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Update Deno Dependencies - update dependency urls to their latest published versions
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export function versioned(url: string): Versioned | undefined { for (const Impl of IMPLS) { const v = new Impl(url) as Versioned; if (v.regexp.test(url)) { return v; } }}
export interface Versioned { url: string; // all versions of the url all: () => Promise<string[]>; // url at a given version at(version: string): Versioned; // current version of url current: () => string; // is url valid for this Versioned regexp: RegExp;}
function defaultAt(that: Versioned, version: string): string { return that.url.replace(/\@([^\/]*?)\//, `@${version}/`);}
function defaultCurrent(that: Versioned): string { const v = that.url.match(/\@([^\/]*?)\//); if (v === null) { throw Error(`Unable to find version in ${that.url}`); } return v[1];}
function defaultName(that: Versioned): string { const n = that.url.match(/([^\/\"\']*?)\@[^\'\"]*/); if (n === null) { throw new Error(`Package name not found in ${that.url}`); } return n[1];}
// There must be a better way...const GR_CACHE: Map<string, string[]> = new Map<string, string[]>();async function githubReleases(owner: string, repo: string): Promise<string[]> { const cacheKey = `${owner}/${repo}`; if (GR_CACHE.has(cacheKey)) { return GR_CACHE.get(cacheKey)!; } const page = await fetch(`${owner}/${repo}/releases.atom`); const text = await page.text(); // naively, we grab all the titles, except the first which is the page titleL const m = text.matchAll(/<title>(.*?)\<\/title\>/g); const versions = [...m].map(x => x[1]).slice(1); GR_CACHE.set(cacheKey, versions); return versions;}
let denoLandDB: any;
class DenoLand implements Versioned { url: string;
constructor(url: string) { this.url = url; }
name(): string { return defaultName(this); }
async all(): Promise<string[]> { if (!denoLandDB) { const dbUrl = ""; denoLandDB = await (await fetch(dbUrl)).json(); } let res: any; try { res = denoLandDB[]; } catch { throw new Error(`${} not found in deno land json`); }
const { type, owner, repo } = res; if (type !== "github") { throw new Error(`${} has unsupported type ${type}`); }
return await githubReleases(owner, repo); }
at(version: string): Versioned { const url = defaultAt(this, version); return new DenoLand(url); }
current(): string { return defaultCurrent(this); }
regexp: RegExp = /https?:\/\/\/x\/[^\/\"\']*?\@[^\'\"]*/;}
class DenoStd implements Versioned { url: string;
constructor(url: string) { this.url = url; }
async all(): Promise<string[]> { return await githubReleases("denoland", "deno"); }
at(version: string): Versioned { const url = defaultAt(this, version); return new DenoStd(url); }
current(): string { return defaultCurrent(this); }
regexp: RegExp = /https?:\/\/\/std\@[^\'\"]*/;}
class Unpkg implements Versioned { url: string;
name(): string { return defaultName(this); }
constructor(url: string) { this.url = url; }
async all(): Promise<string[]> { const page = await fetch(`${}/`); const text = await page.text(); // naively, we grab all the titles, except the first which is the page titleL const m = [...text.matchAll(/\<option value\=\"(.*?)\"\>/g)]; m.reverse(); return => x[1]); }
at(version: string): Versioned { const url = defaultAt(this, version); return new Unpkg(url); }
current(): string { return defaultCurrent(this); }
regexp: RegExp = /https?:\/\/\/[^\/\"\']*?\@[^\'\"]*/;}
class Denopkg implements Versioned { url: string;
owner(): string { return this.url.split("/")[3]; }
repo(): string { return defaultName(this); }
constructor(url: string) { this.url = url; }
async all(): Promise<string[]> { return await githubReleases(this.owner(), this.repo()); }
at(version: string): Versioned { const url = defaultAt(this, version); return new Denopkg(url); }
current(): string { return defaultCurrent(this); }
regexp: RegExp = /https?:\/\/\/[^\/\"\']*?\/[^\/\"\']*?\@[^\'\"]*/;}
// TODO Pika
export const IMPLS = [DenoStd, DenoLand, Unpkg, Denopkg];