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Like JSON-RPC, but supports streaming.
import { FnsBag } from './types-bag.ts';import { RpcError, RpcErrorNetworkProblem, RpcErrorUseAfterClose } from './errors.ts';import { IConnection, ITransport, ITransportOpts, Thunk, TransportStatus } from './types.ts';import { Watchable, WatchableSet } from './watchable.ts';import { ensureEndsWith, fetchWithTimeout } from './util.ts';import { Connection } from './connection.ts';
import { logPullState, logTransport as log } from './log.ts';
const TIMEOUT = 1000; // TODO: make this configurable
interface ClosedPullState { closed: true;}
interface PullStateOptions<BagType extends FnsBag> { urlToFetch: string; setState: ( state: ScheduledPullState<BagType> | InFlightPullState<BagType> | ClosedPullState, ) => void; connection: IConnection<BagType>;}
class ScheduledPullState<BagType extends FnsBag> { closed = false as false; _timeoutId: number; _opts: PullStateOptions<BagType>;
constructor(opts: PullStateOptions<BagType> & { ms?: number }) { this._opts = opts;
this._timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { logPullState( `(SCHEDULED -> IN-FLIGHT) Began a pull!`, ); this._opts.setState(new InFlightPullState(this._opts)); },;
//logPullState(`(SCHEDULED) Scheduled a pull in ${}`); }
reschedule(ms?: number) { clearTimeout(this._timeoutId);
if (ms) { logPullState( `(SCHEDULED -> SCHEDULED) Rescheduled a pull in ${ms}ms'}`, ); this._opts.setState( new ScheduledPullState({ ms, ...this._opts }), ); } else { logPullState( `(SCHEDULED -> IN-FLIGHT) Rescheduled a pull to right now!`, ); this._opts.setState( new InFlightPullState({ ...this._opts }), ); } }
close() { clearTimeout(this._timeoutId); this._opts.setState({ closed: true, }); logPullState(`(SCHEDULED -> CLOSED) Closed while waiting for the next pull!`); }}
class InFlightPullState<BagType extends FnsBag> { _abortController: AbortController; _opts: PullStateOptions<BagType>; _timeoutTimer: number; closed = false as false; _closedInMeantime = false;
constructor(opts: PullStateOptions<BagType>) { this._abortController = new AbortController(); this._opts = opts;
// Cancel the request after a timeout this._timeoutTimer = setTimeout(() => { if (!this._abortController.signal.aborted) { this._abortController.abort(); } }, TIMEOUT);
const QUICK_POLL = 10; // got good data, try again right away const SLOW_POLL = 1000; // got no data, slow down const ERROR_POLL = 3000; // got an error, back off
fetch(opts.urlToFetch, { signal: this._abortController.signal }).then(async (response) => { logPullState('(IN-FLIGHT) Fetched successfully!');
if (!response.ok) { throw new RpcErrorNetworkProblem('pull thread HTTP response was not ok'); }
const envs = await response.json();
if (!Array.isArray(envs)) throw new RpcError('expected an array'); // poll slower when there's nothing there
const pollInMs = envs.length >= 1 ? QUICK_POLL : SLOW_POLL;
logPullState('(IN-FLIGHT) Got this many envelopes:', envs.length); logPullState(`(IN-FLIGHT -> SCHEDULED) Scheduled next pull in ${pollInMs}ms`); this._opts.setState(new ScheduledPullState({ ...this._opts, ms: pollInMs }));
// pass envelopes to the connection to handle one at a time this._opts.connection.status.set('OPEN'); log(`got ${envs.length} envelopes`); for (const env of envs) { this._opts.connection.handleIncomingEnvelope(env); } }).catch((error) => { // This will happen if this state was closed // or timed out. // Can't use DOMException here because Node doesn't have it. // And need to support some node-fetch variant of this error too. if ( error.message === 'The signal has been aborted' || error.message === 'The user aborted a request.' ) { logPullState('(IN-FLIGHT) Request was cancelled.'); return; }
// here we should reschedule if this wasn't closed in the meantime.
logPullState('Got an error!:', error); if (!this._closedInMeantime) { logPullState( `(IN-FLIGHT -> SCHEDULED) Scheduled next pull in ${ERROR_POLL}ms (due to error)`, ); this._opts.setState(new ScheduledPullState({ ...this._opts, ms: ERROR_POLL })); }
console.warn('> problem polling for envelopes:', error); // don't re-throw; swallow this error because there's nobody to catch it }).finally(() => { clearTimeout(this._timeoutTimer); }); }
close() { this._closedInMeantime = true; clearTimeout(this._timeoutTimer); this._abortController.abort();
this._opts.setState({ closed: true, });
logPullState(`(IN-FLIGHT -> CLOSED) Closed!`); }}
export class TransportHttpClient<BagType extends FnsBag> implements ITransport<BagType> { status: Watchable<TransportStatus> = new Watchable('OPEN' as TransportStatus); deviceId: string; methods: BagType; connections: WatchableSet<IConnection<BagType>> = new WatchableSet(); _pullStates: Map< string, InFlightPullState<BagType> | ScheduledPullState<BagType> | ClosedPullState > = new Map();
constructor(opts: ITransportOpts<BagType>) { log('constructor for device', opts.deviceId); this.deviceId = opts.deviceId; this.methods = opts.methods; }
get isClosed() { return this.status.value === 'CLOSED'; }
onClose(cb: Thunk): Thunk { return this.status.onChangeTo('CLOSED', cb); }
close(): void { if (this.isClosed) return;
log('closing...'); this.status.set('CLOSED');
log('...closing connections...'); for (const conn of this.connections) { conn.close(); }
this.connections.clear(); log('...closed'); }
addConnection(url: string): Connection<BagType> { url = ensureEndsWith(url, '/'); log('addConnection to url:', url);
const conn = new Connection({ description: url, transport: this, deviceId: this.deviceId, methods: this.methods, // PUSH sendEnvelope: async (conn, env) => { // send envelope in its own HTTP POST. // TODO: does this work right if it's called multiple times at once? // probably conn.status ends up wrong.
if (conn.isClosed) throw new RpcErrorUseAfterClose('the connection is closed'); log(`connection "${conn.description}" is sending an envelope:`, env); log('send...');
conn.status.set('CONNECTING'); const urlToPost = url + `from/${this.deviceId}`; log(`send... POSTing to ${urlToPost}`);
const { request, cancel: cancelRequest, clearFetchTimeout } = fetchWithTimeout( TIMEOUT, urlToPost, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify([env]), }, );
conn.onClose(() => { clearFetchTimeout(); cancelRequest(); });
try { const res = await request;
if (this.isClosed) return;
if (!res.ok) { log('send... POST was not ok...'); throw new RpcErrorNetworkProblem( `a POST to ${urlToPost} resulted in http ${res.status}`, ); } else { log('send... success.');
// cancel current pull timers for this connection // and pull again!
const pullState = this._pullStates.get(conn.description);
if (pullState && 'reschedule' in pullState) { logPullState( 'Sent envelopes, expecting some back... let\'s reschedule!', ); pullState.reschedule(0); }
conn.status.set('OPEN'); } } catch (error) { clearFetchTimeout(); // Don't throw if we're just cancelling the request // Can't use DOMException here because Node doesn't have it. // And need to support some node-fetch variant of this error too. if ( error.message === 'The signal has been aborted' || error.message === 'The user aborted a request.' ) { return; }
log('send... error.'); conn.status.set('ERROR'); //console.warn('> sendEnvelope error:', error); // re-throw the error throw error; } }, });
const newPullState = new InFlightPullState({ connection: conn, setState: (state) => this._pullStates.set(conn.description, state), urlToFetch: url + `for/${this.deviceId}`, });
this._pullStates.set(conn.description, newPullState);
conn.onClose(() => { const pullState = this._pullStates.get(conn.description);
if (pullState && pullState.closed === false) { pullState.close(); }
this.connections.delete(conn); });
this.connections.add(conn); return conn; }}