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import * as oa from './openapi-models.ts';
// Internal DSL for building an OpenAPI 3.0.x contract// using a fluent interface
export class OpenApiBuilder { rootDoc: oa.OpenAPIObject;
static create(doc?: oa.OpenAPIObject): OpenApiBuilder { return new OpenApiBuilder(doc); }
constructor(doc?: oa.OpenAPIObject) { this.rootDoc = doc || { openapi: '3.0.0', info: { title: 'app', version: 'version', }, paths: {}, components: { schemas: {}, responses: {}, parameters: {}, examples: {}, requestBodies: {}, headers: {}, securitySchemes: {}, links: {}, callbacks: {}, }, tags: [], servers: [], }; }
getSpec(): oa.OpenAPIObject { return this.rootDoc; } getSpecAsJson(replacer?: (key: string, value: any) => any, space?: string | number): string { return JSON.stringify(this.rootDoc, replacer, space); } getSpecAsYaml(): string { // Todo throw Error('Not yet implemented.'); }
private static isValidOpenApiVersion(v: string = ''): boolean { let match = /(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)/.exec(v); if (match) { let major = parseInt(match[1], 10); if (major >= 3) { return true; } } return false; }
addOpenApiVersion(openApiVersion: string): OpenApiBuilder { if (!OpenApiBuilder.isValidOpenApiVersion(openApiVersion)) { throw new Error('Invalid OpnApi version: ' + openApiVersion + '. Follow convention: 3.x.y'); } this.rootDoc.openapi = openApiVersion; return this; } addInfo(info: oa.InfoObject): OpenApiBuilder { = info; return this; } addContact(contact: oa.ContactObject): OpenApiBuilder { = contact; return this; } addLicense(license: oa.LicenseObject): OpenApiBuilder { = license; return this; } addTitle(title: string): OpenApiBuilder { = title; return this; } addDescription(description: string): OpenApiBuilder { = description; return this; } addTermsOfService(termsOfService: string): OpenApiBuilder { = termsOfService; return this; } addVersion(version: string): OpenApiBuilder { = version; return this; } addPath(path: string, pathItem: oa.PathItemObject): OpenApiBuilder { this.rootDoc.paths[path] = pathItem; return this; } addSchema(name: string, schema: oa.SchemaObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.schemas[name] = schema; return this; } addResponse(name: string, response: oa.ResponseObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.responses[name] = response; return this; } addParameter(name: string, parameter: oa.ParameterObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.parameters[name] = parameter; return this; } addExample(name: string, example: oa.ExampleObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.examples[name] = example; return this; } addRequestBody(name: string, reqBody: oa.RequestBodyObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.requestBodies[name] = reqBody; return this; } addHeader(name: string, header: oa.HeaderObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.headers[name] = header; return this; } addSecurityScheme(name: string, secScheme: oa.SecuritySchemeObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.securitySchemes[name] = secScheme; return this; } addLink(name: string, link: oa.LinkObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.links[name] = link; return this; } addCallback(name: string, callback: oa.CallbackObject | oa.ReferenceObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.components.callbacks[name] = callback; return this; } addServer(server: oa.ServerObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.servers.push(server); return this; } addTag(tag: oa.TagObject): OpenApiBuilder { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'null'. this.rootDoc.tags.push(tag); return this; } addExternalDocs(extDoc: oa.ExternalDocumentationObject): OpenApiBuilder { this.rootDoc.externalDocs = extDoc; return this; }}