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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
import * as capi from "";


Flags used by a contract to customize exit behavior.


A struct that encodes RPC parameters required for a call to a smart-contract.

A struct that encodes RPC parameters required for a call to upload a new code.

The result of successfully uploading a contract.

Result type of a bare_call or bare_instantiate call.

Holds associated values for a tracing span.

Generic header digest.

Holds information about the slot's that can be claimed by a given key.

Represents a tracing event, complete with recorded data.

Output of a contract call or instantiation which ran to completion.

The FeeDetails is composed of:

  • (Optional) inclusion_fee: Only the Pays::Yes transaction can have the inclusion fee.
  • tip: If included in the transaction, the tip will be added on top. Only signed transactions can have a tip.

Abstraction over a block header for a substrate chain.

Health struct returned by the RPC

The base fee and adjusted weight and length fees constitute the inclusion fee.

A struct that encodes RPC parameters required to instantiate a new smart-contract.

The result of a successful contract instantiation.

Retrieved MMR leaves and their proof.

Retrieved MMR leaf and its proof.

Network Peer information

The state of the current best round, as well as the background rounds in a form suitable for serialization.

Information related to a dispatchable's class, weight, and fee that can be queried from the runtime.

Runtime version. This should not be thought of as classic Semver (major/minor/tiny). This triplet have different semantics and mis-interpretation could cause problems. In particular: bug fixes should result in an increment of spec_version and possibly authoring_version, absolutely not impl_version since they change the semantics of the runtime.

Abstraction over a substrate block and justification.

Represents a single instance of a tracing span.

Storage change set

Error response for the state_traceBlock RPC.

Type Aliases

Arithmetic errors.

The type of a chain.

Reference to an existing code hash or a new wasm module

A generalized group of dispatch types.

Reason why a dispatch call failed.

RPC Extrinsic or hash

An encoded justification proving that the given header has been finalized

A type to describe leaf position in the MMR.

Reason why a pallet call failed.

The role the node is running as

The amount of balance that was either charged or refunded in order to pay for storage.

A type of supported crypto.

Description of what went wrong when trying to complete an operation on a token.

Response for the state_traceBlock RPC.

Errors related to transactional storage layers.

Possible transaction status events.