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A framework for Beat Saber map scripting.
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class three.ObjectLoader
extends Loader
import { three } from "";
const { ObjectLoader } = three;


ObjectLoader(manager?: LoadingManager)


url: string,
onLoad?: <ObjectType extends Object3D>(object: ObjectType) => void,
onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void,
onError?: (event: Error | ErrorEvent) => void,
): void
loadAsync<ObjectType extends Object3D>(url: string, onProgress?: (event: ProgressEvent) => void): Promise<ObjectType>
parse<T extends Object3D>(json: any, onLoad?: (object: Object3D) => void): T
parseAsync<T extends Object3D>(json: any): Promise<T>
parseGeometries(json: any): { [key: string]: InstancedBufferGeometry | BufferGeometry; }
parseImages(json: any, onLoad: () => void): { [key: string]: HTMLImageElement; }
parseImagesAsync(json: any): Promise<{ [key: string]: HTMLImageElement; }>
parseMaterials(json: any, textures: Texture[]): Material[]
parseObject<T extends Object3D>(
data: any,
geometries: any[],
materials: Material[],
animations: AnimationClip[],
): T
parseTextures(json: any, images: any): Texture[]