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import { RpcErrorNetworkProblem, RpcErrorUseAfterClose } from './errors.ts';import { FnsBag } from './types-bag.ts';import { IConnection, ITransport, ITransportOpts, Thunk, TransportStatus } from './types.ts';import { Envelope } from './types-envelope.ts';import { Watchable, WatchableSet } from './watchable.ts';import { sleep } from './util.ts';import { Connection } from './connection.ts';
import { logTransport as log } from './log.ts';
const CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 2000; // TODO: make this configurableconst RECONNECT_TIMEOUT = 2000;
export class TransportWebsocketClient<BagType extends FnsBag> implements ITransport<BagType> { status: Watchable<TransportStatus> = new Watchable('OPEN' as TransportStatus); deviceId: string; methods: BagType; connections: WatchableSet<IConnection<BagType>> = new WatchableSet();
constructor(opts: ITransportOpts<BagType>) { log('constructor for device', opts.deviceId); this.deviceId = opts.deviceId; this.methods = opts.methods; }
get isClosed() { return this.status.value === 'CLOSED'; } onClose(cb: Thunk): Thunk { return this.status.onChangeTo('CLOSED', cb); } close(): void { if (this.isClosed) return;
log('closing...'); this.status.set('CLOSED');
log('...closing connections...'); for (const conn of this.connections) { conn.close(); } log('...closed'); }
addConnection(url: string): Connection<BagType> { log('addConnection to url:', url);
let ws: WebSocket; try { ws = new WebSocket(url); } catch (error) { throw new RpcErrorNetworkProblem(error); }
ws.onopen = (e: Event) => { log('>>> ws on open'); conn.status.set('OPEN'); };
ws.onmessage = async (e: MessageEvent) => { log('>>> ws on message'); conn.status.set('OPEN'); let env = JSON.parse( as Envelope<BagType>; log(`>>> ws on message: it\'s a ${env.kind}`); log(`>>> ws on message: handling...`); await conn.handleIncomingEnvelope(env); log(`>>> ws on message: done`); };
ws.onerror = (e: Event) => { log('>>> ws on error 2'); conn.status.set('ERROR'); //throw new RpcErrorNetworkProblem('could not connect'); log(`could not connect. retrying in ${RECONNECT_TIMEOUT} ms...`); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { log('reconnecting'); this.addConnection(url); }, RECONNECT_TIMEOUT);
conn.onClose(() => { clearTimeout(timeout); }); };
ws.onclose = (e: CloseEvent) => { log('>>> ws on close. closing the connection.'); conn.close(); };
const conn = new Connection({ description: url, transport: this, deviceId: this.deviceId, methods: this.methods, // PUSH sendEnvelope: async (conn: IConnection<BagType>, env: Envelope<BagType>) => { if (conn.isClosed) throw new RpcErrorUseAfterClose('the connection is closed'); log(`connection "${conn.description}" is sending an envelope:`, env); log('waiting for OPEN...'); await conn.status.waitUntil('OPEN', CONNECT_TIMEOUT); // We need this — the Websocket may still have been closed after the 'Connection' was opened. if (ws.readyState === ws.OPEN) { log('send...'); ws.send(JSON.stringify(env)); log('...done'); } }, });
conn.onClose(async () => { log('>>> connection onClose. closing the ws.'); if (ws.bufferedAmount !== 0) { // the websocket still has queued data to send. // give it one more moment to finish sending before we close it. await sleep(1000); } ws.close(); this.connections.delete(conn); });
conn.status.onChange((oldVal, newVal) => { log(`connection status changed from ${oldVal} --> ${newVal}`); });
this.connections.add(conn); log('...done adding connection'); return conn; }}