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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
interface InclusionFee
import { type InclusionFee } from "";

The base fee and adjusted weight and length fees constitute the inclusion fee.


baseFee: NumberOrHex

This is the minimum amount a user pays for a transaction. It is declared as a base weight in the runtime and converted to a fee using WeightToFee.

lenFee: NumberOrHex

The length fee, the amount paid for the encoded length (in bytes) of the transaction.

adjustedWeightFee: NumberOrHex
  • targeted_fee_adjustment: This is a multiplier that can tune the final fee based on the congestion of the network.
  • weight_fee: This amount is computed based on the weight of the transaction. Weight accounts for the execution time of a transaction.

adjusted_weight_fee = targeted_fee_adjustment * weight_fee