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interface CodeScanningAlertClosedByUserEvent
import { type CodeScanningAlertClosedByUserEvent } from "";


action: "closed_by_user"
alert: { number: number; created_at: string; url: string; html_url: string; instances: (AlertInstance & { state: "dismissed"; })[]; most_recent_instance?: AlertInstance; state: "dismissed"; dismissed_by: User; dismissed_at: string; dismissed_reason:
| "false positive"
| "won't fix"
| "used in tests"
| null
; rule: { id: string; severity:
| "none"
| "note"
| "warning"
| "error"
| null
; description: string; name?: string; full_description?: string; tags?: null; help?: null; }; tool: { name: string; version: string | null; guid?: string | null; }; }

The code scanning alert involved in the event.

ref: string

The Git reference of the code scanning alert. When the action is reopened_by_user or closed_by_user, the event was triggered by the sender and this value will be empty.

commit_oid: string

The commit SHA of the code scanning alert. When the action is reopened_by_user or closed_by_user, the event was triggered by the sender and this value will be empty.

repository: Repository
sender: User
installation: InstallationLite
organization: Organization