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🐍 Python interpreter bindings for Deno.
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any no-fallthroughimport { py } from "./ffi.ts";import { cstr } from "./util.ts";
export type PythonConvertibleBase = | number | bigint | null | undefined | boolean | PyObject | string // deno-lint-ignore ban-types | Symbol;
/** * JS types that can be converted to Python Objects. */export type PythonConvertible = PythonConvertibleBase | PythonConvertibleBase[];
/** * Symbol used on proxied Python objects to point to the original PyObject object. */export const ProxiedPyObject = Symbol("ProxiedPyObject");
/** * Represents a Python object. * It can be anything, like an int, a string, a list, a dict, etc. and * even a module itself. */export class PyObject { constructor(public handle: Deno.UnsafePointer) {}
/** * Check if the object is NULL or None. */ get isNone() { return this.handle.value === 0n || this.handle.value === python.None[ProxiedPyObject].handle.value; }
/** * Increases ref count of the object and returns it. */ get owned(): PyObject { py.Py_IncRef(this.handle); return this; }
/** * Creates an ES6 proxy object that can be used to access * properties on the Python object easily. */ get proxy(): any { const object = (...args: any[]) => { return; };
Object.defineProperty(object, Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect"), { value: () => this.toString(), });
Object.defineProperty(object, ProxiedPyObject, { value: this, enumerable: false, });
Object.defineProperty(object, "toString", { value: () => this.toString(), });
Object.defineProperty(object, "valueOf", { value: () => this.valueOf(), });
return new Proxy(object, { get: (_, name) => { // For the symbols. if (typeof name === "symbol" && name in object) { return (object as any)[name]; }
// Don't wanna throw errors when accessing properties. const attr = this.maybeGetAttr(String(name))?.proxy;
// For non-symbol properties, we prioritize returning the attribute. if (attr === undefined) { if (name in object) { return (object as any)[name]; } } else { return attr; } }, }) as unknown as any; }
/** * Creates a new Python object from the given JS value. * * Only functions are not supported. * * @param v JS Value * @returns Python object */ static from<T extends PythonConvertible>(v: T): PyObject { switch (typeof v) { case "boolean": { return new PyObject( py.PyBool_FromLong(v ? 1 : 0) as Deno.UnsafePointer, ); }
case "number": { if (Number.isInteger(v)) { return new PyObject(py.PyLong_FromLong(v) as Deno.UnsafePointer); } else { return new PyObject(py.PyFloat_FromDouble(v) as Deno.UnsafePointer); } }
case "bigint": { // TODO return new PyObject( py.PyLong_FromLong(Number(v)) as Deno.UnsafePointer, ); }
case "object": { if (v === null) { return python.builtins.None[ProxiedPyObject]; } else if (Array.isArray(v)) { const list = py.PyList_New(v.length) as Deno.UnsafePointer; for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { py.PyList_SetItem(list, i, PyObject.from(v[i]).owned.handle); } return new PyObject(list); } else if (v instanceof PyObject) { return v; } else { const dict = py.PyDict_New() as Deno.UnsafePointer; for ( const [key, value] of (v instanceof Map ? v.entries() : Object.entries(v)) ) { const keyObj = PyObject.from(key); const valueObj = PyObject.from(value); py.PyDict_SetItem( dict, keyObj.owned.handle, valueObj.owned.handle, ); py.Py_DecRef(keyObj.handle); py.Py_DecRef(valueObj.handle); } return new PyObject(dict); } }
case "symbol": case "string": { const str = String(v); return new PyObject( py.PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8( cstr(str), str.length, null, ) as Deno.UnsafePointer, ); }
case "undefined": { return PyObject.from(null); }
case "function": { if (ProxiedPyObject in v) { return v[ProxiedPyObject]; } }
default: throw new TypeError(`Unsupported type: ${typeof v}`); } }
/** * Tries to get the attribute, returns undefined otherwise. * * @param name Name of the attribute. * @returns Python object */ maybeGetAttr(name: string): PyObject | undefined { const obj = new PyObject( py.PyObject_GetAttrString(this.handle, cstr(name)) as Deno.UnsafePointer, ); if (obj.handle.value === 0n) { py.PyErr_Clear(); return undefined; } else { return obj; } }
/** * Same as maybeGetAttr, but throws an error if the attribute is not found. */ getAttr(name: string): PyObject { const obj = this.maybeGetAttr(name); if (obj === undefined) { throw new Error(`Attribute '${name}' not found`); } else { return obj; } }
/** * Casts a Bool Python object as JS Boolean value. */ asBoolean() { return py.PyLong_AsLong(this.handle) === 1; }
/** * Casts a Int Python object as JS Number value. */ asLong() { return py.PyLong_AsLong(this.handle) as number; }
/** * Casts a Float (Double) Python object as JS Number value. */ asDouble() { return py.PyFloat_AsDouble(this.handle) as number; }
/** * Casts a String Python object as JS String value. */ asString() { const str = py.PyUnicode_AsUTF8(this.handle) as Deno.UnsafePointer; if (str.value === 0n) { return null; } else { return new Deno.UnsafePointerView(str).getCString(); } }
/** * Casts a List Python object as JS Array value. */ asArray() { const array: PythonConvertible[] = []; const length = py.PyList_Size(this.handle) as number; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { array.push( new PyObject(py.PyList_GetItem(this.handle, i) as Deno.UnsafePointer) .valueOf(), ); } return array; }
/** * Casts a Dict Python object as JS Map value. * * Note: `from` supports converting both Map and Object to Python Dict. * But this only supports returning a Map. */ asDict() { const dict = new Map<PythonConvertible, PythonConvertible>(); const keys = py.PyDict_Keys(this.handle) as Deno.UnsafePointer; const length = py.PyList_Size(keys) as number; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const key = new PyObject( py.PyList_GetItem(keys, i) as Deno.UnsafePointer, ); const value = new PyObject( py.PyDict_GetItem(this.handle, key.handle) as Deno.UnsafePointer, ); dict.set(key.valueOf(), value.valueOf()); } return dict; }
/** * Tries to guess the value of the Python object. * Only primitives are casted as JS value type, otherwise returns * a proxy to Python object. */ valueOf() { const type = (py.PyObject_Type(this.handle) as Deno.UnsafePointer).value;
if (type === python.None[ProxiedPyObject].handle.value) { return null; } else if (type === python.bool[ProxiedPyObject].handle.value) { return this.asBoolean(); } else if (type ===[ProxiedPyObject].handle.value) { return this.asLong(); } else if (type === python.float[ProxiedPyObject].handle.value) { return this.asDouble(); } else if (type === python.str[ProxiedPyObject].handle.value) { return this.asString(); } else if (type === python.list[ProxiedPyObject].handle.value) { return this.asArray(); } else if (type === python.dict[ProxiedPyObject].handle.value) { return this.asDict(); } else { return this.proxy; } }
/** * Calls a Python function. */ call( positional: PythonConvertible[] = [], named: Record<string, PythonConvertible> = {}, ) { const args = py.PyTuple_New(positional.length); for (let i = 0; i < positional.length; i++) { py.PyTuple_SetItem(args, i, PyObject.from(positional[i]).owned.handle); } const kwargs = py.PyDict_New(); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(named)) { py.PyDict_SetItemString( kwargs, cstr(key), PyObject.from(value).owned.handle, ); } const result = py.PyObject_Call( this.handle, args, kwargs, ) as Deno.UnsafePointer;
py.Py_DecRef(args); py.Py_DecRef(kwargs);
return new PyObject(result); }
/** * Returns `str` representation of the Python object. */ toString() { return new PyObject(py.PyObject_Str(this.handle) as Deno.UnsafePointer) .asString(); }
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]() { return this.toString(); }}
export class PythonError extends Error { name = "PythonError";
constructor(public message: string) { super(message); }}
/** * Checks if there's any error set, throws it if there is. */export function maybeThrowError() { const error = py.PyErr_Occurred() as Deno.UnsafePointer; if (error.value === 0n) { return; }
const pointers = new BigUint64Array(3); py.PyErr_Fetch( pointers.subarray(0, 1), pointers.subarray(1, 2), pointers.subarray(2, 3), );
const type = new PyObject(new Deno.UnsafePointer(pointers[0])), value = new PyObject(new Deno.UnsafePointer(pointers[1])), traceback = new PyObject(new Deno.UnsafePointer(pointers[2]));
let errorMessage = (value ?? type).toString() ?? "Unknown error"; if (!traceback.isNone) { const tb = python.import("traceback"); errorMessage += `\nTraceback:\n${tb.format_tb(traceback)}`; }
throw new PythonError(errorMessage);}
/** * Python interface. Do not construct directly, use `python` instead. */export class Python { /** Built-ins module. */ builtins: any;
// Some commonly used things. bool: any; int: any; float: any; str: any; list: any; dict: any; None: any;
constructor() { py.Py_Initialize(); // Why is PyEval_GetBuiltins() not working? // It returns null on every get attr. this.builtins = this.import("builtins"); =; this.float = this.builtins.float; this.str = this.builtins.str; this.list = this.builtins.list; this.dict = this.builtins.dict; this.None = this.builtins.None; this.bool = this.builtins.bool; }
/** * Runs Python script from the given string. */ run(code: string) { if (py.PyRun_SimpleString(cstr(code)) !== 0) { throw new PythonError("Failed to run code"); } }
/** * Import a module as PyObject. */ importObject(name: string) { const mod = py.PyImport_ImportModule(cstr(name)) as Deno.UnsafePointer; if (mod.value === 0n) { maybeThrowError(); throw new PythonError(`Failed to import module ${name}`); } return new PyObject(mod); }
/** * Import a Python module. */ import(name: string) { return this.importObject(name).proxy; }}
/** * Python interface. */export const python = new Python();