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A framework for Beat Saber map scripting.
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class three.MeshPhysicalMaterial
import { three } from "";
const { MeshPhysicalMaterial } = three;


MeshPhysicalMaterial(parameters?: MeshPhysicalMaterialParameters)


attenuationColor: Color
attenuationDistance: number
clearcoat: number
clearcoatMap: Texture | null
clearcoatNormalMap: Texture | null
clearcoatNormalScale: Vector2
clearcoatRoughness: number
clearcoatRoughnessMap: Texture | null
defines: { [key: string]: any; }
ior: number
iridescenceIOR: number
iridescenceMap: Texture | null
iridescenceThicknessMap: Texture | null
iridescenceThicknessRange: number[]
reflectivity: number
sheen: number
sheenColor: Color
sheenColorMap: Texture | null
sheenRoughness: number
sheenRoughnessMap: Texture | null
specularColor: Color
specularColorMap: Texture | null
specularIntensity: number
specularIntensityMap: Texture | null
thickness: number
thicknessMap: Texture | null
transmission: number
transmissionMap: Texture | null
type: string