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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
type alias ChildStateCalls
import { type ChildStateCalls } from "";
definition: { childState_getKeys(
childStorageKey: PrefixedStorageKey,
prefix: StorageKey,
hash?: string,
): StorageKey[]; childState_getKeysPaged(
childStorageKey: PrefixedStorageKey,
prefix: StorageKey,
count: number,
startKey?: StorageKey,
hash?: string,
): StorageKey[]; childState_getStorage(
childStorageKey: PrefixedStorageKey,
hash?: string,
): StorageData | null; childState_getStorageEntries(
childStorageKey: PrefixedStorageKey,
keys: StorageKey[],
hash?: string,
): (StorageData | null)[]; childState_getStorageHash(
childStorageKey: PrefixedStorageKey,
hash?: string,
): string | null; childState_getStorageSize(
childStorageKey: PrefixedStorageKey,
hash?: string,
): number | null; state_getChildReadProof(
childStorageKey: PrefixedStorageKey,
keys: StorageKey[],
hash?: string,
): ReadProof; }