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A functional module for Deno inspired from Ramda.
// Copyright (c) 2020 Jozty. All rights reserved. MIT license.
export { _ } from './utils/constants.ts';export type { AllTypes, Comparator, Curry1, Curry2, Curry3, FuncArr1, InferElementType, InferType, PlaceHolder, Predicate1, Predicate2, Tests,} from './utils/types.ts';
// functionsexport { add } from './add.ts';export { addIndex } from './addIndex.ts';export { adjust } from './adjust.ts';export { all } from './all.ts';export { allPass } from './allPass.ts';export { always } from './always.ts';export { and } from './and.ts';export { andThen } from './andThen.ts';export { any } from './any.ts';export { anyPass } from './anyPass.ts';export { ap } from './ap.ts';export { aperture } from './aperture.ts';export { append } from './append.ts';export { assoc } from './assoc.ts';export { assocPath } from './assocPath.ts';export { both } from './both.ts';export { chain } from './chain.ts';export { clamp } from './clamp.ts';export { comparator } from './comparator.ts';export { complement } from './complement.ts';export { compose } from './compose.ts';export { concat } from './concat.ts';export { contains } from './contains.ts';export { crossProduct } from './crossProduct.ts';export { curry } from './curry.ts';export { dec } from './dec.ts';export { defaultTo } from './defaultTo.ts';export { dissoc } from './dissoc.ts';export { dissocPath } from './dissocPath.ts';export { divide } from './divide.ts';export { drop } from './drop.ts';export { dropLast } from './dropLast.ts';export { dropLastWhile } from './dropLastWhile.ts';export { dropRepeats } from './dropRepeats.ts';export { dropRepeatsWith } from './dropRepeatsWith.ts';export { dropWhile } from './dropWhile.ts';export { either } from './either.ts';export { empty } from './empty.ts';export { endsWith } from './endsWith.ts';export { eqProps } from './eqProps.ts';export { equals } from './equals.ts';export { filter } from './filter.ts';export { find } from './find.ts';export { findIndex } from './findIndex.ts';export { findLast } from './findLast.ts';export { findLastIndex } from './findLastIndex.ts';export { flip } from './flip.ts';export type { Pair } from './fromPairs.ts';export { fromPairs } from './fromPairs.ts';export { groupWith } from './groupWith.ts';export { head } from './head.ts';export { identity } from './identity.ts';export { inc } from './inc.ts';export { indexOf } from './indexOf.ts';export { insert } from './insert.ts';export { isEmpty } from './isEmpty.ts';export { join } from './join.ts';export { lens } from './lens.ts';export type { GetTransformer, Lens, LensGetter, LensSetter, LensTransformer,} from './lens.ts';export { lensIndex } from './lensIndex.ts';export { lensPath } from './lensPath.ts';export { lensProp } from './lensProp.ts';export { lift } from './lift.ts';export { liftN } from './liftN.ts';export { map } from './map.ts';export { max } from './max.ts';export { mean } from './mean.ts';export { median } from './median.ts';export { min } from './min.ts';export { multiply } from './multiply.ts';export { not } from './not.ts';export { nth } from './nth.ts';export { or } from './or.ts';export { over } from './over.ts';export { path } from './path.ts';export { pathOr } from './pathOr.ts';export { paths } from './paths.ts';export type { Path } from './paths.ts';export { pipe } from './pipe.ts';export { pluck } from './pluck.ts';export { prepend } from './prepend.ts';export type { Prop } from './prop.ts';export { prop } from './prop.ts';export { propEq } from './propEq.ts';export { propIs } from './propIs.ts';export { propOr } from './propOr.ts';export { props } from './props.ts';export { propSatisfies } from './propSatisfies.ts';export { range } from './range.ts';export { rangeUntil } from './rangeUntil.ts';export { reduce } from './reduce.ts';export { reject } from './reject.ts';export { reverse } from './reverse.ts';export { set } from './set.ts';export { slice } from './slice.ts';export { sort } from './sort.ts';export { subtract } from './subtract.ts';export { sum } from './sum.ts';export { tail } from './tail.ts';export { take } from './take.ts';export { takeLast } from './takeLast.ts';export { tap } from './tap.ts';export { transduce } from './transduce.ts';export { trim } from './trim.ts';export { typ } from './typ.ts';export { until } from './until.ts';export { update } from './update.ts';export { view } from './view.ts';export { when } from './when.ts';export { whereAll } from './whereAll.ts';export { whereAny } from './whereAny.ts';export { whereEq } from './whereEq.ts';export { xor } from './xor.ts';export { zip } from './zip.ts';export { zipObj } from './zipObj.ts';export { zipWith } from './zipWith.ts';