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A TypeScript API client for Canvas LMS
interface GradeOrCommentOnSubmissionParams
import { type GradeOrCommentOnSubmissionParams } from "";


commenttextcomment: string

Add a textual comment to the submission.

commentattempt: number

The attempt number (starts at 1) to associate the comment with.

commentgroupcomment: boolean

Whether or not this comment should be sent to the entire group (defaults to false). Ignored if this is not a group assignment or if no text_comment is provided.

commentmediacommentid: string

Add an audio/video comment to the submission. Media comments can be added via this API, however, note that there is not yet an API to generate or list existing media comments, so this functionality is currently of limited use.

commentmediacommenttype: string

Allowed values: audio, video

comment[file_ids]: number[]

Attach files to this comment that were previously uploaded using the Submission Comment API's files action

includevisibility: string

Whether this assignment is visible to the owner of the submission

preferpointsoverscheme: boolean

Treat posted_grade as points if the value matches a grading scheme value

submissionpostedgrade: string

Assign a score to the submission, updating both the “score” and “grade” fields on the submission record. This parameter can be passed in a few different formats: points A floating point or integral value, such as “13.5”. The grade will be interpreted directly as the score of the assignment. Values above assignment.points_possible are allowed, for awarding extra credit. percentage A floating point value appended with a percent sign, such as "40%". The grade will be interpreted as a percentage score on the assignment, where 100% == assignment.points_possible. Values above 100% are allowed, for awarding extra credit. letter grade A letter grade, following the assignment's defined letter grading scheme. For example, "A-". The resulting score will be the high end of the defined range for the letter grade. For instance, if "B" is defined as 86% to 84%, a letter grade of "B" will be worth 86%. The letter grade will be rejected if the assignment does not have a defined letter grading scheme. For more fine-grained control of scores, pass in points or percentage rather than the letter grade. “pass/complete/fail/incomplete” A string value of “pass” or “complete” will give a score of 100%. "fail" or "incomplete" will give a score of 0. Note that assignments with grading_type of “pass_fail” can only be assigned a score of 0 or assignment.points_possible, nothing inbetween. If a posted_grade in the “points” or “percentage” format is sent, the grade will only be accepted if the grade equals one of those two values.

submissionexcuse: boolean

Sets the “excused” status of an assignment.

submissionlatepolicystatus: string

Sets the late policy status to either “late”, “missing”, “extended”, “none”, or null. NB: "extended" values can only be set in the UI when the "UI features for 'extended' Submissions" Account Feature is on

submissionsecondslateoverride: number

Sets the seconds late if late policy status is “late”

rubricassessment: RubricAssessment

Assign a rubric assessment to this assignment submission. The sub-parameters here depend on the rubric for the assignment. The general format is, for each row in the rubric: The points awarded for this row. rubric_assessment[criterion_id][points] The rating id for the row. rubric_assessment[criterion_id][rating_id] Comments to add for this row. rubric_assessment[criterion_id][comments] For example, if the assignment rubric is (in JSON format): [ { 'id': 'crit1', 'points': 10, 'description': 'Criterion 1', 'ratings': [ { 'id': 'rat1', 'description': 'Good', 'points': 10 }, { 'id': 'rat2', 'description': 'Poor', 'points': 3 } ] }, { 'id': 'crit2', 'points': 5, 'description': 'Criterion 2', 'ratings': [ { 'id': 'rat1', 'description': 'Exemplary', 'points': 5 }, { 'id': 'rat2', 'description': 'Complete', 'points': 5 }, { 'id': 'rat3', 'description': 'Incomplete', 'points': 0 } ] } ] Then a possible set of values for rubric_assessment would be: rubric_assessment[crit1][points]=3&rubric_assessment[crit1][rating_id] =rat1&rubric_assessment[crit2][points]=5&rubric_assessment[crit2][rating_id]=rat 2&rubric_assessment[crit2][comments]=Well%20Done.