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:sauropod: A small lib to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
import { disjunct, intersect, stripColor } from "./common.ts";import { lDiff, matchWithIndex, padEndVisible } from "./utils.ts";
const separatorToken = "#&imaseparator&#";
enum chars { top = "─", topmid = "┬", topleft = "┌", topright = "┐", bottom = "─", bottommid = "┴", bottomleft = "└", bottomright = "┘", left = "│", midleft = "├", mid = "─", midmid = "┼", right = "│", midright = "┤", middle = "│",}
type colorFunction = (str: string) => string;
interface charset { start: string; stop: string; line: string; is: string;}
export class TableBuilder { width: number; lines: string[] = []; colorFn: colorFunction; tempColorFn: colorFunction;
constructor(width: number, colorFn: colorFunction) { this.width = width; this.colorFn = this.tempColorFn = colorFn; }
line(line: string) { this.lines.push(this.tableLine(line)); return this; }
cellLine(...cells: string[]) { if (cells.length == 1) { cells.push(""); } this.lines.push(this.tableLine(cells.join(this.tempColorFn(chars.middle)))); this.tempColorFn = this.colorFn; return this; }
separator() { this.lines.push(separatorToken); return this; }
color(colorFn: colorFunction) { this.colorFn = this.tempColorFn = colorFn; return this; }
tc(colorFn: colorFunction) { // TODO reconsider this.tempColorFn = colorFn; return this; }
build() { let result = ""; result += this.getHSeparator(undefined, this.lines[0]); this.lines.forEach((l, i, a) => { if (l === separatorToken) { if (i === a.length - 1) { // last line is separator token, remove it so table end connects properly this.lines.splice(i, 1); return; } result += this.getHSeparator(this.lines[i - 1], this.lines[i + 1]); return; } result += l; }); result += this.getHSeparator(this.lines[this.lines.length - 1], undefined); return result; }
private getHSeparator(topLine?: string, bottomLine?: string) { const topc = topLine ? this.getWSeparatorPositions(stripColor(topLine)) : []; const bottomc = bottomLine ? this.getWSeparatorPositions(stripColor(bottomLine)) : []; const inter = intersect(topc, bottomc) as number[]; const topd = disjunct(topc, inter) as number[]; const bottomd = disjunct(bottomc, inter) as number[];
let lineBase = middlecharset();
if (topc.length == 0) { lineBase = topcharset(); } else if (bottomc.length == 0) { lineBase = bottomcharset(); }
const crosses: { i: number; t: chars }[] = []; inter.forEach((ind: number) => !this.isCap(ind) && crosses.push({ i: ind, t: chars.midmid }) ); topd.forEach((ind: number) => !this.isCap(ind) && crosses.push({ i: ind, t: chars.bottommid }) ); bottomd.forEach((ind: number) => !this.isCap(ind) && crosses.push({ i: ind, t: chars.topmid }) );
return this.tableLine(undefined, crosses, lineBase); }
private tableLine( content?: string, crosses?: { i: number; t: chars }[], chars: charset = tableLinecharset(), ) { const line = padEndVisible( `${this.colorFn(chars.start)}${content || this.colorFn(chars.line.repeat(this.width))}`, this.width + 1, ) + `${this.colorFn(chars.stop)}\n`; const lineArray = line.split(""); if (crosses) { crosses.forEach(({ i, t }) => { const colDiff = lDiff(line.substr(0, i)); lineArray.splice(i + colDiff, 1, t); }); } return lineArray.join(""); }
private isCap(index: number) { return (index == 0 || index == this.width + 1); }
private getWSeparatorPositions(line: string) { /* stash return matchWithIndex(line, /│/g).map(i => { return i - lDiff(line.slice(0, i)); }); */ return matchWithIndex(line, //g); }}
const bottomcharset = () => ({ start: chars.bottomleft, stop: chars.bottomright, line: chars.bottom, is: chars.bottommid,});const topcharset = () => ({ start: chars.topleft, stop: chars.topright, line:, is: chars.topmid,});const middlecharset = () => ({ start: chars.midleft, stop: chars.midright, line: chars.mid, is: chars.midmid,});const tableLinecharset = () => ({ start: chars.left, stop: chars.right, line: chars.mid, is: chars.midmid,});