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🌱 Automate releases
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import { exists, join } from "../deps.ts";import { ReleaseError } from "./error.ts";
import { fetchBranch } from "./branch.ts";import { Commit, fetchCommits } from "./commits.ts";import { fetchTags, Tag } from "./tags.ts";import { fetchStatus, Status } from "./status.ts";import { fetchConfig, GitConfig } from "./git.ts";
export interface Github { user: string; name: string;}
export interface Remote { raw: string; github: Github | null;}
export interface Repo { path: string; branch: string; remote: Remote | null; tags: Tag[]; commits: Commit[]; status: Status; config: GitConfig;}
export async function fetchRepo(path: string): Promise<Repo> { const repo = join(path, ".git"); if (!(await exists(repo))) { throw new ReleaseError("NO_REPO"); }
const branch = await fetchBranch(path); if (branch === "HEAD") throw new ReleaseError("UNINITIALIZED_REPO");
const config = await fetchConfig(path);
let remote: Remote | null = null; if (config.branch && config.branch[branch]) { const branchRef = config.branch[branch]; const remoteRef = config.remote[branchRef.remote]; remote = { raw: remoteRef.url, github: null, }; const reGithub = /(?:(?:https?:\/\/github\.com\/)|git@github\.com:)(.*)\/(.*)/; if (reGithub.test(remote.raw)) { const match = reGithub.exec(remote.raw); if (match) { remote.github = { user: match[1], name: match[2], }; if (".git")) { =".git", ""); } } } }
const tags = await fetchTags(path); const commits = await fetchCommits(path, tags);
const status = await fetchStatus(path);
return { path, branch, remote, commits, tags, status, config, };}