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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
/** * The Refinement type represents a function that takes a type and returns a * boolean. It denotes a function that narrows a type at runtime. For example * the function `(n: unknown): n is number => typeof n === "number"` is the * refinement type `Refinement<unknown, number>`. The primary use for Refinement * is to align the runtime value with compile time types. * * @module Refinement * @since 2.0.0 */
import type { In, Kind, Out } from "./kind.ts";
import type { NonEmptyArray } from "./array.ts";import type { Option } from "./option.ts";import type { Either } from "./either.ts";import type { ReadonlyRecord } from "./record.ts";import type { Literal, Schemable } from "./schemable.ts";
import { memoize } from "./fn.ts";
/** * The refinement type is a function that returns a boolean indicating that a * value satisfies a type. * * @since 2.0.0 */export type Refinement<A, B extends A> = (a: A) => a is B;
/** * A type that matches any refinement type. * * @since 2.0.0 */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AnyRefinement = Refinement<unknown, any>;
/** * The ToIn type takes a Refinement type and returns the type of its input. * * @since 2.0.0 */export type ToIn<T> = T extends Refinement<infer B, infer _> ? B : never;
/** * The ToOut type takes a Refinement type and returns the type of its output * refinement. * * @since 2.0.0 */export type ToOut<T> = T extends Refinement<infer _, infer A> ? A : never;
/** * Specifies Refinement as a Higher Kinded Type, with covariant * parameter B corresponding to the 0th index of any substitutions and * contravariant parameter A corresponding to the 0th index of any * substitutions. * * @since 2.0.0 */export interface KindRefinement extends Kind { readonly kind: Refinement<In<this, 0>, Out<this, 0>>;}
/** * Specifies Refinement<unknown, B> as a Higher Kinded Type, with covariant * parameter B corresponding to the 0th index of any substitutions. * * @since 2.0.0 */export interface KindUnknownRefinement extends Kind { readonly kind: Refinement<unknown, Out<this, 0>>;}
/** * Construct a refinement from a function (a: A) => Option<B> where None denotes * that a type does not satisfy the refinement. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * import * as O from "./option.ts"; * * const refine = R.fromOption((u: unknown) => typeof u === "number" ? O.some(u) * : O.none); * const value1: unknown = "Hello"; * const value2: unknown = 0; * * const result1 = refine(value1); // false, value1: unknown * const result2 = refine(value2); // true, value2: number * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function fromOption<A, B extends A>( faob: (a: A) => Option<B>,): Refinement<A, B> { return (a: A): a is B => faob(a).tag === "Some";}
/** * Construct a refinement from a function (a: A) => Either<J, I> where Left denotes * that a type does not satisfy the refinement. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * import * as E from "./either.ts"; * * const refine = R.fromEither((u: unknown) => typeof u === "number" ? E.right(u) * : E.left(u)); * const value1: unknown = "Hello"; * const value2: unknown = 0; * * const result1 = refine(value1); // false, value1: unknown * const result2 = refine(value2); // true, value2: number * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function fromEither<A, B extends A>( faob: (a: A) => Either<unknown, B>,): Refinement<A, B> { return (a: A): a is B => faob(a).tag === "Right";}
/** * Compose two refinements into a new refinement that returns true if either of * the two input refinements return true. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const number = (u: unknown): u is number => typeof u === "number"; * const string = (u: unknown): u is string => typeof u === "string"; * const refine = pipe(number, R.or(string)); * * const result1 = refine("Hello"); // true * const result2 = refine(null); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function or<A, C extends A>( second: Refinement<A, C>,): <B extends A>(first: Refinement<A, B>) => Refinement<A, B | C> { return <B extends A>(first: Refinement<A, B>): Refinement<A, B | C> => (a: A): a is B | C => first(a) || second(a);}
/** * Compose two refinements into a new refinement that returns true if both of * the two input refinements return true. * * @example * ```ts * import type { Newtype } from "./newtype.ts"; * * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const isBig = (s: unknown): s is "Big" => s === "Big"; * const refine = pipe(R.string, R.and(isBig)); * * const result1 = refine(null); // false * const result2 = refine("Hello"); // false * const result3 = refine("Big"); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function and<A, C extends A>( second: Refinement<A, C>,): <B extends A>(first: Refinement<A, B>) => Refinement<A, B & C> { return <B extends A>(first: Refinement<A, B>): Refinement<A, B & C> => (a: A): a is B & C => first(a) && second(a);}
/** * Create a identity refinement that always returns true as at the type level a * type A is always a type A. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const number =<number>(); * * const result = number(1); // true.. but only numbers can be passed here. * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function id<A>(): Refinement<A, A> { return (() => true) as unknown as Refinement<A, A>;}
/** * Compose two refinements, A -> B and B -> C creating a `Refinement<A, C>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * type Person = { name: string }; * type Rec = Record<string, unknown>; * * const nonnull = (u: unknown): u is Rec => u !== null && u !== undefined; * const hasKey = * <K extends string>(key: K) => (u: Rec): u is Record<K, unknown> => * Object.hasOwn(u, key); * const person = (u: Record<"name", unknown>): u is Person => * typeof === * "string"; * * const isPerson = pipe(nonnull, R.compose(hasKey("name")), R.compose(person)); * * const value1 = null; * const value2 = {}; * const value3 = { name: 1 }; * const value4 = { name: "Brandon" }; * * const result1 = isPerson(value1); // false * const result2 = isPerson(value2); // false * const result3 = isPerson(value3); // false * const result4 = isPerson(value4); // true, value4: Person * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function compose<A, B extends A, C extends B>( second: Refinement<B, C>,): (first: Refinement<A, B>) => Refinement<A, C> { return (first: Refinement<A, B>): Refinement<A, C> => (a: A): a is C => first(a) && second(a);}
/** * An instance of `Refinement<unknown, unknown>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const result = R.unknown(null); // true, null is unknown! all is unknown! * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function unknown(_: unknown): _ is unknown { return true;}
/** * An instance of `Refinement<unknown, string>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const result1 = R.string(null); // false * const result2 = R.string("Hello"); // true, a variable is now typed as string * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function string(a: unknown): a is string { return typeof a === "string";}
/** * An instance of `Refinement<unknown, number>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const result1 = R.number(null); // false * const result2 = R.number(2); // true, a variable is now typed as number * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function number(a: unknown): a is number { return typeof a === "number";}
/** * An instance of `Refinement<unknown, boolean>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const result1 = R.boolean(null); // false * const result2 = R.boolean(true); // true, a variable is now typed as true * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function boolean(a: unknown): a is boolean { return typeof a === "boolean";}
/** * An instance of `Refinement<unknown, Record<string, unknown>>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const result1 = R.isRecord(null); // false * const result2 = R.isRecord({}); * // true, a variable is now typed as Record<string, unknown> * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function isRecord(a: unknown): a is Record<string, unknown> { return typeof a === "object" && a !== null;}
/** * An instance of `Refinement<unknown, Array<unknown>>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const result1 = R.isArray(null); // false * const result2 = R.isArray([]); * // true, a variable is now typed as Array<unknown> * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function isArray(a: unknown): a is Array<unknown> { return Array.isArray(a);}
/** * Creates an instance `Refinement<unknown, Array<unknown> & { length: N }>` * where N is a number. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const isTwoTuple = R.isArrayN(2); * * const result1 = isTwoTuple(null); // false * const result2 = isTwoTuple([]); // false * const result3 = isTwoTuple([1, 2]); * // true, a variable is now typed as Array<unknown> & { length: 2 } * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function isArrayN<N extends number>( n: N,): Refinement<unknown, Array<unknown> & { length: N }> { return (a): a is Array<unknown> & { length: N } => isArray(a) && a.length == n;}
/** * Creates an instance of `Refinement<unknown, P>` where P is a union of literal * values. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const places = R.literal(1, 2, 3); * * const result1 = places(null); // false * const result2 = places(1); // true, variable now typed as 1 | 2 | 3 * const result3 = places(2); // true, variable now typed as 1 | 2 | 3 * const result4 = places(10); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function literal<A extends NonEmptyArray<Literal>>( ...literals: A): Refinement<unknown, A[number]> { return (a): a is A[number] => literals.some((l) => l === a);}
/** * Turn a `Refinement<A, B>` into `Refinement<null | A, null | B>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const nullOrNum = R.nullable(R.number); * * const result1 = nullOrNum(null); // true, variable is now null | number * const result2 = nullOrNum(1); // true, variable is now null | number * const result3 = nullOrNum("hello"); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function nullable<A, B extends A>( or: Refinement<A, B>,): Refinement<A | null, B | null> { return (a): a is B | null => a === null || or(a);}
/** * Turn a `Refinement<A, B>` into `Refinement<undefined | A, undefined | B>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const test = R.undefinable(R.number); * * const result1 = test(null); // false * const result2 = test(1); // true, variable is now undefined | number * const result3 = test("hello"); // false * const result4 = test(undefined); // true, variable is now undefined | number * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function undefinable<A, B extends A>( or: Refinement<A, B>,): Refinement<A | undefined, B | undefined> { return (a): a is B | undefined => a === undefined || or(a);}
/** * Turn a `Refinement<unknown, A>` into `Refinement<unknown, ReadonlyRecord<A>>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const numbers = R.record(R.number); * * const result1 = numbers(null); // false * const result2 = numbers({}); // true, {} has type ReadonlyRecord<number> * const result3 = numbers({ hello: "world" }); // false * const result4 = numbers({ hello: 1 }); * // true, variable has type ReadonlyRecord<number> * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function record<A>( codomain: Refinement<unknown, A>,): Refinement<unknown, ReadonlyRecord<A>> { return (a): a is ReadonlyRecord<A> => isRecord(a) && Object.values(a).every(codomain);}
/** * Turn a `Refinement<unknown, A>` into `Refinement<unknown, ReadonlyArray<A>>`. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const numbers = R.array(R.number); * * const result1 = numbers(null); // false * const result2 = numbers([]); // true, [] has type ReadonlyArray<number> * const result3 = numbers(["Hello"]); // false * const result4 = numbers([1]); * // true, variable has type ReadonlyArray<number> * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function array<A>( item: Refinement<unknown, A>,): Refinement<unknown, ReadonlyArray<A>> { return (a): a is Array<A> => Array.isArray(a) && a.every(item);}
/** * Create a Refinement from an array of refinements, where each index of a type * much match the originated refinement type. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const tuple = R.tuple(R.number, R.string); * * const result1 = tuple(null); // false * const result2 = tuple([]); // false * const result3 = tuple(["Hello", 1]); // false * const result4 = tuple([1, "Hello"]); * // true, variable has type [number, string] * const result5 = tuple([1, "Hello", "Goodbye"]); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport function tuple<A extends any[]>( ...items: { [K in keyof A]: Refinement<unknown, A[K]> }): Refinement<unknown, { [K in keyof A]: A[K] }> { return (a): a is { [K in keyof A]: A[K] } => Array.isArray(a) && items.length === a.length && a.every((value, index) => items[index](value));}
/** * Create a Refinement from a struct of refinements, where each index of a type * much match the originated refinement type, key for key. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const struct = R.struct({ * num: R.number, * str: R.string * }); * * const result1 = struct(null); // false * const result2 = struct({}); // false * const result3 = struct({ num: "Hello", str: 1 }); // false * const result4 = struct({ num: 1, str: "Hello" }); * // true, variable has type { num: number, str: string } * const result5 = struct([1, "Hello", "Goodbye"]); // false * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function struct<A>( items: { [K in keyof A]: Refinement<unknown, A[K]> },): Refinement<unknown, { readonly [K in keyof A]: A[K] }> { const entries: [string, Refinement<unknown, A[keyof A]>][] = Object.entries( items, ); return (a): a is { readonly [K in keyof A]: A[K] } => isRecord(a) && entries.every(([key, refine]) => key in a && refine(a[key]));}
/** * Create a Refinement from a struct of refinements, where each index of a type * much match the originated refinement type, key for key, or not have that * property at all. This is distinct from the property being null or undefined. * * @example * ```ts * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * const struct = R.partial({ * num: R.number, * str: R.string * }); * * const result1 = struct(null); // false * const result2 = struct({}); // true, * const result3 = struct({ num: "Hello", str: 1 }); // false * const result4 = struct({ num: 1, str: "Hello" }); * // true, variable has type { num?: number, str": string } * const result5 = struct({ * num: 1, * str: "Hello", * other: "Goodbye" * }); // true, variable ahs type { num?: number, str?: string } * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function partial<A>( items: { [K in keyof A]: Refinement<unknown, A[K]> },): Refinement<unknown, { readonly [K in keyof A]?: A[K] }> { const entries: [string, Refinement<unknown, A[keyof A]>][] = Object.entries( items, ); return (a): a is { [K in keyof A]?: A[K] } => isRecord(a) && entries.every(([key, refine]) => !(key in a) || refine(a[key]));}
/** * Intersect is an alias of and. * * @since 2.0.0 */export function intersect<B, I extends B>( gi: Refinement<B, I>,): <A extends B>(ga: Refinement<B, A>) => Refinement<B, A & I> { return <A extends B>(ga: Refinement<B, A>) => (a): a is A & I => ga(a) && gi(a);}
/** * Union is an alias of or. * * @since 2.0.0 */export function union<B, I extends B>( gi: Refinement<B, I>,): <A extends B>(ga: Refinement<B, A>) => Refinement<B, A | I> { return <A extends B>(ga: Refinement<B, A>) => (a): a is A | I => ga(a) || gi(a);}
/** * Lazy is used to handle the case where a refinement is recursive. * * @example * ```ts * import type { Refinement } from "./refinement.ts"; * import * as R from "./refinement.ts"; * * type Person = { name: string; age: number; children: ReadonlyArray<Person> }; * * const person: Refinement<unknown, Person> = R.lazy("Person", () => * R.struct({ * name: R.string, * age: R.number, * children: R.array(person), * })); * * const rufus = { name: "Rufus", age: 1, children: [] }; * const brandon = { name: "Brandon", age: 37, children: [rufus] }; * * const result1 = person(null); // false * const result2 = person(rufus); // true, rufus: Person * const result3 = person(brandon); // true, brandon: Person * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function lazy<A, B extends A>( _: string, refinement: () => Refinement<A, B>,): Refinement<A, B> { const get = memoize<void, Refinement<A, B>>(refinement); return (u: A): u is B => get()(u);}
/** * The canonical implementation of Schemable for UnknownRefinement. It contains * the methods unknown, string, number, boolean, literal, nullable, undefinable, * record, array, tuple, struct, partial, intersect, union, and lazy. * * @since 2.0.0 */export const SchemableRefinement: Schemable<KindUnknownRefinement> = { unknown: () => unknown, string: () => string, number: () => number, boolean: () => boolean, literal, nullable, undefinable, record, array, tuple: tuple as Schemable<KindUnknownRefinement>["tuple"], struct, partial, intersect: intersect as Schemable<KindUnknownRefinement>["intersect"], union, lazy,};