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A TypeScript API client for Canvas LMS
interface EditUserParams
import { type EditUserParams } from "";


username: string

The full name of the user. This name will be used by teacher for grading.

usershortname: string

User's name as it will be displayed in discussions, messages, and comments.

usersortablename: string

User's name as used to sort alphabetically in lists.

usertimezone: string

The time zone for the user. Allowed time zones are IANA time zones or friendlier Ruby on Rails time zones.

useremail: string

The default email address of the user.

userlocale: string

The user's preferred language, from the list of languages Canvas supports. This is in RFC-5646 format.

useravatartoken: string

A unique representation of the avatar record to assign as the user's current avatar. This token can be obtained from the user avatars endpoint. This supersedes the user [avatar] [url] argument, and if both are included the url will be ignored. Note: this is an internal representation and is subject to change without notice. It should be consumed with this api endpoint and used in the user update endpoint, and should not be constructed by the client.

useravatarurl: string

To set the user's avatar to point to an external url, do not include a token and instead pass the url here. Warning: For maximum compatibility, please use 128 px square images.

useravatarstate: string

Allowed values: none, submitted, approved, locked, reported, re_reported

usertitle: string

Sets a title on the user profile. (See Get user profile.) Profiles must be enabled on the root account.

userbio: string

Sets a bio on the user profile. (See Get user profile.) Profiles must be enabled on the root account.

userpronouns: string

Sets pronouns on the user profile. Passing an empty string will empty the user's pronouns Only Available Pronouns set on the root account are allowed Adding and changing pronouns must be enabled on the root account.

userevent: string

Allowed values: suspend, unsuspend

overridesisstickiness: boolean

Default is true. If false, any fields containing “sticky” changes will not be updated. See SIS CSV Format documentation for information on which fields can have SIS stickiness