult) { const line = runningBenchmarkLine(progress, options); out(`${up1Line}\r${line}\t`); return; }
// Bench run result if (progress.state === ProgressState.BenchResult) { const line = finishedBenchmarkLine(progress, options); const appended = typeof options?.rowExtras === "function" ? options.rowExtras([...progress.results].reverse()[0], options) : "";
out(`${up1Line}\r${line}${appended}`); return; }
// Finished benching if (progress.state === ProgressState.BenchmarkingEnd) { if (progress.running) { out("\n"); // Double empty line out( `${headerPadding} Benchmarking failed\n${headerPadding} An error was thrown while running benchmark [${}]\n`, ), ); return; } out(""); // Empty line considerPrecise(progress); const cyanHeader = `${c.cyan(headerPadding)}`; out(`${cyanHeader} Benchmarking finished\n`); return; }}
function considerPrecise(result: BenchmarkRunResult) { if ( !usingHrTime() && !!result.results.find(({ measuredRunsAvgMs }) => measuredRunsAvgMs < 10) ) { const yellowHeader = `${c.yellow(headerPadding)}`; console.log( `${yellowHeader} Consider running benchmarks with ${ c.yellow(`--allow-hrtime`) } for a more precise measurement`, ); }}
function startingBenchmarkLine( progress: BenchmarkRunProgress, options?: prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions,): string { const fullName = benchNameFormatted(progress.running!.name, options); const fullTimes = `[${ c.yellow(progress.running!.runsCount.toString().padStart(7)) }]`;
return `Running ${fullName} a total of ${fullTimes} times`;}
function runningBenchmarkLine( progress: BenchmarkRunProgress, options?: prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions,): string { const percent = Math.round( progress.running!.measuredRunsMs.length / progress.running!.runsCount * 100, );
const fullName = benchNameFormatted(progress.running!.name, options);
const maxBarLength = 48; // needs to be even const progressBar = Array(Math.ceil(percent / 100 * maxBarLength)).fill("=") .join("").padEnd( maxBarLength, );
const inserted = progressBar.substr(0, maxBarLength / 2 - 2) + c.white( `${percent.toString().padEnd(2)}${ percent == 100 ? "" : / 2, 1)) }%`, ) + progressBar.substr(maxBarLength / 2 + 2);
const fullProgressBar = `${c.yellow("[")}${}${ c.yellow("]") }`;
const progressDone = `${ progress.running!.measuredRunsMs.length.toString().padStart(6) }`; const progressTotal = `${progress.running!.runsCount.toString().padStart(6)}`; const progressCount = `[${}/${c.yellow(progressTotal)}]`;
return `Running ${fullName} ${progressCount} ${fullProgressBar}`;}
function finishedBenchmarkLine( progress: BenchmarkRunProgress, options?: prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions,): string { const result = [...progress.results].reverse()[0];
const fullName = benchNameFormatted(, options);
const fullCount = `Runs: [${ c.yellow((result.runsCount || 1).toString().padStart(7)) }]`;
const fullTotalTime = `Total time: [${ c.yellow( num(result.totalMs).padStart(getTimePadSize()), ) }${c.gray("ms")}]`;
const avgTime = result.measuredRunsAvgMs; const paddedAvgTime = num(avgTime, true).padStart(getTimePadSize()); const colorFn = getTimeColor(, avgTime, options?.nocolor, options?.thresholds, ); const coloredTime = colorFn(paddedAvgTime); const fullAverage = `Avg: [${coloredTime}${c.gray("ms")}]`;
return `Benched ${fullName} ${fullCount} ${fullTotalTime} ${fullAverage}`;}
function startBenchingLine( progress: BenchmarkRunProgress, options?: prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions,): string { const cyanHeader = `${c.cyan(headerPadding)}`; const fullQueued = `Benchmarks queued: [${ c.yellow(progress.queued!.length.toString().padStart(5)) }]`; const fullFiltered = c.gray( ` filtered: [${progress.filtered.toString().padStart(5)}]`, );
return `\n${cyanHeader} Starting benchmarking\n${cyanHeader} ${fullQueued} ${fullFiltered}\n`;}
function benchNameFormatted( name: string, options?: prettyBenchmarkProgressOptions,) { let ob = "["; let clb = "]"; if (options?.indicators) { const indicator = options.indicators.find(({ benches }) => benches.test(name) ); if (typeof indicator?.color === "function") { ob = indicator.color(ob); clb = indicator.color(clb); } }
return `${ getPaddedIndicator(name, options?.indicators ? 2 : 0, options?.indicators) }` + `${ob}${c.cyan(name)} ${ c.gray(padEndVisible("", 40 - name.length, "-")) }${clb}`;}