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🌱 Automate releases
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import { colors, delay, log, semver, wait } from "./deps.ts";import { Command, EnumType } from "./deps.ts";
import type { ReleaseConfig } from "./config.ts";import { fetchRepo, Repo } from "./src/repo.ts";import { ezgit } from "./src/git.ts";
// Pluginsimport github from "./plugins/github/mod.ts";import changelog from "./plugins/changelog/mod.ts";import regex from "./plugins/regex/mod.ts";import versionFile from "./plugins/versionFile/mod.ts";
import version from "./version.json" assert { type: "json" };import { ReleasePlugin } from "./plugin.ts";import { initLogger } from "./src/log.ts";
export type ReleaseType = | "patch" | "minor" | "major" | "prepatch" | "preminor" | "premajor" | "prerelease";
const release_type: ReleaseType[] = [ "patch", "minor", "major", "prepatch", "preminor", "premajor", "premajor", "prerelease",];
const DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = ".release_up.json";
await new Command() .name("release_up") .version(version.version) .description(` Automate semver releases. Example: release_up major --github
Release type: * patch ${colors.dim("eg: 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4")} * minor ${colors.dim("eg: 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0")} * major ${colors.dim("eg: 1.2.3 -> 2.0.0")} * prepatch <name> ${colors.dim("eg: 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4-name.0")} * preminor <name> ${colors.dim("eg: 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0-name.0")} * premajor <name> ${colors.dim("eg: 1.2.3 -> 2.0.0-name.0")} * prerelease <name> ${colors.dim("eg: 1.2.3-name.0 -> 1.2.3-name.1")}`) .type("semver", new EnumType(release_type)) .arguments("<release_type:semver> [name:string]") .option("--config <confi_path>", "Define the path of the config.", { default: `${DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH}`, }) .option("--github", "Enable Github plugin.") .option("--changelog", "Enable Changelog plugin.") .option("--versionFile", "Enable VersionFile plugin.") .option( "--regex <pattern:string>", "Enable Regex plugin. The regex need to be provided as string. --regex can be specified multiple times", { collect: true }, ) .option("--dry", "Dry run, Does not commit any changes.") .option("--allowUncommitted", "Allow uncommited change in the repo.") .option("--debug", "Enable debug logging.") .action(async (opts, release_type, name) => { await initLogger(opts.debug); log.debug(opts, release_type, name);
let suffix: string | undefined = undefined; if ( ["prepatch", "preminor", "premajor", "prerelease"].includes(release_type) ) { suffix = (name as string | undefined) ?? "canary"; }
// Load config, if any let config: ReleaseConfig<unknown> = { options: opts }; try { config = { ...(JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync(opts.config))), ...config, }; } catch (err) { if (err.code === "ENOENT" && opts.config !== DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) { log.error(`Cannot find config file at ${opts.config}`); Deno.exit(1); } if (err.code !== "ENOENT") { log.error(`error parsing the config file at ${opts.config}`); log.error(err); Deno.exit(1); } }
// Enable Plugins
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const pluginsList: any = {};
// Enable from cli flags if (opts.github) pluginsList.github = github; if (opts.changelog) pluginsList.changelog = changelog; if (opts.regex) { pluginsList.regex = regex; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (config as any).regex = { patterns: opts.regex }; } if (opts.versionFile) pluginsList.versionFile = versionFile;
// Enable Plugins from config for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(config)) { if (key === "options") continue; if (key === "github" && !pluginsList.github) pluginsList.github = github; else if (key === "changelog" && !pluginsList.changelog) { pluginsList.changelog = changelog; } else if (key === "regex") pluginsList.regex = regex; else if (key === "versionFile" && !pluginsList.versionFile) { pluginsList.versionFile = versionFile; } else { console.log(key, val); const def = val as { path: string }; if (!def.path) throw Error(`Invalid config entry ${key}, ${val}`); const remotePlugin = await import(def.path); pluginsList.key = remotePlugin.default; } }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const plugins: ReleasePlugin<any>[] = Object.values(pluginsList);
log.debug(`plugins loaded: ${ =>", ")}`);
// Setup Plugins for (const plugin of plugins) { if (!plugin.setup) continue; try { await plugin.setup(log); } catch (err) { log.critical(err.message); Deno.exit(1); } }
// Load Repo const fetch = wait("Loading project info").start(); let repo: Repo; try { repo = await fetchRepo(Deno.cwd()); } catch (err) {; Deno.exit(1); } fetch.succeed("Project loaded correctly");
const [latest] = repo.tags; const from = latest ? latest.version : "0.0.0"; const to =, release_type, undefined, suffix)!;
const integrity = wait("Checking the project").start(); await delay(1000); if (repo.status.raw.length !== 0) { if (opts.allowUncommitted) { "Uncommitted changes on your repository - allowUncommitted is true passing... ", ); } else {"Uncommitted changes on your repository!"); Deno.exit(1); } } else if (!repo.commits.some((_) => _.belongs === null)) {`No changes since the last release!`); Deno.exit(1); } integrity.succeed("Project check successful");
// Precommit for (const plugin of plugins) { if (!plugin.preCommit) continue; try { log.debug(`Executing preCommit ${}`); await plugin.preCommit(repo, release_type, from, to, config, log); } catch (err) { log.critical(err.message); Deno.exit(1); } }
try { repo = await fetchRepo(Deno.cwd()); } catch (err) { log.critical(err.message); Deno.exit(1); }
const bump = wait( `Releasing ${colors.bold(to)} ${colors.dim(`(latest was ${from})`)}`, ).start();
if (!opts.dry) { try { await ezgit(repo.path, "add -A"); await ezgit(repo.path, [ "commit", "--allow-empty", "--message", `chore: release ${to}`, ]); await ezgit(repo.path, `tag ${to}`); await ezgit(repo.path, "push"); await ezgit(repo.path, "push --tags"); } catch (err) {`Unable to release ${colors.bold(to)}\n`); log.critical(err.message); Deno.exit(1); } bump.succeed(`Released ${colors.bold(to)}!`); } else { bump.warn( `Skipping release ${colors.bold(to)} ${ colors.dim( `(latest was ${from})`, ) }`, ); }
for (const plugin of plugins) { if (!plugin.postCommit) continue; try { log.debug(`Executing postCommit ${}`); await plugin.postCommit(repo, release_type, from, to, config, log); } catch (err) { log.critical(err.message); Deno.exit(1); } } }) .parse(Deno.args);