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a build tool for compiling and bundling Vue single-file components
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import * as utils from "../utils/utils.ts";import { TsCompile } from "./ts_compile.ts";import { _, colors, path as stdPath } from "./deps.ts";import { preorderScrub } from "./scrub.ts";import { Cmpt, Component, Resolve } from "../dts/factory.d.ts";import { patterns } from "./constants.ts";
export const _script: Resolve.Source = async function (data, path, tsCheck) { if (typeof data === "string") { throw new TypeError("invalid arguments"); }
const start = utils.indexOfRegExp(/^\s*(export)/, data); const end = data.lastIndexOf("}");
const trimmed = data.slice(start + 1, end).join("\n");
let script = tsCheck ? await TsCompile(`({ ${trimmed} })`, path) : trimmed as string;
script = script .replace(patterns.multilineComment, "") .slice(0, script.lastIndexOf(";"));
return script as string;};
export const _dependants: Resolve.Attrs = function (curr, arr, storage, queue) { if (!Array.isArray(arr) || !storage || !queue) { throw new TypeError("invalid arguments"); }
// locate if this component has any children const start = utils.indexOfRegExp(/^\s*(components\s*:)/gm, arr); // if the current component has no identified dependants, break from function if (start < 0) return; const children = arr.slice(start); const end = children.findIndex((el) => el.includes("}")) + 1;
const componentsStr = utils.sliceAndTrim(children, 0, end);
const iter: string[] = _.compact( utils.trimAndSplit( componentsStr, componentsStr.indexOf("{") + 1, componentsStr.indexOf("}"), ), ); // uses the found reference to retrieve the child component in storage const dependants: Cmpt.List = (child: string) => storage.get(child) as Component, );
while (dependants.length) { const component = dependants.pop(); if (component) { // add unparsed components to the queue if (!component.is_parsed) queue.enqueue(component); // reposition children higher on dependency graph preorderScrub(component.label, curr, storage); // link the child component as a dependant curr.dependants?.add(component); } }};
export const _middlecode: Resolve.Attrs = async function (curr, script) { const data = curr.script_data.content.split("\n"); let endLine = false;
const tagPattern = /<script.*>/gim; const chunks: string[] = []; const imports: string[] = [];
for (const chunk of data) { if ((/export default/gm).test(chunk)) { endLine = true; }
if ( !endLine && !tagPattern.test(chunk) && !chunk.includes(".vue") ) { if (patterns.import.test(chunk)) { imports.push(chunk); // TODO: resolve and inject all imports not .vue or is a import_map.json call } else { chunks.push(chunk); } } }
const compilerOutPut = await TsCompile(chunks.join("\n"), curr.path, false);
const output = await _imports( `${imports.join("\n")}\n${compilerOutPut}`, curr.path, script as string, );
return output;};
export const _imports: Resolve.Source = async function (source, path, script) { if (typeof source !== "string") { throw new TypeError("invalid arguments"); }
const temp = `./${Math.random().toString().replace(".", "")}.ts`;
try { // saves import statements from external sources if ( source.trim() !== "" && patterns.import.test(source.trim()) ) { const file = await Deno.create(temp); const encoder = new TextEncoder();
await file.write(encoder.encode(`${source} ({ ${script} })`));
const { files, diagnostics } = await Deno.emit(temp, { bundle: "esm", check: true, compilerOptions: { strict: false }, });
// show bundler diagnostic if (diagnostics?.length) { diagnostics.forEach((file) => { console.log( colors.yellow("[vno warn] => "), ?? ""), ); }); }
let out = ""; for (const script in files) { out += files[script]; } // remove temp file await Deno.remove(temp, { recursive: true });
// remove component object return out.replace(/\(\{((?:.|\r?\n)+?)\}\);/gm, ""); }
// ignore if import statement is not from external source return source; } catch (e) { await Deno.remove(temp, { recursive: true }); throw new Error( `Resolve bundler Error in ${colors.yellow(path)}`, ), ); }};