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A framework for Beat Saber map scripting.
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class three.MeshPhongMaterial
extends Material
import { three } from "";
const { MeshPhongMaterial } = three;


MeshPhongMaterial(parameters?: MeshPhongMaterialParameters)


alphaMap: Texture | null
aoMap: Texture | null
aoMapIntensity: number
bumpMap: Texture | null
bumpScale: number
color: Color
combine: Combine
displacementBias: number
displacementMap: Texture | null
displacementScale: number
emissive: Color
emissiveIntensity: number
emissiveMap: Texture | null
envMap: Texture | null
flatShading: boolean

Define whether the material is rendered with flat shading. Default is false.

fog: boolean

Whether the material is affected by fog. Default is true.

lightMap: Texture | null
lightMapIntensity: number
map: Texture | null
metal: boolean
normalMap: Texture | null
normalMapType: NormalMapTypes
normalScale: Vector2
reflectivity: number
refractionRatio: number
shininess: number
specular: Color
specularMap: Texture | null
type: string
wireframe: boolean
wireframeLinecap: string
wireframeLinejoin: string
wireframeLinewidth: number