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Pluggable Storage Modules for Deno

NOTE: This is an experimental module.

Each module here provides the same interface to a hierarchical key -> value storage mechanism. So they can be imported directly or as swappable interface via an import map, for example:

  "imports": {
    "$store": ""


Each function takes a hierarchical key as an array of strings. It’s up to the storage module how those are translated to the underlying storage. But it may be best to assume the first level key to be a grouping level, eg. a database name.

Any JSON serializable value can be stored.

See the types for a description of the module interface.



This uses localStorage of the standard Web Storage API.

The parts of the key are joined with a / to form a single key string for use with the localStorage API.

Import mapping: "$store": ""


This stores values in individual files under a directory hierarchy via Deno fs calls. By default this is under a .store dir under the current working dir. This can be overridden via the environment var STORE_FS_ROOT.

Each level of the key becomes a directory up to the last segment which becomes a JSON file.

eg: ["one", "two", "three"] -> .store/one/two/three.json

Import mapping: "$store": ""


Use the Deno KV API for storage.

Import mapping: "$store": ""


Combination of a readonly deno_fs.ts and deno_kv.ts, allowing fallback or immutable storage in the filesystem, and mutable storage via the KV store.

By default the filesystem takes priority, and cannot be overridden by KV values, unless the env var STORE_PRIMARY is set to kv, in which case the KV always overrides filesystem values.