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Deno port of
this index.js file is used for including the faker library as a CommonJS module, instead of a bundle
you can include the faker library into your existing node.js application by requiring the entire /faker directory
import { faker } from "./faker.js" const randomName =;
you can also simply include the "faker.js" file which is the auto-generated bundled version of the faker library
import { faker } from "./customAppPath/faker.js" const randomName =;

if you plan on modifying the faker library you should be performing your changes in the /lib/ directory
*/import { Fake } from "./fake.ts";import { Unique } from "./unique.ts";import { Random } from "./random.ts";import { Helpers } from "./helpers.ts";import { Name } from "./name.ts";import { Address } from "./address.ts";import { Company } from "./company.ts";import { Finance } from "./finance.ts";import { Image } from "./image.ts";import { Lorem } from "./lorem.ts";import { Hacker } from "./hacker.ts";import { Internet } from "./internet.ts";import { Database } from "./database.ts";import { Phone } from "./phone_number.ts";import { _Date } from "./date.ts";import { Commerce } from "./commerce.ts";import { System } from "./system.ts";import { Git } from "./git.ts";import { Vehicle } from "./vehicle.ts";/** * * @namespace faker */class Faker { [key: string]: any
constructor(opts: any) { this.opts = opts || {}; // assign options this.locales = opts.locales || {}; this.locale = opts.locale || "en"; this.localeFallback = opts.localeFallback || "en";
this.definitions = {};
this.fake = new Fake(this).fake; this.unique = new Unique(this).unique; this.random = new Random(this); this.helpers = new Helpers(this); = new Name(this); this.address = new Address(this); = new Company(this); = new Finance(this); this.image = new Image(this); this.lorem = new Lorem(this); this.hacker = new Hacker(this); this.internet = new Internet(this); this.database = new Database(this); = new Phone(this); = new _Date(this); this.commerce = new Commerce(this); this.system = new System(this); this.git = new Git(this); this.vehicle = new Vehicle(this);
this._definitions = { "name": [ "first_name", "last_name", "prefix", "suffix", "gender", "title", "male_prefix", "female_prefix", "male_first_name", "female_first_name", "male_middle_name", "female_middle_name", "male_last_name", "female_last_name", ], "address": [ "city_prefix", "city_suffix", "street_suffix", "county", "country", "country_code", "state", "state_abbr", "street_prefix", "postcode", "postcode_by_state", "direction", "direction_abbr", ], "company": [ "adjective", "noun", "descriptor", "bs_adjective", "bs_noun", "bs_verb", "suffix", ], "lorem": ["words"], "hacker": [ "abbreviation", "adjective", "noun", "verb", "ingverb", "phrase", ], "phone_number": ["formats"], "finance": [ "account_type", "transaction_type", "currency", "iban", "credit_card", ], "internet": [ "avatar_uri", "domain_suffix", "free_email", "example_email", "password", ], "commerce": [ "color", "department", "product_name", "price", "categories", ], "database": ["collation", "column", "engine", "type"], "system": ["mimeTypes", "directoryPaths"], "date": ["month", "weekday"], "vehicle": [ "vehicle", "manufacturer", "model", "type", "fuel", "vin", "color", ], "title": "", "separator": "", };
// Create a Getter for all properties Object.keys(this._definitions).forEach((d: any) => { if (typeof this.definitions[d] === "undefined") { this.definitions[d] = {}; }
if (typeof this._definitions[d] === "string") { this.definitions[d] = this._definitions[d]; return; }
if (Array.isArray(this._definitions[d])) { const defsArray = [...this._definitions[d]]; defsArray.forEach((p: any) => { Object.defineProperty(this.definitions[d], p, { get: () => { if ( typeof this.locales[this.locale][d] === "undefined" || typeof this.locales[this.locale][d][p] === "undefined" ) { // certain localization sets contain less data then others. // in the case of a missing definition, use the default localeFallback to substitute the missing set data // throw new Error('unknown property ' + d + p) return this.locales[this.localeFallback][d][p]; } else { // return localized data return this.locales[this.locale][d][p]; } }, }); }); } }); }
setLocale(locale: any) { this.locale = locale; }
seed(value: number | number[]) { this.seedValue = value; this.random = new Random(this, this.seedValue); }}
export { Faker };