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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertEquals } from "./vendor/https/";import { it, makeGet, assertRoutingError } from "./test_util.ts";import { Loglevel, setLevel } from "./logger.ts";import { writeResponse } from "./serveio.ts";import { createRouter} from "./router.ts";import { ServerRequest } from "./server.ts";
it("router", (t) => { const router = createRouter(); const get = makeGet(router); t.beforeAfterAll(() => { router.handle("/index", async (req) => { await req.respond({ status: 200, body: "ok", }); }); router.handle("/Index", async (req) => { await req.respond({ status: 200, body: "ok" }); }); router.handle(new RegExp("^/Var"), async (req) => { await req.respond({ status: 200, body: req.url }); }); router.handle(new RegExp("/foo/(?<id>.+)"), async (req, params) => { const { id } = params.match.groups!; await req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ "content-type": "application/json", }), body: JSON.stringify({ id }), }); }); router.handle("/redirect", (req) => req.redirect("/index")); router.handle("/respond-raw", async (req) => { await writeResponse(req.bufWriter, { status: 200, body: "ok" }); req.markAsResponded(200); }); return () => {}; });"should respond string path", async () => { { const res1 = await get("/index"); const text = await res1.body.text(); assertEquals(res1.status, 200); assertEquals(text, "ok"); } });"should respond with capitalized path", async () => { const res1 = await get("/Index"); const text = await res1.body.text(); assertEquals(res1.status, 200); assertEquals(text, "ok"); });"should respond with capitalized path in regex", async () => { for (const p of ["var", "Var"]) { const res1 = await get("/" + p); const text = await res1.body.text(); assertEquals(res1.status, 200); assertEquals(text, text); } });"should respond regexp path", async () => { const res2 = await get("/foo/123"); const json = await res2.body.json(); assertEquals(res2.status, 200); assertEquals(res2.headers.get("content-type"), "application/json"); assertEquals(json["id"], "123"); });"should redirect", async () => { const res = await get("/redirect"); assertEquals(res.status, 302); assertEquals(res.headers.get("location"), "/index"); }); "should not go global error handler when markResponded called", async () => { const res = await get("/respond-raw"); assertEquals(res.status, 200); assertEquals(await res.body?.text(), "ok"); }, );});
it("same path routes", (t) => {"/", async () => { const router = createRouter(); router.get("/", (req) => { req.respond({ status: 200, body: "get /" }); });"/", (req) => { req.respond({ status: 200, body: "post /" }); }); let resp = await makeGet(router)("/"); assertEquals(await resp.body?.text(), "get /"); resp = await makeGet(router, "POST")("/"); assertEquals(await resp.body?.text(), "post /"); });});
it("router error", (t) => {"should throw RoutingError if handler won't respond", async () => { const router = createRouter(); router.handle("/", () => {}); await assertRoutingError(() => makeGet(router)("/"), 404); });"should throw RoutingError when no route is matched", async () => { const router = createRouter(); router.handle("/", () => {}); await assertRoutingError(() => makeGet(router)("/about"), 404); });"should call error handler", async () => { const router = createRouter(); router.handle("/", () => { throw new Error("Err"); }); let handled = false; router.catch((_, req) => { handled = true; req.respond({ status: 200, body: "err" }); }); const resp = await makeGet(router)("/"); assertEquals(resp.status, 200); assertEquals(await resp.body.text(), "err"); assertEquals(handled, true); });"should re-throw error if error handler won't respond", async () => { const router = createRouter(); router.handle("/", () => { throw new Error("Err"); }); let handled = false; let thrown: any; router.catch((e) => { thrown = e; handled = true; }); let reThrown: any; try { await makeGet(router)("/"); } catch (e) { reThrown = e; } assertEquals(handled, true); assertEquals(thrown, reThrown); });"should call final handler", async () => { const router = createRouter(); router.get("/", (req) => { req.respond({ status: 200, body: "ok" }); }); let handled = false; router.finally((req) => { handled = true; }); const resp = await makeGet(router)("/"); assertEquals(resp.status, 200); assertEquals(await resp.body?.text(), "ok"); assertEquals(handled, true); });});
it("router nested", (t) => { const handler = (name: string, subpath: string) => (req: ServerRequest) => { req.respond({ status: 200, body: `${name} ${subpath}` }); }; const PostRoute = () => { const route = createRouter(); route.get("/", handler("PostRoute", "/")); route.get("/inbox", handler("PostRoute", "/inbox")); return route; }; const UserRoutes = () => { const users = createRouter(); users.get("/", handler("UserRoute", "/")); users.get("/list", handler("UserRoute", "/list")); users.route("/posts", PostRoute()); return users; }; const app = createRouter(); app.get("/", handler("IndexRoute", "/")); app.route("/users", UserRoutes()); const get = makeGet(app);"basic", async () => { const res = await get("/"); assertEquals(await res.body?.text(), "IndexRoute /"); });"nested root", async () => { const res = await get("/users"); assertEquals(await res.body?.text(), "UserRoute /"); });"nested root with /", async () => { const res = await get("/users/"); assertEquals(await res.body?.text(), "UserRoute /"); });"nested subpath", async () => { const res = await get("/users/list"); assertEquals(await res.body?.text(), "UserRoute /list"); });"nested subroutes", async () => { const res = await get("/users/posts"); assertEquals(await res.body?.text(), "PostRoute /"); });"nested subroutes with /", async () => { const res = await get("/users/posts/"); assertEquals(await res.body?.text(), "PostRoute /"); });"nested subroutes", async () => { const res = await get("/users/posts/inbox"); assertEquals(await res.body?.text(), "PostRoute /inbox"); });});
it("nested router bad", (t) => {"prefix with /", async () => { const app = createRouter(); const UserRoute = createRouter(); UserRoute.get( "/", (req) => req.respond({ status: 200, body: "UserRoute /" }), ); app.route("/users/", UserRoute); const get = makeGet(app); assertRoutingError(() => get("/users"), 404); const resp = await get("/users/"); assertEquals(resp.status, 200); });"prefix with / and ''", async () => { const app = createRouter(); const UserRoute = createRouter(); UserRoute.get( "", (req) => req.respond({ status: 200, body: "UserRoute /" }), ); app.route("/users/", UserRoute); const get = makeGet(app); await assertRoutingError(() => get("/users"), 404); await assertRoutingError(() => get("/users/"), 404); });"prefix with ''", async () => { const app = createRouter(); const UserRoute = createRouter(); UserRoute.get( "/", (req) => req.respond({ status: 200, body: "UserRoute /" }), ); app.route("", UserRoute); const get = makeGet(app); assertRoutingError(() => get("/users/"), 404); });});