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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
/** * This file contains the Iterable algebraic data type. Iterable is a lazy, * synchronous, and native structure defined by ecmascript. Generally, one * interacts with the Iterator structure directly, but the Iterable type, being * more generic, is a better target for functional. Any data structure that * implements Iterable (ie. Array, Map, Set, etc) can use the iterable methods * contained here if neeeded. * * Something to keep in mind here is that Iterables can have nasty edge cases * that don't exist for non-lazy data structures. Specifically, an iterable can * generate a theoretically infinite number of values, making the draining of an * iterable potentially impossible (trying it will cause the runtime to hang). * Additionally, many iterables are constructed using generators, which cannot * be easily cloned. This makes the process of chaining iterables a resource * intensive operation. As always, use these combinators with care. * * @module Iterable * @since 2.0.0 */
import type { $, Kind, Out } from "./kind.ts";import type { Applicable } from "./applicable.ts";import type { Combinable } from "./combinable.ts";import type { Either } from "./either.ts";import type { Filterable } from "./filterable.ts";import type { Flatmappable } from "./flatmappable.ts";import type { Foldable } from "./foldable.ts";import type { Initializable } from "./initializable.ts";import type { Mappable } from "./mappable.ts";import type { Option } from "./option.ts";import type { Pair } from "./pair.ts";import type { Predicate } from "./predicate.ts";import type { Refinement } from "./refinement.ts";import type { Showable } from "./showable.ts";import type { Wrappable } from "./wrappable.ts";
import { isSome } from "./option.ts";import { isLeft, isRight } from "./either.ts";import { createBind, createTap } from "./flatmappable.ts";import { createBindTo } from "./mappable.ts";
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export interface KindIterable extends Kind { readonly kind: Iterable<Out<this, 0>>;}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function iterable<A>( fa: () => Iterator<A>,): Iterable<A> { return { [Symbol.iterator]: fa };}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function clone<A>(ta: Iterable<A>): Iterable<A> { const cache: IteratorResult<A>[] = []; let _iterator: Iterator<A>;
return iterable(function* () { if (_iterator === undefined) { _iterator = ta[Symbol.iterator](); }
let index = 0;
while (true) { if (index === cache.length) { cache.push(; } else { const { value, done } = cache[index++]; if (done) { break; } yield value; } } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function range( count: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, start = 0, step = 1,): Iterable<number> { return iterable(function* () { let index = Math.floor(count); let value = start; while (index > 0) { yield value; index--; value += step; } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function wrap<A>(...a: A[]): Iterable<A> { return iterable(function* () { let index = -1; const length = a.length; while (++index < length) { yield a[index]; } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function apply<A>( ua: Iterable<A>,): <I>(ufai: Iterable<(a: A) => I>) => Iterable<I> { return (ufai) => iterable(function* () { for (const fai of ufai) { for (const a of ua) { yield fai(a); } } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function map<A, I>(fai: (a: A) => I): (ta: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<I> { return (ta) => iterable(function* () { for (const a of ta) { yield fai(a); } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function flatmap<A, I>( fati: (a: A) => Iterable<I>,): (ta: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<I> { return (ta) => iterable(function* () { for (const a of ta) { for (const i of fati(a)) { yield i; } } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function forEach<A>(fa: (a: A) => void): (ta: Iterable<A>) => void { return (ta) => { for (const a of ta) { fa(a); } };}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function fold<A, O>( foldr: (accumulator: O, value: A) => O, initial: O,) { return (ua: Iterable<A>): O => { let out = initial; for (const a of ua) { out = foldr(out, a); } return out; };}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function scan<A, O>( foldr: (accumulator: O, value: A, index: number) => O, initial: O,): (ta: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<O> { return (ta) => iterable(function* () { let result = initial; let index = 0; for (const a of ta) { result = foldr(result, a, index++); yield result; } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function filter<A, B extends A>( refinement: Refinement<A, B>,): (ua: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<B>;export function filter<A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,): (ua: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<A>;export function filter<A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,): (ta: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<A> { return (ta) => iterable(function* () { for (const a of ta) { if (predicate(a)) { yield a; } } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function filterMap<A, I>( predicate: (a: A) => Option<I>,): (ua: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<I> { return (ua) => iterable( function* filterMap() { for (const a of ua) { const result = predicate(a); if (isSome(result)) { yield result.value; } } }, );}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function partition<A, B extends A>( refinement: (a: A) => a is B,): (ua: Iterable<A>) => Pair<Iterable<A>, Iterable<B>>;export function partition<A>( predicate: (a: A) => boolean,): (ua: Iterable<A>) => Pair<Iterable<A>, Iterable<A>>;export function partition<A>( predicate: (a: A) => boolean,): (ua: Iterable<A>) => Pair<Iterable<A>, Iterable<A>> { return (ua) => { const cloned = clone(ua); return [ iterable(function* partitionFirst() { for (const a of cloned) { if (predicate(a)) { yield a; } } }), iterable(function* partitionSecond() { for (const a of cloned) { if (!predicate(a)) { yield a; } } }), ]; };}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function partitionMap<A, I, J>( predicate: (a: A) => Either<J, I>,): (ua: Iterable<A>) => Pair<Iterable<I>, Iterable<J>> { return (ua) => { const cloned = clone(ua); return [ iterable(function* partitionFirst() { for (const a of cloned) { const result = predicate(a); if (isRight(result)) { yield result.right; } } }), iterable(function* partitionSecond() { for (const a of cloned) { const result = predicate(a); if (isLeft(result)) { yield result.left; } } }), ]; };}
/** * Collect all values of an iterable into an array. WARNING: If the iterable is * infinite then this will cause the program to hang indefinitely. * * @since 2.0.0 */export function collect<A>( ta: Iterable<A>,): ReadonlyArray<A> { const result = new Array<A>(); for (const a of ta) { result.push(a); } return result;}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function take(n: number): <A>(ta: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<A> { return <A>(ta: Iterable<A>) => iterable(function* () { let count = Math.floor(n); for (const a of ta) { if (count-- <= 0) { return; } yield a; } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function takeUntil<A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,): (ta: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<A> { return (ta) => iterable(function* () { for (const a of ta) { if (predicate(a)) { return; } yield a; } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function takeWhile<A>( predicate: Predicate<A>,): (ta: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<A> { return takeUntil((a) => !predicate(a));}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function repeat( n: number,): <A>(ta: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<A> { return <A>(ta: Iterable<A>) => iterable(function* () { let index = n; while (index-- > 0) { for (const a of ta) { yield a; } } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function init<A>(): Iterable<A> { return iterable(function* () {});}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function combine<A>( second: Iterable<A>,): (first: Iterable<A>) => Iterable<A> { return (first) => iterable(function* () { for (const fst of first) { yield fst; } for (const snd of second) { yield snd; } });}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function getCombinable<A>(): Combinable<Iterable<A>> { return { combine };}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function getInitializable<A>(): Initializable<Iterable<A>> { return { init, combine };}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function getShowable<A>(S: Showable<A>): Showable<Iterable<A>> { return { show: (ua) => `Iterable[${Array.from(ua).map(", ")}]`, };}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const ApplicableIterable: Applicable<KindIterable> = { apply, map, wrap,};
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const FlatmappableIterable: Flatmappable<KindIterable> = { apply, flatmap, map, wrap,};
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const FilterableIterable: Filterable<KindIterable> = { filter, filterMap, partition, partitionMap,};
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const FoldableIterable: Foldable<KindIterable> = { fold };
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const MappableIterable: Mappable<KindIterable> = { map,};
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const WrappableIterable: Wrappable<KindIterable> = { wrap,};
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const tap = createTap(FlatmappableIterable);
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const bind = createBind(FlatmappableIterable);
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const bindTo = createBindTo(FlatmappableIterable);