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Library for building a Run on Slack Deno project.
import { cleanManifest, createManifest } from "./manifest.ts";import { validateAndCreateFunctions } from "./functions.ts";import { Options } from "./types.ts";import { parse, path } from "./deps.ts";
const run = async () => { const start =; // We could add additional arguments to indicate things like only generate the manifest, or only functions let { source, output, manifest: manifestOnly = false } = parse(Deno.args);
// If we're generating functions, default output to a relative dist folder if (!output && !manifestOnly) { output = "dist"; }
const outputDirectory = output ? (path.isAbsolute(output) ? output : path.join(Deno.cwd(), output || "")) : undefined; const workingDirectory = path.isAbsolute(source || "") ? source : path.join(Deno.cwd(), source || "");
const options: Options = { manifestOnly, workingDirectory, outputDirectory, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any log: (...args: any) => console.log(...args), };
// Disable logging to stdout if we're outputing a manifest.json file to stdout if (options.manifestOnly) { options.log = () => {}; }
// Clean output directory if (options.outputDirectory) { const removedDirectory = await removeDirectory(options.outputDirectory); if (removedDirectory) { options.log(`remove directory: ${options.outputDirectory}`); } }
// Generate Manifest const generatedManifest = await createManifest(options);
await validateAndCreateFunctions(options, generatedManifest);
const prunedManifest = cleanManifest(generatedManifest);
// If no output was provided, print to stdout if (!options.outputDirectory) { // We explicitly are writing this to stdout here, not using log() console.log(JSON.stringify(prunedManifest, null, 2)); } else { await Deno.writeTextFile( path.join(options.outputDirectory, "manifest.json"), JSON.stringify(prunedManifest, null, 2), ); options.log(`wrote manifest.json`); }
const duration = - start; options.log(`duration: ${duration}ms`);};
/** * Recursively deletes the specified directory. * * @param directoryPath the directory to delete * @returns true when the directory is deleted or throws unexpected errors */async function removeDirectory(directoryPath: string): Promise<boolean> { try { await Deno.remove(directoryPath, { recursive: true }); return true; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; }
throw err; }}