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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
/** * The Option type is generally considered functional programming's response to * handling null or undefined. Sometimes Option is also called Maybe. Its * purpose is to represent the possibility that some data is not available. * * @module Option * @since 2.0.0 */
import type { $, Kind, Out } from "./kind.ts";import type { Applicable } from "./applicable.ts";import type { Combinable } from "./combinable.ts";import type { Comparable } from "./comparable.ts";import type { Either } from "./either.ts";import type { Filterable } from "./filterable.ts";import type { Flatmappable } from "./flatmappable.ts";import type { Initializable } from "./initializable.ts";import type { Mappable } from "./mappable.ts";import type { Pair } from "./pair.ts";import type { Predicate } from "./predicate.ts";import type { Foldable } from "./foldable.ts";import type { Refinement } from "./refinement.ts";import type { Showable } from "./showable.ts";import type { Sortable } from "./sortable.ts";import type { Traversable } from "./traversable.ts";import type { Wrappable } from "./wrappable.ts";
import { isNotNil } from "./nil.ts";import { fromCompare } from "./comparable.ts";import { fromSort } from "./sortable.ts";import { flow, handleThrow, pipe } from "./fn.ts";import { createBind, createTap } from "./flatmappable.ts";import { createBindTo } from "./mappable.ts";
/** * The None type represents the non-existence of a value. * * @since 2.00. */export type None = { tag: "None" };
/** * The Some type represents the existence of a value. * * @since 2.00. */export type Some<V> = { tag: "Some"; value: V };
/** * The Option<A> represents a type A that may or may not exist. It's the functional * progamming equivalent of A | undefined | null. * * @since 2.0.0 */export type Option<A> = Some<A> | None;
/** * Specifies Option as a Higher Kinded Type, with covariant * parameter A corresponding to the 0th index of any substitutions. * * @since 2.0.0 */export interface KindOption extends Kind { readonly kind: Option<Out<this, 0>>;}
/** * The cannonical implementation of the None type. Since all None values are equivalent there * is no reason to construct more than one object instance. * * @example * ```ts * import type { Option } from "./option.ts"; * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * function fromNilable<A>(a: A | null | undefined): Option<A> { * return a === null || a === undefined ? O.none : O.some(a); * } * * const result1 = fromNilable(null); // None * const result2 = fromNilable(1); // Some<number> * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export const none: Option<never> = { tag: "None" };
/** * The some constructer takes any value and wraps it in the Some type. * * @example * ```ts * import type { Option } from "./option.ts"; * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * function fromNilable<A>(a: A | null | undefined): Option<A> { * return a === null || a === undefined ? O.none : O.some(a); * } * * const result1 = fromNilable(null); // None * const result2 = fromNilable(1); // Some<number> * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function some<A>(value: A): Option<A> { return ({ tag: "Some", value });}
/** * The constNone is a thunk that returns the canonical none instance. * * @since 2.0.0 */export function constNone<A = never>(): Option<A> { return none;}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function init<A = never>(): Option<A> { return none;}
/** * Fail is an alias of constNone. */export function fail<A = never>(): Option<A> { return none;}
/** * The fromNullable function takes a potentially null or undefined value * and maps null or undefined to None and non-null and non-undefined * values to Some<NonNullable<A>>. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const a: number | undefined = undefined; * const b: number | undefined = 2; * const c = [1, 2, 3]; * * const result1 = O.fromNullable(a); // None * const result2 = O.fromNullable(b); // Some<number> * const result3 = O.fromNullable(c[3]); // None * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function fromNullable<A>(a: A): Option<NonNullable<A>> { return isNotNil(a) ? some(a) : none;}
/** * The fromPredicate function will test the value a with the predicate. If * the predicate evaluates to false then the function will return a None, * otherwise it will return the value wrapped in Some. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const positive = O.fromPredicate((n: number) => n > 0); * * const result1 = positive(-1); // None * const result2 = positive(1); // Some<number> * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function fromPredicate<A, B extends A>( refinement: Refinement<A, B>,): (a: A) => Option<B>;export function fromPredicate<A>( refinement: Predicate<A>,): (a: A) => Option<A>;export function fromPredicate<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>) { return (a: A): Option<A> => (predicate(a) ? some(a) : none);}
/** * Take a function that can throw and wrap it in a try/catch block. Returns a * new function that takes the same arguments as the original but returns the * original value wrapped in an Option. If the function throws then the new * function returns None, otherwise it returns Some. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * function thrower(n: number): number { * if (n < 0) { * throw new Error("This number is too small"); * } * return n; * } * * const handler = O.tryCatch(thrower); * * const result1 = handler(-1); // None * const result2 = handler(0); // Some(0); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function tryCatch<D extends unknown[], A>( fn: (...d: D) => A,): (...d: D) => Option<A> { return handleThrow(fn, some, constNone);}
/** * The match functionis the standard catamorphism on an Option<A>. It operates like * a switch case operator over the two potential cases for an Option type. One * supplies functions for handling the Some case and the None case with matching * return types and fold calls the correct function for the given option. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const toNumber = O.match(() => 0, n => n); * * const result1 = toNumber(O.none); // 0 * const result2 = toNumber(O.some(1)); // 1 * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function match<A, B>(onNone: () => B, onSome: (a: A) => B) { return (ta: Option<A>): B => (isNone(ta) ? onNone() : onSome(ta.value));}
/** * getOrElse operates like a simplified fold. One supplies a thunk that returns a default * inner value of the Option for the cases where the option is None. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const toNumber = O.getOrElse(() => 0); * * const result1 = toNumber(O.some(1)); // 1 * const result2 = toNumber(O.none); // 0 * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function getOrElse<B>(onNone: () => B) { return (ta: Option<B>): B => isNone(ta) ? onNone() : ta.value;}
/** * toNullable returns either null or the inner value of an Option. This is useful for * interacting with code that handles null but has no concept of the Option type. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const result1 = O.toNull(O.none); // null * const result2 = O.toNull(O.some(1)); // 1 * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function toNull<A>(ma: Option<A>): A | null { return isNone(ma) ? null : ma.value;}
/** * toUndefined returns either undefined or the inner value of an Option. This is useful for * interacting with code that handles undefined but has no concept of the Option type. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const result1 = O.toUndefined(O.none); // undefined * const result2 = O.toUndefined(O.some(1)); // 1 * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function toUndefined<A>(ma: Option<A>): A | undefined { return isNone(ma) ? undefined : ma.value;}
/** * Tests wether an Option is None, returning true if the passed option is None * and false if it is Some. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const result1 = O.isNone(O.none); // true * const result2 = O.isNone(O.some(1)); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function isNone<A>(m: Option<A>): m is None { return m.tag === "None";}
/** * Tests wether an Option is Some, returning true if the passed option is Some * and false if it is None. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const result1 = O.isSome(O.none); // false * const result2 = O.isSome(O.some(1)); // true * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function isSome<A>(m: Option<A>): m is Some<A> { return m.tag === "Some";}
/** * Create an Option by wrapping any value A in Some. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const result1 = O.wrap(1); // Some(1) * const result2 = O.wrap("Hello"); // Some("Hello") * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function wrap<A>(a: A): Option<A> { return some(a);}
/** * Apply the mapping function fai to the inner value of an Option<A> if it * exists. If the option is None then this function does nothing. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const result1 = pipe(O.some(1), => n + 1)); // Some(2) * const result2 = pipe(O.none, number) => n + 1)); // None * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function map<A, I>(fai: (a: A) => I): (ua: Option<A>) => Option<I> { return (ua) => isNone(ua) ? none : some(fai(ua.value));}
/** * Apply a mapping function to an Option but if the mapping function returns * null or undefined the null or undefined value is lifted into None. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const result1 = pipe( * O.some([1, 2, 3]), * O.mapNullable(arr => arr[10]), * ); // None * const result2 = pipe( * O.constNone<Array<number>>(), * O.mapNullable(arr => arr[0]), * ); // None * const result3 = pipe( * O.some([1, 2, 3]), * O.mapNullable(arr => arr[0]), * ); // Some(1) * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function mapNullable<A, I>( f: (a: A) => I | null | undefined,): (ua: Option<A>) => Option<I> { return flatmap(flow(f, fromNullable));}
/** * Apply a value A wrapped in an option to a function (a: A) => I wrapped in an * Option. If either the wrapped value or the wrapped function are None then the * result is None, if they are both Some then the result is Some. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const result1 = pipe( * O.some((n: number) => n + 1), * O.apply(O.some(1)), * ); // Some(2) * const result2 = pipe( * O.some((n: number) => n + 1), * O.apply(O.none), * ); // None * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function apply<A>( ua: Option<A>,): <I>(ufai: Option<(a: A) => I>) => Option<I> { return (ufai) => isNone(ufai) || isNone(ua) ? none : some(ufai.value(ua.value));}
/** * Apply a function (a: A) => Option<I> to the wrapped value of an Option<A> if * the wrapped value exists, flattening the application result into an * Option<I>. This is the equivalent of first mapping from Option<A> to * Option<Option<I>> and then calling join to flatten the Options. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const result = pipe( * O.some(1), * O.flatmap(n => n > 0 ? O.some(n) : O.none), * ); // Some(1) * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function flatmap<A, I>( fati: (a: A) => Option<I>,): (ta: Option<A>) => Option<I> { return (ua) => isNone(ua) ? ua : fati(ua.value);}
/** * Replace an first with second if first is None. This allows one to offer a * a replacement or default. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const result1 = pipe(O.some(1), O.alt(O.some(2))); // Some(1); * const result2 = pipe(O.some(1), O.alt(O.constNone())); // Some(1); * const result3 = pipe(O.none, O.alt(O.some(2))); // Some(2); * const result4 = pipe(O.none, O.alt(O.none)); // None * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function alt<A>(second: Option<A>): (first: Option<A>) => Option<A> { return (first) => isNone(first) ? second : first;}
/** * Apply a predicate to the inner value of an Option, returning true if the * option is Some and the predicate returns true, otherwise returning false. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const positive = (n: number) => n > 0; * * const result1 = pipe(O.some(1), O.exists(positive)); // true * const result2 = pipe(O.some(0), O.exists(positive)); // false * const result3 = pipe(O.none, O.exists(positive)); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function exists<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>): (ua: Option<A>) => boolean { return (ua) => isSome(ua) && predicate(ua.value);}
/** * Apply a refinement or predicate to the inner value of an Option, returning * the original option if the value exists and the predicate/refinement return * true, otherwise returning None. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const positive = (n: number) => n > 0; * * const result1 = pipe(O.some(1), O.filter(positive)); // Some(1) * const result2 = pipe(O.some(0), O.filter(positive)); // None * const result3 = pipe(O.none, O.filter(positive)); // None * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function filter<A, B extends A>( refinement: Refinement<A, B>,): (ta: Option<A>) => Option<B>;export function filter<A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,): (ta: Option<A>) => Option<A>;export function filter<A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,): (ta: Option<A>) => Option<A> { const _exists = exists(predicate); return (ta) => _exists(ta) ? ta : none;}
/** * Apply a filter and mapping operation at the same time against an Option. This * is equivalent to the flatmap function for Option. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const noninit = (str: string) => str.length > 0 ? O.some(str.length) : O.none; * const filterMap = O.filterMap(noninit); * * const result1 = filterMap(O.some("Hello")); // Some(5); * const result2 = filterMap(O.some("")); // None * const result3 = filterMap(O.none); // None * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function filterMap<A, I>( fai: (a: A) => Option<I>,): (ua: Option<A>) => Option<I> { return flatmap(fai);}
/** * Given a refinement or predicate, return a function that splits an Option into * a Pair<Option, Option>. Due to the nature of the option type this will always * return Pair<Some, None>, Pair<None, None>, or Pair<None, Some>. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const partition = O.partition((n: number) => n > 0); * * const result1 = partition(O.some(1)); // [Some(1), None] * const result2 = partition(O.some(0)); // [None, Some(0)] * const result3 = partition(O.none); // [None, None] * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function partition<A, B extends A>( refinement: Refinement<A, B>,): (ua: Option<A>) => Pair<Option<B>, Option<A>>;export function partition<A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,): (ua: Option<A>) => Pair<Option<A>, Option<A>>;export function partition<A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,): (ua: Option<A>) => Pair<Option<A>, Option<A>> { type Output = Pair<Option<A>, Option<A>>; const init: Output = [none, none]; return (ua) => isNone(ua) ? init : predicate(ua.value) ? [ua, none] : [none, ua];}
/** * Map and partition over the inner value of an Option<A> at the same time. If * the option passed is None then the result is [None, None], otherwise Right<I> * will result in [Some<I>, None], and Left<J> will result in [None, Some<J>]. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import * as E from "./either.ts"; * * const partitioner = (n: number) => n > 0 ? E.right(n) : E.left(n * -1); * const partitionMap = O.partitionMap(partitioner); * * const result1 = partitionMap(O.some(1)); // [Some(1), None] * const result2 = partitionMap(O.some(-1)); // [None, Some(1)] * const result3 = partitionMap(O.none); // [None, None] * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function partitionMap<A, I, J>( fai: (a: A) => Either<J, I>,): (ua: Option<A>) => Pair<Option<I>, Option<J>> { type Output = Pair<Option<I>, Option<J>>; const init: Output = [none, none]; return (ua) => { if (isNone(ua)) { return init; } const result = fai(ua.value); return result.tag === "Right" ? [some(result.right), none] : [none, some(result.left)]; };}
/** * Reduce over an Option<A>. Since an Option contains at most one value this * function operates a lot like getOrElse. If the passed option is None then it * returns the initial value, otherwise the foldr function is called with both * the initial value and the inner A. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const fold = O.fold((n: number, m: number) => n + m, 0); * * const result1 = fold(O.some(1)); // 1 * const result2 = fold(O.none); // 0 * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function fold<A, O>( foldr: (accumulator: O, current: A) => O, initial: O,): (ua: Option<A>) => O { return (ua) => isSome(ua) ? foldr(initial, ua.value) : initial;}
/** * Traverse over an Option<A> using the supplied Applicable. This allows one to * turn an Option<A> into Kind<V, Option<I>>. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import * as A from "./array.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const toRange = (n: number) => A.range(n); * const traverse = pipe(toRange, O.traverse(A.ApplicableArray)); * * const result1 = traverse(O.some(3)); // [Some(0), Some(1), Some(2)]; * const result2 = traverse(O.none); // [None] * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function traverse<V extends Kind>( A: Applicable<V>,): <A, I, J, K, L, M>( favi: (a: A) => $<V, [I, J, K], [L], [M]>,) => (ta: Option<A>) => $<V, [Option<I>, J, K], [L], [M]> { return <A, I, J, K, L, M>( favi: (a: A) => $<V, [I, J, K], [L], [M]>, ): (ta: Option<A>) => $<V, [Option<I>, J, K], [L], [M]> => match( () => A.wrap(constNone()), (a) => pipe(favi(a),, );}
/** * Create an instance of Showable for Option<A> given an instance of Showable for A. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const Showable = O.getShowableOption({ show: (n: number) => n.toString() }); // Showable<Option<number>> * * const result1 =; // "Some(1)" * const result2 =; // "None" * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function getShowableOption<A>( { show }: Showable<A>,): Showable<Option<A>> { return ({ show: (ma) => (isNone(ma) ? "None" : `${"Some"}(${show(ma.value)})`), });}
/** * Create an instance of Comparable<Option<A>> given an instance of Comparable<A>. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import * as N from "./number.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const { compare } = O.getComparableOption(N.ComparableNumber); * * const result1 = pipe(O.some(1), compare(O.some(2))); // false * const result2 = pipe(O.some(1), compare(O.some(1))); // true * const result3 = pipe(O.none, compare(O.none)); // true * const result4 = pipe(O.some(1), compare(O.none)); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function getComparableOption<A>( { compare }: Comparable<A>,): Comparable<Option<A>> { return fromCompare((second) => (first) => isSome(first) && isSome(second) ? compare(second.value)(first.value) : isNone(first) && isNone(second) );}
/** * Create an instance of Sortable<Option<A>> given an instance of Sortable<A>. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import * as N from "./number.ts"; * * const { sort } = O.getSortableOption(N.SortableNumber); * * const result1 = sort(O.some(1), O.some(2)); // 1 * const result2 = sort(O.some(1), O.some(1)); // 0 * const result3 = sort(O.none, O.none); // 0 * const result4 = sort(O.none, O.some(1)); // -1 * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function getSortableOption<A>( { sort }: Sortable<A>,): Sortable<Option<A>> { return fromSort((fst, snd) => isNone(fst) ? isNone(snd) ? 0 : -1 : isNone(snd) ? 1 : sort(fst.value, snd.value) );}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function getCombinableOption<A>( { combine }: Combinable<A>,): Combinable<Option<A>> { return { combine: (second) => (first) => isNone(first) ? second : isNone(second) ? first : wrap(combine(second.value)(first.value)), };}
/** * Create an instance of Initializable<Option<A>> given an instance of Initializable<A>. * * @example * ```ts * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * import * as N from "./number.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const { combine } = O.getInitializableOption(N.InitializableNumberSum); * * const result1 = pipe(O.some(1), combine(O.some(1))); // Some(2) * const result2 = pipe(O.none, combine(O.some(1))); // Some(1) * const result3 = pipe(O.some(1), combine(O.none)); // Some(1) * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function getInitializableOption<A>( I: Initializable<A>,): Initializable<Option<A>> { return ({ init: () => some(I.init()), ...getCombinableOption(I), });}
/** * The canonical implementation of Applicable for Option. * * @since 2.0.0 */export const ApplicableOption: Applicable<KindOption> = { wrap, map, apply };
/** * The canonical implementation of Filterable for Option. * * @since 2.0.0 */export const FilterableOption: Filterable<KindOption> = { filter, filterMap, partition, partitionMap,};
/** * The canonical implementation of Foldable for Option. * * @since 2.0.0 */export const FoldableOption: Foldable<KindOption> = { fold };
/** * The canonical implementation of Flatmappable for Option. * * @since 2.0.0 */export const FlatmappableOption: Flatmappable<KindOption> = { wrap, map, apply, flatmap,};
/** * The canonical implementation of Mappable for Option. * * @since 2.0.0 */export const MappableOption: Mappable<KindOption> = { map };
/** * The canonical implementation of Traversable for Option. * * @since 2.0.0 */export const TraversableOption: Traversable<KindOption> = { map, fold, traverse,};
/** * The canonical implementation of Wrappable for Option. * * @since 2.0.0 */export const WrappableOption: Wrappable<KindOption> = { wrap };
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const tap = createTap(FlatmappableOption);
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const bind = createBind(FlatmappableOption);
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const bindTo = createBindTo(MappableOption);