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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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variable undoreload
import { undoreload } from "";

Save the whole buffer for undo when reloading it. This applies to the ":e!" command and reloading for when the buffer changed outside of Vim. |FileChangedShell| The save only happens when this option is negative or when the number of lines is smaller than the value of this option. Set this option to zero to disable undo for a reload.


{ get(denops: Denops): Promise<number>; set(denops: Denops, value: number): Promise<void>; reset(denops: Denops): Promise<void>; getGlobal(denops: Denops): Promise<number>; setGlobal(denops: Denops, value: number): Promise<void>; resetGlobal(denops: Denops): Promise<void>; }