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Alosaur 🦖

Alosaur - Deno web framework 🦖.


  • Area - these are the modules of your application.
  • Controller - are responsible for controlling the flow of the application execution.
  • Middleware - provide a convenient mechanism for filtering HTTP requests entering your application.
  • Hooks - middleware for area, controller and actions with support DI. Have 3 life cyclic functions: onPreAction, onPostAction, onCatchAction
  • Decorators - for query, cookie, parametrs, routes and etc.
  • Dependency Injection - for all controllers by default from microsoft/TSyringe (more about alosaur injection).
  • Render pages any template render engine More



Simple example


import { Controller, Get, Area, App } from '';

@Controller() // or specific path @Controller("/home")
export class HomeController {
    @Get() // or specific path @Get("/hello")
    text() {
        return 'Hello world';

// Declare module
    controllers: [HomeController],
export class HomeArea {}

// Create alosaur application
const app = new App({
    areas: [HomeArea],


    "compilerOptions": {
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

And run

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --config ./ app.ts


  • Add render views: Dejs and Handlebars

  • Add return value JSON

  • Add decorators:

    • @Area
    • @QueryParam
    • @Param param from url: /:id
    • @Body
    • @Cookie
    • @Req
    • @Res
    • @Middleware with regex route
    • @UseHook for contoller and actions
    • Support create custom decorators with app metadata
  • Add middleware

  • Add static middleware (example: app.useStatic)

  • Add CORS middleware

  • Add SPA middleware

  • Add DI

  • Add std exceptions

  • Add CI with minimal tests.

  • Add OpenAPI v3 generator (see /examples/basic/openapi.ts)

  • Add OpenAPI type reference

  • Add Hooks example

  • Add WebSocket

  • Add SRE

  • Add validators example class-validator

  • Add microservice connector with WASM

  • Add benchmarks

  • Transfer to Alosaur github organization

  • Add docs and more examples

  • Plugins & modules

  • Examples

    • Add basic example
    • Add DI example
    • Add static serve example
    • Add Dejs view render example
    • Add example with SQL drivers (PostgreSQL)
    • Add basic example in Docker container
    • Add WebSocket example
    • Add example with WASM

OpenAPI v3

Example in examples/basic/openapi.ts

Generate OpenAPI file:

deno run -A --config ./src/tsconfig.lib.json examples/basic/openapi.ts


You can create middleware and register it in area or all application layer.

@Middleware(new RegExp('/'))
export class Log implements MiddlewareTarget<TState> {
    date: Date = new Date();

    onPreRequest(context: Context<TState>) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
   = new Date();

    onPostRequest(context: Context<TState>) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            console.log(new Date().getTime() -;

Register in app settings

const settings: AppSettings = {
    areas: [HomeArea, InfoArea],
    middlewares: [Log],

or in app

const app = new App(settings);

app.use(/\//, new Log());


Hooks - middleware for area, controller and actions with supports DI container.

Hook in Alosaur there are three types: onPreAction, onPostAction, onCatchAction.

type PayloadType = string; // can use any type for payload
type State = any;

export class MyHook implements HookTarget<State, PayloadType> {

  // this hook run before controller action
  onPreAction(context: Context<State>, payload: PayloadType) {
      // you can rewrite result and set request immediately
      context.response.result = Content({error: {token: false}}, 403);
      // if response setted immediately no further action will be taken
  // this hook run after controller action
  onPostAction(context: Context<State>, payload: PayloadType) {
    // you can filtered response result here
  // this hook run only throw exception in controller action
  onCatchAction(context: Context<State>, payload: PayloadType) {


@UseHook(MyContollerHook) // or @UseHook(MyHook, 'payload') for all actions in controller
export class HomeController {

    @UseHook(MyHook, 'payload') // only for one action
    text(@Res() res: any) {
        return ``;

Global error handler

Errors that haven’t been caught elsewhere get in here

const app = new App(
// app settings

// added global error handler
app.error((context: Context<any>, error: Error) => {
  context.response.result = Content("This page unprocessed error", (error as HttpError).httpCode || 500);

Action outputs: Content, View, Redirect

There are 3 ways of information output

  • Content similar return {}; by default Status 200 OK
  • View uses with template engine, return View("index", model);
  • Redirect and RedirectPermanent status 301,302 return Redirect('/to/page')
return {}; // return 200 status

// or
return Content("Text or Model", 404); // return 404 status

// or 
return View("page", 404); // return 404 status

Render pages

Alosaur can suppport any html renderer. All you have to do is define the rendering function in the settings. For example Dejs, Handlebars, Angular, Eta

// Handlebars
// Basedir path
const viewPath = `${Deno.cwd()}/examples/handlebars/views`;

// Create Handlebars render
const handle = new Handlebars();

    type: 'handlebars',
    basePath: viewPath,
    getBody: async (path: string, model: any, config: ViewRenderConfig) => await handle.renderView(path, model),


Handlebars support custom config, more about handlebars for deno

 new Handlebars(
        baseDir: viewPath,
        extname: '.hbs',
        layoutsDir: 'layouts/',
        partialsDir: 'partials/',
        defaultLayout: 'main',
        helpers: undefined,
        compilerOptions: undefined,

Transformers and validators

You can use different transformers

For example class-validator and class-transformer for body


import validator from "";

const { Length, Contains, IsInt, Min, Max, IsEmail, IsFQDN, IsDate } =

export class PostModel {
  @Length(10, 20)
  title?: string;

  text?: string;

  rating?: number;

  email?: string;


import validator from "";
import transformer from "";
import { App, Area, Controller, Post, Body } from '';
import { PostModel } from './post.model.ts';

const { validate } = validator;
const { plainToClass } = transformer;

// Create controller
export class HomeController {

    async post(@Body(PostModel) data: PostModel) {

        return {
            errors: await validate(data)

// Declare controller in area
    controllers: [HomeController],
export class HomeArea { }

// Create app
const app = new App({
    areas: [HomeArea],

// added tranform function
    type: 'body', // parse body params
    getTransform: (transform: any, body: any) => {
        return plainToClass(transform, body);

// serve application

You can also use just a function instead of a transformer.

function parser(body): ParsedObject {
    // your code
    return body;

post(@Body(parser) data: ParsedObject) {


Custom Decorators

You can add any decorator and put it in a DI system.

Example with hooks:

import {
} from "";

type AuthorizeRoleType = string | undefined;

 * Authorize decorator with role
export function Authorize(role?: AuthorizeRoleType): Function {
  return function (object: any, methodName?: string) {
    // add hook to global metadata
      type: methodName ? BusinessType.Action : BusinessType.Controller,
      target: object.constructor,
      method: methodName,
      instance: container.resolve(AutorizeHook),
      payload: role,

export class AutorizeHook implements HookTarget<unknown, AuthorizeRoleType> {
  onPreAction(context: Context<unknown>, role: AuthorizeRoleType) {
    const queryParams = getQueryParams(context.request.url);

    if (queryParams == undefined || queryParams.get("role") !== role) {
      context.response.result = Content({ error: { token: false } }, 403);

Then you can add anywhere you want. For example action of controller:

  // ..controller

  // action
  getAdminPage() {
    return "Hi! this protected info";