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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { createApp, App } from "./app.ts";import { assertEquals, assertMatch,} from "./vendor/https/";import { group, makeGet } from "./test_util.ts";import { Loglevel, setLevel } from "./logger.ts";import { connectWebSocket } from "./vendor/https/";setLevel(Loglevel.NONE);
group({ name: "app",}, ({ setupAll, test }) => { const app = createApp(); app.handle("/no-response", () => {}); app.handle("/throw", () => { throw new Error("throw"); }); const get = makeGet(app); setupAll(() => { const l = app.listen({ port: 8899 }); return () => l.close(); }); test("should respond if req.respond wasn't called", async () => { const res = await get("/no-response"); assertEquals(res.status, 404); }); test("should respond for unknown path", async () => { const res = await get("/not-found"); assertEquals(res.status, 404); }); test("should handle global error", async () => { const res = await get("/throw"); const text = await res.text(); assertEquals(res.status, 500); assertMatch(text, /Error: throw/); });});group({ name: "app/ws",}, ({ test, setupAll }) => { const app = createApp();"/ws", async (sock) => { await sock.send("Hello"); await sock.close(1000); }); setupAll(() => { const l = app.listen({ port: 8890 }); return () => l.close(); }); test("should accept ws", async () => { const sock = await connectWebSocket("ws://"); const it = sock[Symbol.asyncIterator](); const { value: msg1 } = await; assertEquals(msg1, "Hello"); const { value: msg2 } = await; assertEquals(msg2, { code: 1000, reason: "" }); const { done } = await; assertEquals(done, true); assertEquals(sock.isClosed, true); sock.closeForce(); });});