Pluggable Storage Modules for Deno
NOTE: This is an experimental module.
Each module here provides the same interface to a hierarchical key -> value storage mechanism. So they can be imported directly or as swappable interface via an import map, for example:
"imports": {
"$store": ""
Each function takes a hierarchy key as an array of strings. It’s up to the storage module how those are translated to the underlying storage. But it may be best to assume the first level key to be a grouping level, eg. a database name.
Any JSON serializable value can be stored.
isWritable(key?: string[]) => Promise<boolean>
Check whether the storage is writable in general, or at or below a particular key.
getItem<T>(key: string[]) => Promise<T | undefined>
Fetch an item from the storage.
setItem<T>(key: string[], value: T) => Promise<void>
Set an item in storage.
removeItem<T>(key: string[]) => Promise<void>
Remove an item.
listItems<T>(key?: string[]) => AsyncIterable<[string[], T]>
List all items beneath the given key.
This uses localStorage
of the standard
Web Storage
The parts of the key are joined with a /
to form a single key string for use
with the localStorage
Import mapping: "$store": ""
This stores values in individual files under a directory hierarchy via
Deno fs calls. By default this is
under a .store
dir under the current working dir. This can be overridden via
the environment var STORE_ROOT
Each level of the key become a directory up to the last segment which become a JSON file.
eg: ["one", "two", "three"]
-> .store/one/two/three.json
Import mapping: "$store": ""
Future modules
Eventually we’ll add modules to store in a remote database or KV store.