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:sauropod: A small lib to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
import { calculateExtraMetrics, getPaddedIndicator, getTimeColor, substrColored,} from "./common.ts";
import { padEndVisible, padStartVisible, perc, rtime } from "./utils.ts";
import { TableBuilder } from "./table.ts";import type { Colorer } from "./colorer.ts";import type { BenchmarkResult } from "./deps.ts";import type { BenchIndicator, Thresholds } from "./types.ts";
/** Defines the options for card formatted results */export interface prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions { // type: "card"; TODO when multiple options /** If provided, the measured values will be colored accordingly in the card. Also needed, if `parts.threshold` is set to `true` */ thresholds?: Thresholds; /** If provided, the indicators will be placed for the specific benches */ indicators?: BenchIndicator[]; /** Strips all default colors from the output. * * *Note*: it doesnt strip the colors that come through user defined `thresholds` and `indicators` */ nocolor?: boolean; /** Overrides the default card `parts` option, which is ```{graph: true, graphBars: 5}``` */ parts?: { /** Adds extra calculated metrics line to the card, which consists of `min`, `max`, `mean as ((min+max)/2)` and `median` */ extraMetrics?: boolean; /** Add a line, where the threshold ranges are shown. Only shown, when a `Threshold` was provided for the specific benchmark. */ threshold?: boolean; /** Add a graph, that shows the distribution of the runs. It's only shown above `9` runs */ graph?: boolean; /** Defines how many groups the distribution graph should use. */ graphBars?: number; }; /** Add a cell with the generated content at the end of the header row of the result card. Overflowing text is cut. */ infoCell?: ( result: BenchmarkResult, options: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions, ) => string;}
const tab = " ";const indPlaceholder = "˘˘˘˘";let c: Colorer;
export function getResultCard( result: BenchmarkResult, colorer: Colorer, options?: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions,) { c = colorer;
const defaultOptions: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions = { parts: { graph: true, graphBars: 5 }, };
// define default options and default parts options = options || defaultOptions; if (! { =; }
const tableColor = getTableColor(, options?.indicators); const tb = new TableBuilder(91, tableColor);
const needsThreshold =!.threshold && !!options.thresholds && Object.keys(options.thresholds).length != 0;
prettyBenchmarkHeader(tb, result, options); if (result.runsCount == 1) { prettyBenchmarkSingleRunMetrics(tb, result, options); needsThreshold && prettyBenchmarkThresholdLine(tb, result, options); } else { prettyBenchmarkMultipleRunMetrics(tb, result, options);!.extraMetrics && prettyBenchmarkMultipleRunCalcedMetrics(tb, result, options); needsThreshold && prettyBenchmarkThresholdLine(tb, result, options); if (!.graph && result.runsCount >= 10) { prettyBenchmarkMultipleRunGraph(tb, result, options); } }
let table =;
// replace the indicator placeholder with the correct indicator table = table.replace( indPlaceholder, getPaddedIndicator(, indPlaceholder.length - 1, options?.indicators, ) + " ", );
return table;}
function prettyBenchmarkHeader( tb: TableBuilder, r: BenchmarkResult, options: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions,) { const head = `${indPlaceholder}${`Benchmark name: ${ c.cyan( }`}`;
if (typeof options?.infoCell === "function") { let infoCell = options.infoCell(r, options); infoCell = substrColored(infoCell, 27);
tb.cellLine(head, infoCell); } else { tb.line(head); }
function prettyBenchmarkSingleRunMetrics( tb: TableBuilder, result: BenchmarkResult, options: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions,) { const totalRuns = `Total runs: ${c.yellow("1".padEnd(7))}`; const timeColor = getTimeColor(, result.totalMs, options.nocolor, options.thresholds, ); const totalMS = `Total time: ${ padEndVisible(`${timeColor(rtime(result.totalMs, 4))} ms`, 16) }`;
tb.cellLine(`${tab}${totalRuns}`, ` ${totalMS}`, ""); tb.separator();}
function prettyBenchmarkThresholdLine( tb: TableBuilder, result: BenchmarkResult, options: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions,) { const threshold = options.thresholds && options.thresholds[]; if (threshold) { const sep = "=".repeat(10); tb.line( `${tab}Thresholds: ${`0 ${sep} ${rtime(}`)} ${ c.yellow(`${sep} ${rtime(threshold.yellow)}`) } ${`${sep}`)}`, ); tb.separator(); }}
function prettyBenchmarkMultipleRunMetrics( tb: TableBuilder, result: BenchmarkResult, options: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions,) { const totalRuns = `Total runs: ${ padEndVisible(c.yellow((result.runsCount).toString()), 7) }`; const totalMS = `Total time: ${ padEndVisible(`${c.yellow(rtime(result.totalMs, 4))} ms`, 16) }`;
const timeColor = getTimeColor(, result.measuredRunsAvgMs, options.nocolor, options.thresholds, ); const avgRun = `Avg time: ${ padEndVisible(`${timeColor(rtime(result.measuredRunsAvgMs, 4))} ms`, 8) }`;
tb.cellLine(`${tab}${totalRuns}`, ` ${totalMS}`, ` ${avgRun}`); tb.separator();}
function prettyBenchmarkMultipleRunCalcedMetrics( tb: TableBuilder, result: BenchmarkResult, options: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions,) { const { max, min, mean, median } = calculateExtraMetrics(result);
const minColor = getTimeColor(, min, options.nocolor, options.thresholds, ); const maxColor = getTimeColor(, max, options.nocolor, options.thresholds, ); const meanColor = getTimeColor(, mean, options.nocolor, options.thresholds, ); const medianColor = getTimeColor(, median, options.nocolor, options.thresholds, );
tb.cellLine( `${tab}min: ${minColor(timeStr(min))} `, ` max: ${maxColor(timeStr(max))} `, ` mean: ${meanColor(timeStr(mean))} `, ` median: ${medianColor(timeStr(median))} `, ); tb.separator();}
function prettyBenchmarkMultipleRunGraph( tb: TableBuilder, result: BenchmarkResult, options: prettyBenchmarkCardResultOptions,) { const barsCount =!.graphBars || 5;
const max = Math.max(...result.measuredRunsMs); const min = Math.min(...result.measuredRunsMs); const unit = (max - min) / barsCount; const r = result.measuredRunsMs.reduce((prev, runMs, i, a) => { prev[Math.min(Math.floor(((runMs - min) / unit)), barsCount - 1)]++;
return prev; }, new Array(barsCount).fill(0));" ".repeat(31));
const rMax = Math.max(...r); const maxBarLength = 58; r.forEach((r: number, i: number) => { let rc = r; const rp = r / result.runsCount * 100; if (rMax > maxBarLength) { rc = Math.ceil(rp / 100 * maxBarLength); }
const groupHead = min + i * unit; const bar = Array(rc).fill("=").join("");
const colorFn = getTimeColor(, groupHead, options.nocolor, options.thresholds, );
const fullBar = colorFn(bar);
const count = r.toString().padStart(6); const percent = perc(rp).padStart(4) + "%";
const barHeader = ` ${ padStartVisible( `${rtime(groupHead)} ms`, Math.max(rtime(max).length, 12), ) } _[${count}][${percent}] `;, fullBar); });" ".repeat(31)); tb.separator();}
function timeStr(time: number, from = 3) { return padEndVisible(`${rtime(time, from)} ${c.white("ms")} `, 9 + 4); // TODO gray ms?}
function getTableColor(name: string, indicators?: BenchIndicator[]) { if (indicators && indicators.length > 0) { const indicator = indicators.find(({ benches }) => benches.test(name)); return !!indicator && typeof indicator.color == "function" ? indicator.color :; }