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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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variable readonly
import { readonly } from "";

If on, writes fail unless you use a '!'. Protects you from accidentally overwriting a file. Default on when Vim is started in read-only mode ("vim -R") or when the executable is called "view". When using ":w!" the 'readonly' option is reset for the current buffer, unless the 'Z' flag is in 'cpoptions'. When using the ":view" command the 'readonly' option is set for the newly edited buffer. See 'modifiable' for disallowing changes to the buffer.


{ get(denops: Denops): Promise<boolean>; set(denops: Denops, value: boolean): Promise<void>; reset(denops: Denops): Promise<void>; getLocal(denops: Denops): Promise<boolean>; setLocal(denops: Denops, value: boolean): Promise<void>; resetLocal(denops: Denops): Promise<void>; }