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A framework for Beat Saber map scripting.
import * as remapper from "";


Add values of one array to another.

Generate an array from a range of numbers.

Check if an array contains a value.

Get the last element in an array.

Interpolate to find an array between 2 arrays of the same length.

Ceils a number to the nearest multiple of another number.

Floors a number to the nearest multiple of another number.

Get the base "Environment" object.

Get the amount of seconds in the script.

The ReMapper cache.

Log a message as ReMapper, displaying seconds.

Rounds a number to the nearest multiple of another number.

Convert three Vector3 and Euler classes to a three number array.

Converts a three number array to three Euler.

Converts a three number array to three Quaternion.

Converts a three number array to three Vector3.


Edits the base Environment object's fog component. Or spawns an event to animate the fog.

Gets arcs between a min and max time..

Add either a number or another array to an array.

Divide an array either by a number or another array.

Check if 2 arrays are equal to each other.

Multiply an array either by a number or another array.

Remove a single element of an array, mutating it.

Subtract either a number or another array from an array.

Assign a track to the base "Environment" object.

Gets bombs between a min and max time.

Store data in the ReMapper cache. Retrieves the same data unless specified parameters are changed.

Gets chains between a min and max time.

Makes a number fit between a min and max value.

Applies 2 transformations to each other.

Creates a new instance of an object, recursively.

Gets events between a min and max time.

Allows you to filter through an array of objects with a min and max property.

Find value between 0 and 1 from a beginning, length, and a point in time between.

Gets information about the bounding box of a box or a bunch of boxes.

Gets the distance between 2 points.

Get jump related info.

Takes a transformation and converts it to matrix.

Takes matrix and converts it to a transformation.

Checks if an object is empty.

Safely iterate through an array of keyframes.

Check if a property in an object exists

If a property doesn't exist through a path of objects, fill objects to get to that property.

Get a property of an object recursively.

Delete empty objects/arrays from an object recursively.

Remove a property of an object recursively, and delete empty objects left behind.

Set a property in an object, add objects if needed.

Interpolates between a start and end value to get a value in between.

Process a number through an easing.

Interpolates between a start and end rotation to get a rotation in between.

Interpolates between a start and end value to get a value in between. Will wrap around 0-1.

Gets notes between a min and max time.

Parse a file path, allowing extension forcing and getting useful information.

Gives a random number in the given range.

Rotates a point around a mathematical anchor, [0,0,0] by default.

Rotate a vector, starts downwards.

Converts a quaternion to a euler rotation.

Sets the decimal place amount on a number.

Sorts an array of objects by a property.

Convert an array of numbers from radians to degrees.

Convert an array of numbers from degrees to radians.

Gets walls between a min and max time.

Calculate the correct position for a wall to line up with a position in the world. Assumes that position is set to [0,0].

Type Aliases

An array with [r,g,b] or [r,g,b,a].

A type that can be used to prefer a tuple on an array of numbers.

An array with 2 numbers.

An array with 3 numbers.

An array with 4 numbers.