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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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variable switchbuf
import { switchbuf } from "";

This option controls the behavior when switching between buffers. Mostly for |quickfix| commands some values are also used for other commands, as mentioned below. Possible values (comma separated list): useopen If included, jump to the first open window that contains the specified buffer (if there is one). Otherwise: Do not examine other windows. This setting is checked with |quickfix| commands, when jumping to errors (":cc", ":cn", "cp", etc.). It is also used in all buffer related split commands, for example ":sbuffer", ":sbnext", or ":sbrewind". usetab Like "useopen", but also consider windows in other tab pages. split If included, split the current window before loading a buffer for a |quickfix| command that display errors. Otherwise: do not split, use current window (when used in the quickfix window: the previously used window or split if there is no other window). vsplit Just like "split" but split vertically. newtab Like "split", but open a new tab page. Overrules "split" when both are present. uselast If included, jump to the previously used window when jumping to errors with |quickfix| commands.


{ get(denops: Denops): Promise<string>; set(denops: Denops, value: string): Promise<void>; reset(denops: Denops): Promise<void>; getGlobal(denops: Denops): Promise<string>; setGlobal(denops: Denops, value: string): Promise<void>; resetGlobal(denops: Denops): Promise<void>; }