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A TypeScript API client for Canvas LMS
interface CreateUserParams
import { type CreateUserParams } from "";


username: string

The full name of the user. This name will be used by teacher for grading. Required if this is a self-registration.

usershortname: string

User's name as it will be displayed in discussions, messages, and comments.

usersortablename: string

User's name as used to sort alphabetically in lists.

usertimezone: string

The time zone for the user. Allowed time zones are IANA time zones or friendlier Ruby on Rails time zones.

userlocale: string

The user's preferred language, from the list of languages Canvas supports. This is in RFC-5646 format.

usertermsofuse: boolean

Whether the user accepts the terms of use. Required if this is a self- registration and this canvas instance requires users to accept the terms (on by default). If this is true, it will mark the user as having accepted the terms of use.

userskipregistration: boolean

Automatically mark the user as registered. If this is true, it is recommended to set "pseudonym[send_confirmation]" to true as well. Otherwise, the user will not receive any messages about their account creation. The users communication channel confirmation can be skipped by setting "communication_channel[skip_confirmation]" to true as well.

pseudonymuniqueid: string

User's login ID. If this is a self-registration, it must be a valid email address.

pseudonympassword: string

User's password. Cannot be set during self-registration.

pseudonymsisuserid: string

SIS ID for the user's account. To set this parameter, the caller must be able to manage SIS permissions.

pseudonymintegrationid: string

Integration ID for the login. To set this parameter, the caller must be able to manage SIS permissions. The Integration ID is a secondary identifier useful for more complex SIS integrations.

pseudonymsendconfirmation: boolean

Send user notification of account creation if true. Automatically set to true during self-registration.

pseudonymforceselfregistration: boolean

Send user a self-registration style email if true. Setting it means the users will get a notification asking them to “complete the registration process” by clicking it, setting a password, and letting them in. Will only be executed on if the user does not need admin approval. Defaults to false unless explicitly provided.

pseudonymauthenticationproviderid: string

The authentication provider this login is associated with. Logins associated with a specific provider can only be used with that provider. Legacy providers (LDAP, CAS, SAML) will search for logins associated with them, or unassociated logins. New providers will only search for logins explicitly associated with them. This can be the integer ID of the provider, or the type of the provider (in which case, it will find the first matching provider).

communicationchanneltype: string

The communication channel type, e.g. 'email' or 'sms'.

communicationchanneladdress: string

The communication channel address, e.g. the user's email address.

communicationchannelconfirmationurl: boolean

Only valid for account admins. If true, returns the new user account confirmation URL in the response.

communicationchannelskipconfirmation: boolean

Only valid for site admins and account admins making requests; If true, the channel is automatically validated and no confirmation email or SMS is sent. Otherwise, the user must respond to a confirmation message to confirm the channel. If this is true, it is recommended to set "pseudonym[send_confirmation]" to true as well. Otherwise, the user will not receive any messages about their account creation.

forcevalidations: boolean

If true, validations are performed on the newly created user (and their associated pseudonym) even if the request is made by a privileged user like an admin. When set to false, or not included in the request parameters, any newly created users are subject to validations unless the request is made by a user with a 'manage_user_logins' right. In which case, certain validations such as 'require_acceptance_of_terms' and 'require_presence_of_name' are not enforced. Use this parameter to return helpful json errors while building users with an admin request.

enablesisreactivation: boolean

When true, will first try to re-activate a deleted user with matching sis_user_id if possible. This is commonly done with user and communication_channel so that the default communication_channel is also restored.

destination: string

If you're setting the password for the newly created user, you can provide this param with a valid URL pointing into this Canvas installation, and the response will include a destination field that's a URL that you can redirect a browser to and have the newly created user automatically logged in. The URL is only valid for a short time, and must match the domain this request is directed to, and be for a well-formed path that Canvas can recognize.

initialenrollmenttype: string

observer if doing a self-registration with a pairing code. This allows setting the password during user creation.

pairingcodecode: string

If provided and valid, will link the new user as an observer to the student's whose pairing code is given.