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🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
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// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows,} from "./vendor/https/";import { group } from "./_test_util.ts";import { cookieToString, parseCookie, parseSetCookie } from "./cookie.ts";import { toIMF } from "./vendor/https/";import { createApp } from "./app.ts";
group("parseCookie", ({ test }) => { test("basic", () => { const cookie = parseCookie( `deno=land; foo=var; ${encodeURIComponent("👉=🦕")}`, ); assertEquals(cookie.get("deno"), "land"); assertEquals(cookie.get("foo"), "var"); assertEquals(cookie.get("👉"), "🦕"); });});group("parseSetCookie", ({ test }) => { const expires = new Date(); const maxAge = 1000; const domain = ""; const path = "/path"; const sameSite = "Lax"; test("basic", () => { const e = `deno=land; Expires=${ toIMF( expires, ) }; Max-Age=${maxAge}; Domain=${domain}; Path=${path}; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=${sameSite}`; const { name, value, ...opts } = parseSetCookie(e); assertEquals(name, "deno"); assertEquals(value, "land"); assertEquals(opts.expires!.toDateString(), expires.toDateString()); assertEquals(opts.maxAge, maxAge); assertEquals(opts.domain, domain); assertEquals(opts.path, path); assertEquals(, true); assertEquals(opts.httpOnly, true); assertEquals(opts.sameSite, sameSite); });});group("cookieToString", ({ test }) => { test("basic", () => { const expires = new Date(); const maxAge = 1000; const domain = ""; const path = "/path"; const sameSite = "Lax"; const cookie = cookieToString("deno", "land", { maxAge, expires, domain, path, sameSite, secure: true, httpOnly: true, }); assertEquals( cookie, `deno=land; Expires=${ toIMF( expires, ) }; Max-Age=${maxAge}; Domain=${domain}; Path=${path}; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=${sameSite}`, ); }); test("should throw if maxAge is not integer", () => { assertThrows(() => cookieToString("deno", "land", { maxAge: 1.11, }) ); }); test("should throw if maxAge is lesser than or equals 0", () => { assertThrows(() => { cookieToString("deno", "land", { maxAge: -1, }); }); });});
group({ name: "cookie integration",}, ({ setupAll, test }) => { const now = new Date(); now.setMilliseconds(0); setupAll(() => { const router = createApp(); router.get("/", (req) => { req.setCookie("deno", "land", { path: "/", maxAge: 1000, expires: now, }); return req.respond({ status: 200, body: "ok", headers: new Headers({ "Connection": "close", }), }); }); router.get("/deno", (req) => { const deno = req.cookies.get("deno"); return req.respond({ status: 200, body: deno || "", headers: new Headers({ "Connection": "close", }), }); }); const lis = router.listen({ port: 9983 }); return () => lis.close(); }); test("basic", async () => { const resp = await fetch(""); const sc = resp.headers.get("Set-Cookie"); assert(sc != null, "should set cookie"); const cookie = parseSetCookie(sc); await resp.text(); assertEquals(cookie, { name: "deno", value: "land", path: "/", maxAge: 1000, expires: now, sameSite: undefined, domain: undefined, secure: undefined, httpOnly: undefined, }); const resp2 = await fetch("", { headers: { Cookie: "deno=land", }, }); const body = await resp2.text(); assertEquals(body, "land"); });});